How do you come up with titles?

I'm curious

How do y'all come up with story titles?

I have the worse time at it. It's so hard! Basically all of my stories are untitled or are song titles. I sometimes can name them after I have completed story but when writing fanfics, I'm posting them up before I finish them so I don't have a title usually.

I've read help guides on how to come up with titles but it still proves to be difficult for me.

Does anyone have any suggestions or methods they use to name their fics? Some fics have the most perfect names and I'm so jealous I can't come up with something cool like that!

Any opinions would be appreciated! I need tips!


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I tend to think of what is the main problem of the story. What the internal conflict, external conflict, or problem that they have. So think: is there some thing that symbolizes my character and what they are going through? is there a flaw the protagonist possess that had to be fixed?
Repeatedly ask your self questions about the story. It'll help if you write then out on paper too~ if you want an example or two, I can give that. Hope this helps, I'm not quite the best writer, but I live making titles

~ Until Next Time!