❂ ( Unfavored Circumstances ) → Modern Merida (Fay)


Bow to the Queen!;  about me

REBELLIOUS - Fay stood definately in front of her mother who was yelling at her for what seemed like the upteenth time that day alone. She was waiting for the first string of insults to be thrown before yelling back with just as much force and brutality that her mother had just thrown her. Who cares if she's the one who gave birth to her? As far as Fay knew they might as well be strangers at this point. 

ADVENTUROUS - She waited until she knew that everyone was asleep before making her escape out of the house. She didn't stop running until she reached the park a few blocks away from that horrid place she called her home. Finally after what seemed like forever Fay stopped running and took a deep breath of the crisp winter air, a smile finally coming across her face. 

BRAVE - Fay ran right in the middle of the fight, without so much as a second thought that she was in for a world of hurt. Her only priroity was to stop the two from fighting before all of them got into trouble from the higher ups. As she pulled the two guys off each other, she took a punch to the face, obviously leaving a nasty bruise in it's wake. 

CARELESS - She spit out the dirt that had made its way into . It's not her fault she didn't see that person right there successfully running into him and launching the both of them into the ground. So she missed a couple of drills and wasn't really listening to the instructions, it's the guys fault that she ran into him honestly. 

PRIDEFUL - Fay refused to look at the man in front of her in the eye. As she refused to tell them the truth, that she screwed up. Never in a million years will she ever ever tell someone that she messed up or that she was wrong. She can't afford to be wrong, not to mention this particular incident really wasn't her fault. 

HARSH - She turned around without even a little remorse for the words she just said to her. It's not like she hasn't heard any of it before anyway. It was only a matter of time before someone told the poor girl, life isn't fair, and Fay knows that first hand. She was only helping the girl out showing her first hand just how mean people really are. 

ALOOF - Fay walked briskly across the station without making eye contact or exchanging greetings with anyone. It's not like any of them started the conversation why should she? The very aura around her was cold as ice as she passed person after person shoving a few here and there before finally making it to her desired destination, where she sighed and sat down, suddenly exhausted.

QUICK TEMPERED - Fay kicked the nearest chair in anger. She couldn't believe what had just happened. How? With her right there even, once again he had gotten the best of her and she hated it. She let out a scream of anger bofore puching the near by wall as a way to vent out her frustration. Just when someone was about to ask her what was wrong she screamed at them to just leave her alone and not bother her. "Damn it." she muttered.

JANUARY 1, 1992 || 22
NOVEMBER 22, 1990 || 24

The Causes; ↴ background

Fay was born into a very pretigous family. Both of her parents here well known and high sought after lawyers, and of course as their first born they expected Fay to be the same. However it was clear pretty much as soon as the girl was a few years old that those plans were not really going to work. Instead of reading and learning, and going to the private lessons that her parents had so graciously paid for, she would skip them and venture around the city often taking the subway to the downtown area. She was often getting into a lot of trouble and a lot of lectures from both parents as they expected nothing but the best from their first born. It was an uphill battle between following what she wanted to do and doing what her parents expected of ehr. 

By the time she was in high school she had three younger brothers, but unlike their older sister they had fully accepted what their parents had planned for them. That of course just made Fay more of an outcast in her own home. Not to mention she was still trying to come up with a way to tell her parents that while they so deseparately tried to make her a laywer what she really wanted to do was become a cop and be out on the field while up holding the law that she had learned so much about as a child. When she had finally told them about her dream it was no surprise that they were absolutely livid with her. All the years and money they spent on her and she was going to throw it all away to become a measly cop. A huge fight broke out between the three of them until Fay had finally had enough of them and ran out of the house, only to never return back again. 

It was when she ran out of the house that she ran into an upperclassman at her private school, Jang Dongwoo. Of course he reconginzed her right away and had asked her for her help with something. Thinking nothing of it at the time she agreed, only to end up sitting at a cold hard table a cop and her parents on the other side and a bag of drugs in the center between them. What had seemed like a small favor turned into her becoming a scapegoat and him running off free from the cops. The night went from worse to life changing when her parents looked straight at her and denied her as their child leaving her in custody of the cops without even turning back. 

After that the years passed by in a blur for Fay, after being sent to juvy for a few years, to getting her life back on track and finally making it into the police academy. Of course those years in training were no walk in the park but they were nothing compared to the anger that she harbored for Dongwoo. And when she finally graduated and became a full fledged cop she swore that one day she would find him again and finally get the closure, reason, and revenge on the man who had esentually changed her life in a matter of hours. Fay was never one who forgot, and you can bet that even after all this time she still remembers his face clearly, and even if she has to leave the city to hunt him down so be it. 

