Quiz #91 What Type of Book Are You?

Take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whattypeofbookareyouquiz/

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mine (well, it's one of these two since there's one question's answer confusion):


          You Are a Memoir



        You're funny, but many people don't see your funny side. Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.

You have your own quirky ideas about the world. You see so much light and promise.

You have no patience for small talk or niceties. You want to have conversations of substance.

You are an amazing storyteller. You always have a new story to relate, and your friends love to listen to you.



hahahah, am i funny?


          You Are a Fantasy Book



        You can't help but see the world as how you want it to be. You are an idealist.

You don't put bounds or limitations on your thoughts. You are a down to earth daydreamer.

You can picture whole other worlds and lives. You have a very vivid imagination.

You're the type of person who would like to believe anything is possible. You believe there's so much more to this world than what we see.



sigh...well, but who isn't a dreamer? only boring people aren't.../though i'm boring too/


other results:


          You Are a Literary Fiction Book



        You are a great connoisseur of the arts. You can recognize talent of all kinds.

You appreciate strangeness. You understand how difficult it is to be different.

You are intellectually open-minded. You like your beliefs and ideas being challenged.

You like solitude... in fact, you prefer it. You are your own best friend.




          You Are a Romance Book



        You tend to get in trouble with love, but it's always been a fun ride. Love has been your greatest adventure.

Your heart is carefree, wild, and irresponsible. You let your heart lead you, even when it leads you astray.

You only know how to live authentically. You're not the type of person who can fake it.

You are very emotionally in tune. You believe feelings matter, and you pay attention to them.




          You Are a Self-Help Book



        You are authentic and real. When in doubt, you choose to be truthful - even when it hurts.

You are everything you seem to be. You keep it real, and you aren't too good to be true.

You are goal-oriented. You set goals often, and you almost always meet them.

Your friends and family have a high opinion of you, but you're still very humble. You put others first.




          You Are a How-To Book



        You are confident about your place in the world, and you've happily carved out your own niche.

You have no desire to lead or follow. You prefer to not be a part of the crowd.

You act without consulting others. You prefer to make decisions on your own.

You know a lot, and you're always learning more. You believe in being self-sufficient.






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I am a literary fiction book...
u r an amazing story teller thats true XD
guess what i got~
not same as u tho u.u