✕ / : R U N N I N G – B O Y S ! ↬ relationships / / kang soohyun

✕ / : running boys.

character's name: Kang soohyun

love interest #1:

another member of the show.

love interest #2:




relationship with love interest #1

whatever the other person comes up with.

outcome of relationship:

same as above.



relationship with love interest #2:


outcome of relationship




relationship with other members

Jo jin soo:

Soohyun feels a sort of weird connection with jinsoo. Both being leaders and having almost the same personality not to mention being the same age it's easy to understand that he would feel comfortable with him. soohyun feels that he is someone who he could talk to about leader things and rant about having crazy members who do whatever they want without thinking about the consequences. 

chung mu dae:

soohyun knows how mu dae feels about him especially with his not so secret uality. so as a way not to make the other uncomfortable he tries to stay away from mu dae giving enough distance between them so that the male won't be so awkward and uncomfortable that he can't focus on working. but one thing that soohyun doesn't really care for is mu dae's rather narastic attitude. 

lim yoon jin:

the one that you can never figure out what he's thinking. soohyun doesn't know how to feel or act around him as the boy is really quiet and hardly ever talks. though he does find his random outburst and blunt comments kind of amusing, even though those same comments can be rather harsh sometimes. though he's not close to him he doesn't really feel awkward or uncomfortable around yoon jin.

yoon jung han:

the exact opposite of yoon jin. jung han is very loud and speaks what he's exactly thinking. soohyun is rather envious of of his inability to care about what he's done or said in the past. the numerous scandals he's had and the fact that jung han continues on and doesn't regret it, just reminds how timid soohyun really is. he isn't close to jung han and is actually rather awkward when around him. 

jeon jae hyun:

the first word that comes to mind when jae hyun is mentioned would be adorable. the child is known for his cute actions and his obsession with the color pink. soohyun finds it a little weird that he carries a mirror where ever he goes, even when in the middle of a mission, but everyone has their own quirk. even though the child isn't in his own group soohyun can't help but watch out and worry about him. 


choi byung hee:

ah his extremely tricky and unpredictable son. yeah he didn't know when he become a father, but with byung hee constantly calling him dad it just kind of stuck. this kid's prankster attitude does make him on edge half the time, but soohyun is still a er for the baby of the group and is the usual target. he's the one that tries to reign in the child and make sure that he doesn't go overboard. 

jeon ji soo:

soohyun absolutely adores ji soo. but then again he adores all of s even when they drive him insane half the time. even though the boy is constantly running around without a care in the world, and is often making blunders on and off camera, it's hard to stay mad at him. though keeping the boy in check or even just trying to keep an eye on him is an impossible task in itself. 

kwon hyun soo:

the little awkward turtle of the group. Hyun soo is definitey lazy and it's hard for soohyun to motivate him in almost any way. but then he has moments of whining and begging so much that the leader can't help but give it to him. soohyun often worries about hyun soo being too uncomfortable or being too unenthusiatic that he tries to help him out whenever he does happen to be that way. 



other scene requests with love interest/s: whatever is fine for me. sorry for my lack of love interest. ; a;


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