« matchers jung chaerin

Jung Chaerin

« lavenderpeach / peach / activity rate 10 »

The Matchers

Plotline: The Leader

Character name: Jung Chaerin

⇒ RinRin - what most of the other matchers call her 
⇒ Chae - what Sunggyu calls her 

Birthday: 12/25/1989

Age: 24

Birthplace / Hometown: Seoul, South Korea || Seoul, South Korea

School: Currently not in school

Faceclaim: Kiko

Backup: Lee Hosin 


The Details



⇒ Helping Others 

⇒ Reading - especially poetry 

⇒ Walking around the Seoul

⇒ Fall and Winter

⇒ The Countryside

⇒ Cheesecake

⇒ Coffee - she always has a cup in the morning

⇒ Baking - mainly cakes, brownies, and cupcakes. She always has something at the office for the clients to eat. 

⇒ Bubble Tea - her second favorite drink next to coffee

⇒ Noodle dishes - especially naengmyeon


⇒ Super hot weather 

⇒ People who are rude for no reason

⇒ Being interrupted when reading, or working

⇒ Disappointing her mom 

⇒ Others seeing her upset 

⇒ Spiders 

⇒ Super spicy food

⇒ Heights

⇒ People who only help themselves and don't think about others


⇒ Walking

⇒ Drawing 

⇒ Baking 

⇒ Collecting Postcards from all over 


⇒ Twirls her hair around her finger when nervous

⇒ Sighs a lot when frustrated with work or is stuck on a particular client

⇒ Often hums songs while baking and working at the office

⇒ Avoids eye contanct when she's lying to someone

⇒ Becomes very talkative and stutters when uncomfortable with someone and is trying to avoid their questions

⇒ Tries to make sure that everyone is comfortable kind of like a mother would

⇒ Her face turns extremely red when embarrassed or she is asked a rather embarrassing question

⇒ Covers while clapping when she laughs or is amused with something


⇒ Took over the shop when her mother got sick. After she got better it was decided that Chaerin would still look after the shop. 

⇒ Chaerin is always the one to settle the arguements between the other matchers as well as the clients sometimes

⇒ She is actually half Korean and half Japanese

⇒ Has only had one boyfriend in her life, and that was back in high school. They dated for three years before they decided to break up. Chaerin barely remembers him now, her mind filled with nothing but the shop.

⇒ Takes great joy out of helping others, but often forgets about taking care of herself

⇒ Often forgets how to have fun because she's too busy working and helping the clients who come to the shop needing help.

⇒ Was always a good student in school and was always near the top of her class

⇒ Lives on her own in a small one room apartment above the matchmakers shop

⇒ She has a really hard time saying no to people, and can be a tad weak willed. 


⇒ Chaerin is all about helping others. Seriously it's all she ever does besides working, and the girl never spends any time for herself to let loose and have fun. She forgets that she needs attention too and focuses all her time into making sure others are happy forgetting her own needs in the process. She is often teased for being a stick in the mud or living her entire life under a pile of papers. Well for the most part they would be right, ever since she was small Chaerin was always one that played by the rules. She never ever went against regulations and stayed far away from trouble, and so everyone always though that she was the teacher's pet during school because of her constant good behavior. She can be a bit stuck up at times always lecturing others when they do something that she doesn't feel is ethical or right, which does get on the nerves of the other match makers because they are often the ones who will hear her lectures. It's pretty obvious to know that Chaerin is an extreme perfectionist and rather OCD. If there is a mess or something isn't right she will spend several minutes trying to fix it and once again make it perfect. It's kind of funny to watch the calm and collected leader become almost a mess because she spotted a mess in the shop. 

