▤ ( paperhuts ) :: Nguyen Mai; The Pastry Chef

Nguyen Mai


applicant. Hellokitty10755
active rate. 8-9
nickname. Yoora

plotline. the pastry Chef
 Nguyen Mai (Kwon Kyung Mi)
nicknames. ...
birthdate. March 14, 1993
AGE. 21
ethnicity. Vietnamese-Korean
languages. Vietnamese (Advanced), Korean (Advanced)


face claim: 
backup face claim:
∞ Baking: To her, baking is a form of art that you can express yourself with.

∞ Pastel Colors: anything that has pastel colors is high on her radar because she thinks pastel colors are the prettiest.

∞ Mystical things: She has a broad imagination and it helps her come up with ideas for her newer pastries. 

∞ Cameras: Taking pictures is always a great way for her to relive her favorite memories that she never wants to forget.

∞ Singing: A great way For her to relieve her stress, besides baking.

∞ Flowers: If arranged with the right flowers, she'll be very happy. plus flowers make very pretty pastry decorations.

∞ Quiet Places: when everything is quiet, she can calm down and think about things.
∞ People not liking her pastries: She works hard to get the recipe right for each pastry, so to hear someone say they don't like it is really harsh for her.

∞ Criticism: she hates it when someone looks over her shoulder when she's doing something and goes, "Are you sure that's how you want it to look like?"

∞ Loud places: it make her Head hurt with all the noise.

∞ Not enough Space: She needs to spread everything out so she can just grab it. If there's not enough space, she panics.

Father | Nguyen Hung | 56 | Doctor | 7 or 8
Mother | Kwon Hyun-Jae | 54 | Baker | 6 or 7

Mai was born in Vietnam with two loving parents and then moved to Korea at the age of 13. Though her parents were caring and kind, they were also very strict. They allowed her to do the things she like but only if she didn't go overboard with them. They were also strict on her future. They wanted her to have a good paying job that will let her have food and a roof over her head. They disregarded Mai's talent for baking because that would never give her a good job but they did let her do it as a hobby. When she found a job at Paperhuts, her parents went berserk but when Mai told them that if they let her keep the job, she would pay for college herself. Finally with a lot of persuading, they finally agreed to let her keep the job. Once Mai entered college, she secretly picked Home Economics as her major and she kept it as a secret for a while until her parents found out when they recieved her report card. They were fuming as Home Economics is an uncommon and unconvetional major that not many people can get good jobs after they finish college. But after more persuading, her parents finally calmed down after they told her that if anything went wrong after she finished college, it would be her fault.

character personality

List out the characteristics: Trustworthy, Mysterious, Intelligent, Caring, Shy, Forgetful

She's very trustworthy to everyone she meets because you can tell her all your secrets and you don't have to worry about her telling someone else. She understands that if one person tells someone their secrets, they don't want the whole world knowing those secrets. That's why they're secrets and secrets should be kept private. Another great reason to tell her your secrets is that she's very forgetful. She'll forget where she places things and she either has to retace her steps or ask someone else if  they've seen what she misplaced. On the other hand, she's very intelligent, as she is the top student in her Home Economics class.

Because she's working behind the scenes, she's very mysterious. Not many people know who she really is. Every once in a while, she'll come out and say thank you to a certain customer who wanted to say thank you to the chef. Other than that, she's really shy and prefers staying behind the scenes while watching people enjoy her pastries. Though she is mysterious and shy, she's very caring about other people. 

love interest
love interest. Lee Kiseop (U-Kiss)
Back-up LOVE INTEREST. Jinyoung (b1a4)
age. 23 (Kiseop), 22 (Jinyoung)
relationship. Friends →Crushes

His blood type is Type A so naturally he wants everything to be perfect because he is a perfectionist and he's very organized. Books must be in order (alphabetical order), picture frames must be lined up, and so forth. He suffers from OCD (Obcessive Compulsion Disorder) and the only way to get that pit in his stomach to go away is for everything to be perfect. He's very honest and hates people who are liars. He's very caring and has a good relationship with his family. He may look like someone who can woo girls easily, but in reality, whenever he's around girls, he gets nervous and clusmy. He's very scared of boneless animals as they look creepy to him. Because he wants everything to be perfect, he works harder every day and his parents are very worried about him because he's very devoted to his work and has almost become a workaholic. He works as a CEO of his own little company that isn't very stable at the moment so he's trying his hardest to try and stabilize his company.

But because he works so hard, he's frequently told to take a break and he stumbled upon Paperhuts.Not being an avid reader himself, he walked inside the café and ordered the first thing his eyes saw, which was a red velvet cupcake. Taking his first bite, Kiseop found them to be the best thing that he has ever tasted. Kiseop comes to the café everyday to order Mai's special red velvet cupcakes and because Mai knows he orders them (due to her watching in the back), she likes to add a special decoration on his cupcake whenever he orders. Finally she got the courage, after watching him several times, to add a little note to his cupcake that stated her name and her phone number. From then on, Kiseop and Mai passed notes everyday. Mai left her note to his cupcake and Kiseop would leave his note on his table where Mai would pick it up after he left. After getting to know each other, Kiseop decided that he really wanted to meet her. So he asked whether he could give his regards to the chef. Mai quickly stepped out and said thank you before running back to the kitchen.




COMMENTS. I'm not sure if the meeting is good or not. If you have any suggestions to change it, I'd love to hear it. Do you want a co-author? I can do a little coding with layouts that are already designed and I can do editing for you.

PASSWORD. paperhuts



layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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