Quiz #93 What Safari Animal Are You?

Take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whatsafarianimalareyouquiz/

Share ur results~




          You Are a Giraffe



        You are a down to earth and realistic creature. You are able to take the long view on things.

You worry more than most people. You tend to see what's coming before anyone else does.

You are very quiet and reserved. You prefer being an observer to being the center of attention.

You enjoy routine. You need structure in your life to feel truly happy and relaxed.



well, i'm awesome at observing anyway...ppl won't even notice it.../grins/...but i must say my temper might not be so mild...


other results:


          You Are a Tiger



        You are an even tempered, controlled person. You assess situations carefully.

You are aggressive, but you are never out of control. You pick and choose your battles.

You are rational and calm. Even if something should affect you, you don't let it.

You are cool and calculating. People can rely on you, as long as they don't cross you!




          You Are a Zebra



        You are an easygoing and friendly person. You find getting along with people to be a snap.

You are creative and expressive. You always have your own unique view on things.

You deal with conflict well, and you never take anything too personally. You are always willing to compromise.

You make a good leader. You don't mind being in charge, and you're always happy to listen to feedback.




          You Are a Lion



        You are a highly charged, emotional person. You are very restless and energetic.

You tend to be moody and a bit impulsive. It's easy for something or someone to get under your skin.

You are quick to take action. You act on your intuition, and you're always ready to get going.

You are very sensitive and even a bit touchy. You have a pretty frightening temper.





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"i'm awesome at observing" pffsh in other word ur a stalker /coughs/

anyway i got zebra~~

"You are an easygoing and friendly person. You find getting along with people to be a snap."-*snaps*

"You are creative and expressive. You always have your own unique view on things."-sure?

"You deal with conflict well, and you never take anything too personally. You are always willing to compromise."-depends on my mood xD tho i'm too lazy sometimes..

"You make a good leader. You don't mind being in charge, and you're always happy to listen to feedback."-ehh no me bad at leading o.o NO LEADING.