⇒ Even with her stuck up and perfectionist self, Chaerin is almost like the mom of the others. She cares and lives for others, offering herself as someone they can come to when they need to talk or rant about something. Her doors are always open for them, and it doesn't matter what time it was, even in the middle of the night, she will answer and let whoever needs her in with a smile and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate waiting for them. Chaerin is very considerate of others always making sure that they are comfortable and that she doesn't say something that will hurt or upset the other person. She will do everything to make sure that she isn't a burden to others, and that everything she does is for the good and wellbeing of the shop. She is the kind of person who once she is given responsiblity she will do everything to make sure it gets done and that the person who entrusted it to her doesn't become disappointed with her if she doesn't do as well of a job as they thought. Chaerin has always been a smart and wise person, ever since she was younger and knew the difference between right and wrong. That being said she is very honest and straightforward person, she tries to be as honest as possible, though mainly because she's a terrible lier and the person will know right away when she does it. 

⇒ One would think that Chaerin was one that had everything under control and for the most part she does, but she does get embarrassed rather easily, such as one just bringing up her past relationship will have her blushing like a crazy person and her face as red as a tomato. She is also very compassionate and treats everyone's problems as if they were hers and shows a lot of sympathy for others. But she is also very very weak willed and often lets other's get the best of her and sometimes taking advantage of her nice and considerate nature. 


⇒ Chaerin was born on the 25th of December in the middle of a cold winter. Ever since she was little Chaerin was always smart and a tad on the quiet side. She didn't have a lot of friends growing up, with her head always stuck in a book. For the most part she had a rather normal childhood with a mother and a father but when she was in middle school that changed. It seemed that her parents didn't have quite the perfect marriage that she believed they did, and when she was in her second middle school year they got a divorce and her father went back to Japan to be closer to his family. Life seemed to stop for a while in the Jung household as Chaerin's mother didn't really know what she was supposed to do now with her daughter and with bills and rent coming up soon. However one night when the two of them were watching tv, a commercial for a dating website popped up, and that's when her mom screamed excitedly startling Chaerin. Looking at her mom, who was grinning and laughing at her genious plan, she became almost concerned that her moter had lost her mind. But when her mother had started talking excitedly about her plan to open a matchmaking shop to help those that want to find the person they truly belong with and can live with happily with that person, she couldn't help but get a little excited herself. That's how the shop came to be, thanks to a commercial. 

⇒ So when Chaerin started high school the shop was officially open for business. After school she would spend a lot of time at the shop, both helping clients and with just sitting around doing her homework there. The shop had been rather popular ever since the opening, and with help from a bunch of her mother's friends there were enough people working to make sure that it could keep up with all the clients that came in. It was during the first year of it's open did Chaerin actually find who she thought could be her own soulmate. The two were inseparable, well except when she would leave to help with the shop. They dated each other the entire three years of high school, everyone expected them to end up together forever but sadly that wasn't the case. It seemed like the two had their own dreams and ideas, Chaerin was going to stay in Seoul and help her mother with the shop, while he wanted to go to university overseas. It seemed like that their happily ever after, turned into a shattered illusion. Although she was sad about it, she knew that their relationship would have ended one way or another, nothing lasts forever after all. 

⇒ It was a few months after Chaerin had graduated high school when her mother fell ill and couldn't take care of the shop so instead of going to college she took over the shop to allow her mom some time to rest. It was while she was working there that she learned the joy of helping others and how much she loved seeing the smiles of the people they helped find their one true match. So even when her mother was back to full healthy Chaerin continued to work there. Even as she got older she continued to work at the shop and even moved into the apartment above the shop when she was old enough. It was her way of thanking her mother for all that's she done, and that she will gratefully look after the shop that she had put so many years and a lot of hard work into creating. She has been in charge of it ever since. 


The Family


Jung Hyerim / 47 / Mother:

⇒ Interactions: Chaerin and Hyerim get along like any mother and daughter would. Although a lot of the time it's hard to pick out which one is the mother and which one is the daughter. Most of the time it's Hyerim dragging her daughter all over the place to do something fun, and even now with her daughter being 24 to make her take breaks from the shop to go and have a girl's day just the two of them. Hyerim often drops by to see how things are going and to gossip with some of the matchers, much to her daughter's dismay. 


