❝ the basketball which cho eunmi plays





❝ キセキの世代
❝ キセキ世代
❝ キセキの世代


username. lavenderpeach
nickname. peach
activity. 10/10




i am serious

character name. Cho Eunmi
nicknames. Mimi - what the other members of Gom call her as a nickname
age. 16
date of birth08/16/1997
birthplace. Seoul, South Korea
hometown. Seoul, South Korea
languagesKorean - fluent (native language)



you'll see something amazing

ulzzang. Jang Haebyeol
  links. gallery
backup ulzzang. Lee Dasom
  links. gallery
styleEunmi's style is extremely casual. Her closet is full of long comfortable shirts, and the same with the pants. Sometimes it's hard to distingush between her regular clothes and her work out clothes, because both are very similar. However her mother is very sneaky and will often change out some of her old clothes for cuter and more femine ones. 
appearenceShe has three piercings on both of her ears. She's just recently cut her hair short and dyed it blonde. Eunmi stands at a solid 176 cm and 58kg. Although she doesn't have a tattoo she has been asking her mom to let her get one, but has yet to succeed.



in order to win...

personality traits
                //: Positive: Straightforward, Fearless, Quick Witted
               //: Negative: Blunt, Indifferent, Lazy
Eunmi is extremely straightfoward. She is the kind of person who will tell you how it is on the spot, not to mention give you the full run down on how y you really were. This of course means that she doesn't have a lot of friends or people she's close to because of it. Though the same is said for those that like her because of that reason alone. When it comes to basketball she is very fearless. Nothing will stop her from making that shot or stopping the other team from making their own pass. Even if it means that she's going to end up injured for doing it, she'll take the injury before she lets anyone win a game while going against her. Back when she first started middle school, Eunmi was extremely competitive and always looked for a good match, and to this day if she finds a worthy enough opponent that competitive streak becomes apparent once again. This girl is quick witted to a fault, as she has a comeback for just about any comment thrown her way. Seriously she's about as good as making comments as she is at making baskets. That also means that Eunmi can take it just as much as she can dish them, and nothing really gets under her skin. 

However her extreme straightfoward attitude makes her very blunt and come across as being rather rude to others. Eunmi doesn't know the meaning of the phrase "hold back" and often takes it over the top and crosses the fine line between honest and mean. Though half the time you don't know if she just doesn't realize it or just doesn't care about the other person's feelings. You can bet that she will never sugar coat or say it in a way that is the least hurtful. Eunmi is also very indifferent and doesn't care about anything. When younger she was more excited and hardworking but somewhere along the way she turned into the person she is now. She looks at everything with a nonchalant attitude and will often skip classes and practices because she just didn't feel like going. She shows no interest in anything that she does, and usually does a particular task half heartedly putting no real effort into it. That being said Eunmi is also a lazy person and can also be seen sleeping in class, and on the school roof. She doesn't really care for doing anything that requires activity, despite her being such a gifted basketball player. She would rather be napping somewhere in the sun than actually do anything productive.
Eunmi was born into an upclass family. in the middle of Seoul, with her father being a lawyer, and her mother a very successful painter. Ever since she was young she was always very active, running around playing with all the kids her age, and having tons of fun doing it. So it was easy to see that she was a rather popular girl during her childhood as she would talk to and have fun with everyone who would listen to her. During elementary school she had fallen in love with playing basketball, and would ask anyone who was willing, girl or boy if they would play with her. Even if they didn't she would still play on her own simulating the game in her head. Needless to say she was absolutely in love with the sport, and when it came time to pick a middle school there was only one that she had in mind, Dakyung. It was one that was very well known for it's amazing and famos basketball team, and she had made it her goal to go there and make the team. 

Right off the bat she was accepted and was a starter on the elite basketball team. At first she loved it, and enjoyed every minute hanging with the other girls who also became starters when she did. There was nothing Eunmi loved more than playing basketball with the others, at least during the first two years of playing. One the third year started something changed in all the girls, not just Eunmi. Each and every one seemed to not put their whole heart into playing like they did before, but you couldn't really blame them as no team out there could ever come close to beating them. Even worse most teams gave up before the game even ended, and because of that Eunmi didn't find basketball fun like it was in the beginning. She had started skipping practices and hardly playing anymore, showing up late for some games. No matter how much she was lectured, she just shrugged saying it didn't matter and they were going to win anyways, which always proved true. She had only decided to go to Kangyon High because she was scouted by them and it would be a waste to say no. Secretly though she was glad to go to a different school than the other gom members because at least this way she could fight someone who would at least come a little closer to beating her, hopefully making basketball fun again.