The Boy Toy(s); ↴ lover

JANG DONGWOO (REINCARNATION OF WILL OF THE WISP) Dongwoo can easily be said as the reason behind everything. He was the one in school who knew everyone and everything that went on in everyone's lives. The same applied to Fay. He knew all aout her parents, but then again who didn't, and most of all he knew all about how she wasn't getting along with them and they were fighting, so that's when he had hatched his plan it was perfect after all. It was no accident that he had met up with Fay that night and it was no accident that he had planted the bag on her person, nor the cops showing up when they did, catching the girl in the act. 

Of course if you asked him he would say that he did it out of pity for the girl as she now has what she wants and is doing what she always dreamed of, he had just pushed her in the right direction. You can't follow your dreams without giving up somehting in return and that was her price for her freedom. But if you ask Fay it's a completely different story she'll tell you that he was a lier and that he caused her a lot of pain and suffering so he needs to pay for what he had done to her. Whenever his name happens to be brought up she'll become increasingly irritated and very angry what what seems like no apparent reason because they don't know the history between them. As he is now a well known drug seller and smuggler but everytime they corner him he always manages to give them the slip which does not improve her mood at all. 

It doesn't help that Dongwoo always pops up whenever Fay leasts expects it. Now whether it's just a cociedence or fate only Dongwoo really knows. He'll show up right in the middle of one of her assignments often asking her how's it going and leading her astray and getting her into more and more trouble with her supervisor. She hates the fact that she cannot do anything to one up him and gets beyond frustrated whenever he manages to get one step ahead of her which is almost always, and even when he's backed into a corner Dongwoo somehow still manages to evade danger while still managing to piss Fay off at the same time. He's the one assignment that she can never complete no matter how many times she has tried. 


A Curse's Weakness;  passwords


Theme Song    


Descendent or reincarnation? Reincarnation
*Nickname(s): n/a
Job: police officier
⇒ Jogging
⇒ Doing anything that involves outside
⇒ Archery
⇒ When angry she'll either yell or kick something as a way to vent it. Sometimes she'll go for really long walks as a way to clear her head
⇒ When sad she'll devote all her time into whatever assignment she has as a way to avoid the feelings that she has. 
⇒ She'll bit her lip and look away when she's trying not to say something that would get her into trouble, though it doesn't really have much of an effect 
⇒ Avoids eye contact when lying 
⇒ When she's happy she'll just have this small smile on her face, and will be less cold to others than she usually is
⇒ Is deathly allergic to any kind of peanut product 
⇒ Cannot cook to save her life so she lives off fast food and microwavable food
⇒ Is very much a tomboy and is often misunderstood as being a boy, epsecially when at the police station 
⇒ She is quite skilled at hand to hand combat and can hold her own against anyone, male or female
⇒ Enjoys archery and will practice it whenever she has the time. Her aim is impecible
Madeline (mother) | 50 | Lawyer | Needless to say these two do not get along at all and whenever they see each other they will usually fight and agrue. Although after the incident whenever the two cross the other's path no words are spoken and they act like total strangers, it's hard to believe that the two are even mother and daughter. 
Damien (father) | 50 | Lawyer | Much the same interaction as with her mother, except instead of just ignoring her, he'll still often try to lecture her about the huge mistake that she has made and that her life will never mean anything. However Fay isn't fazed by it and will often just tell her two sense to him and walk on like nothing happened. 
Love Interests: 
#1 Jang Dongwoo | Drug Deller/Smuggler | On the outside Dongwoo seems like a happy go lucky guy. He's always smiling and laughing with everyone who crosses his path. He'll often offer his help to someone in need with what seems like nothing but good intentions, but on the inside he's someone quite different. Taking advantage of those and helping them in abstract ways that will get the other in trouble, Dongwoo has no problem exploiting someone's weakness as a way to make his own escape. Underneath that nice guy and helpful image he is actually quite manipulative and has an uncanny ability to make use of people in the best way possible for his own outcome. He is definitely someone who is almost two faced in a way and you never know what side of him you're going to get. His strategies are ones that constantly have those after him on their head becasue they have no idea what goes on in his head and have no way to counter him.  | reincarnation-will of the wisp
Ending: I leave this part all up to you. c:


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thanks for the update
nothing seems wrong :D