Ito Daichi / 48 / Father:

⇒ Interactions: Chaerin and her fatehr aren't very close at all and hardly talk at all, besides birthdays and holidays. He is the kind of person who will burn his bridges once he crosses them and therefore doesn't really talk to is ex-wife and daughter. Although he doesn't deny that she is his biological child but now that she's older she doesn't really need him like she would when she was younger. 



Kim Sunggyu

Love Interest: Kim Sunggyu

Backup: Lee Howon

⇒ Sunggyu is a kind soul. He'll help anyone in need no matter what it is, even if in the end it may cause him some trouble he'll still do it. He lives for others and is very much a people person. He loves being around people even though he himself can be actually reallyawkward at times. Because of his love of people he is very naive and too trusting. On many occassions did Sunggyu get scammed or duped into a product or scheme because one of his friends had asked him for help, and a few of those occassions he had even taken a trip to the police station because of that same friend. It's not that he's stupid, in all actuality he is rather smart, it's just that he lets his emotions and his love for the friends he's known since elementary school take advantage of him. The sad thing is Sunggyu knows that they are taking advantage of him, and he just lets them do it over and over again because he cares about them too much to let them go and them no. 

⇒ He is very open minded and adaptable to any situation. Sunggyu is one that sees his glass as half empty instead of half full and just rolls with the punches as they go. Nothing seems to bother him too much and can adapt himself to almost any situation and do it with such positivity that it's hard to not look at the world the way he does. He has the uncanny ability to make you want to believe in him and trust him unconditionally. Although he does have the tendency to nag just like a mother would a child. Once he finds out that you're not living or eating properly he will make sure that you get the proper three meals a day, and appropiate amount of water a day. Don't be surpised when he shows up at your house unannounced and gives a suprise inspection. He can also hold a grudge for a while if you upset him enough, although doing that itself, just proves that you had to do something extremely bad and unforgivable for him to actually get upset.

How You Meet:
⇒ Believe it or not the two actually first met during high school and he was the one that Chaerin had dated all those years ago. But due to conflicting dreams they parted ways and haven't seen each other for at least five or six years. So it's easy to understand that the two had actually ended forgetting each other. After studying abroad for several years Sunggyu decided to come back to his home town of Seoul and start look for a job here. It was then when their paths had crossed again, not that either noticed at first. They bumped into one another when they were both shopping at the same convience store, well that was the first time. The second time was when his friends had decided to sign him up and drag him to the match making shop so that he could find his one true love. This particular time he did remember who she was, though she was still clueless, since she had already forgotten about that part of her life.  

⇒ The main interactions between the two of them is awkward. Like extreme awkwardness. Only because Chaerin is doing everything she can to find the perfect person for Sunggyu and he's too busy staring at his one and only girlfriend. Because she doesn't remember him the entire atmosphere is just uncomfortable to be around and is sometimes suffocating. Because she is just so clueless it almost makes some of her friends want to bash her head against the desk to get her to understand what's right in front of her. Sunggyu doesn't show that her not knowing who he is bothering him, but honestly who wouldn't be bothered by it. Once she did finally realize who he was, that awkwardness multipled by several degrees. She is often teased by some of the other matchers because of it, and the fact that she forgot the only person she ever dated. But that doesn't stop Chaerin from doing her job and finding him the perfect person, even if her heart is about to explode every time she sees him. 



Anything Else: So soooo sorry for the super cliche story line. If you want me to change it just tell me and I'll try to make it less cliche and cheesy >_<.

Scene Requests:
⇒ Chaerin finally realizing who Sunggyu is and having a mild panic attack talking out loud to herself causing a scene in front of the other matchers much to their amusement. 
⇒ Any kind of awkward situation between the two of them. 



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