✰ Sleeping 
✰ Outdoors
✰ Coffee
✰ Lemons

✰  Chocolate
✰ Winter
✰ Not having a worthy opponent
✰ Being interrupted when sleeping
✰ Having her hiding spot found out
✰ Cracks her neck when irritated or exasperated
✰ Yawns when bored, so pretty much all the time
✰ Blinks her eyes a lot when tired
✰ Rolls her eyes when being lectured at, as well tuning said person out
✰ Basketball
✰ Sleeoing

 Is an only child
✰ Used to love basketball but got bored winning all the time
✰ Comes from a wealthy family 
✰ Is allergic to oranges
✰ Can often be found on the roof of the school or by the basketball court
✰ Has two cats named Luna and Artemis (she was a huge fan of sailor moon when younger)



i'm glad i met you

✰ Mother | Cho Subin | 48 | painter | Outgoing, Kind, Forgetful, Ditzy | Even though her mother is almost the exact opposite they get along surprisingly well. Her mother often asks her to pose for her paintings or they will paint together, even though Eunmi is absolutely awful when it comes to anything that isn't basketball.
✰ Father | Cho Wooshik | 50 | lawyer | Honest, Strict, Distant, Hardworking | These two don't really interact with each other much as he's really busy working most of the time, and Eunmi spends a lot of her free time lounging around a basketball court. He doesn't really approve of her playing basketball, wanting her to focus more on her studies but there was no doubt she was talented so he went along with it for the most part.
best friend
✰ None
✰ Lee Jieun | 16 | Student | They met during the first couple days of the new school year, as they were both in the same class and on the basketball team | Quiet, Weakwilled, Positive Bright | These two are like cat and mouse, or at least that's how the upperclassmen describe them. Jieun is always apologizing for when she can't convince Eunmi to come to practice, even though she's tried on many occassions. But even though it doesn't seem like the two are close, in actually Eunmi does think of the girl like a friend but of course she'll never admit it.
✰ She doesn't consider anyone her rival



don't get the wrong idea

love interest. Jongdae
  backup. Chanyeol, Sehun
personality traits
                //: Positve: Charming, Easy going, Intelligent
               //: Negative: Boastful, Flirtatious, Impulsive
Jongdae is definitely a charming person. Just talking to him will give this pleasant feeling and just want to spend more and more time with him. You can also imagine that the boy can talk his way out of almost any situation, whether it's getting out of trouble or getting an extension on an assignmet, 9 times out of 10 he will get it. It's quite the impressive skill. He is also very easy going and is extremely easy to get along with. He can befriend anyone that crosses his way, and has absolutely no problem going up to someone who he has never met before and start a conversation. Usually he'll come back with a number showing off to the other guys. Jongdae can be seen as a flirtatious person, constantly going up to girls and openly flirting with them and then bragging about it later to his group of friends or the basketball team. Sometimes he'll take his flirting too far or saying something wrong that'll give him a nice smack in the face or an angry girl leaving him in a huff. But no matter how many times he's shot down, he bounces back almost instantly and tries again. Jongdae is a rather impulsive individual and tends to most things without thinking it through first, except when it comes to basketball. When playing basketball he's actually very catious and thinks everything through before making his play, using is great intelligence to his upmost advantage
how you met/meetThese two met right before Eunmi's first official practice at Kangyon high. Of course the girl was sneaking around, trying not to be caught in the middle of skipping practice. In the middle of the school hallway the two ran into each other, and Jongdae never seeing the girl before started his usual charm and flirting skills on her, but unfortunately he was brushed off just like that and Eunmi left the school, without so much as a glance at the poor boy.
These two interactions are rather amusing to watch. Because Jongdae doesn't know how to give up and just let go the fact that the girl isn't interested, and Eunmi trying so hard to ignore him without beating him upside the head with a brick. It's hard to find one without the other, as the boy has made it his goal to make the girl fall for him and she in return just wants him to leave her be and let her sleep. But also because Jongdae doesn't leave her alone, it also makes it harder for her to hide and not go to practice as he is usually asking her why she isn't there, or if something is wrong. However every so often the two end up playing 1 on 1 against each other, though usually a bet is invovled whether it's to get Jongdae to leave her alone for a week, or if Eunmi has to go on a date with him. Unfortunately Jongdae is always on the losing end, but like most times he never gives up on her. 



don't underestimate us!!

schoolKangyon High
positionPower Forward
what were you in gom. Ace
jersey number. 6
strengths fast plays, shooting, running
weaknesses . Doesn't really care about the game, Can be very careless, defense 



that's talent for ya

questions/commentshere's my character hope you like her. I kind of sort of based her off Aomine sort of. He's honestly my favorite character, even though just trying to pick a favorite in that show is difficult enough. But be sure to tell me anything you want me to fix or change c:
scene requests Eunmi being dragged to practice by one of her new teammates.

↺ the generation of miracles


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