Passionate idols are crying

Everyone you idolize wakes up scared to be themselves sometimes.

Pete Wentz (dec. 2005)

I really hate what's going on right now with everything that's going on but what I hated most out of all is how fans are reacting to it. It's just so stupid.

I cannot understand. You can't just decide to leave someone you idolizes just because your idol dates someone else that isn't you or that they decide to go be an actor and chase his initial dream.

Be realistic.

They're the ones wakes up everyday, train, sing, dance, perform despite how tiring it can be for you and you just decides to be selfish and leave. See how funny that sounds? 

They're having a hard time and instead of comforting them at the time they need us most, some are leaving...

If you're a true fan, you'll support your idol reagardless. Because you know they deserve to be whoever they want to be or who they dream to become because they deserve that much.

They stay positive and continued on because they don't want to dissappoint those who stayed for them. If it's hard for us to accept the fact they have to continue on with everything that's going on, they had to accept and continued with a heavy heart.

They're smilling but do you think it's easy to do so? They're smiling because of those who stayed by their side because they haven't give up yet. That maybe there's a way and a future for all of them.

They're not giving up yet so why are you? Why are we? They can choose to like and date anyone they like because they're human beings too. Why are we livigng if we can't do things that we like?




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Totally agree with you.
I'm more upset with many of the fans rather than the idols themselves. They aren't doing anything wrong by dating other people if they feel they're ready to date, let them date. We don't have to like who they're with, but, we should at least treat them and their partner like human beings I'm sure the haters wouldn't like it if someone bashed them for having a boyfriend or girlfriend so what gives them the right to bash the idols?

We're all human and should all be treated with respect. I get so angry when fans act like they can control an idol's relationship like that these are real people we're dealing with here. They don't need crappy fans in their already stressful lives, some idols get depressed by people like that it's sad and very disappointing in those type of fans.
Where did you get that last gif?
I think what people failed to realise that is that even idols are humans. Deception, that's what they do and that's what make people think that they are some perfect god when in fact they're just like us. They laugh, they cry , they get angry. It's just that they don't show it. People are just pointing fingers now thinking that they are protecting their idols but paradoxically, they are hurting them even more.
The real fans are the ones who stay by their sides.
Preach it! Thank you. I don't understand fans sometimes