to Muslims...terutamanya di Malaysia....-_-...

maybe semua orang dah tahu..... saya cuma sebarkan....Wallahu a'lam....tapi nasihat saya kalau dah was2...dan dicurigai memang jadi haram la hukumnya....kepada yang dah tahu baguslah...pada yang belum...ini berkenaan isu coklat cadbury yang ditemui ada dna babi...

sebenarnya kalau peka dah banyak jenama2 n produk2 popular sebelum ni yang didapati bermasalah dan menganiaya umat Islam baik di Malaysia mahupun luar negara...

tapi renung2kan sendiri n rajin2 la buat kajian sendiri....coz mencari yang halal itu wajib...makanan n minuman jadi darah daging...if you don't like whatever said here u can just shut up cuz i'm not asking whether u like it or not.

but seriously i'm fking disappointed with jakim, the govt, the companies n everything. so much for Muslim country. huh...rasa macam lagi bahaya lagi nak hidup ada la...especially kat bandar....semua bergantung kat produk2 yang datang dari entah mane...klu kat kampung tu boleh lagi tanam sendiri ke apa...

oh ya, kalau korang tau...even sayur kat pasar tu pun ada isu yang guna baja babi dan disahkan haram tapi mana nak tengok halal haram? bukan sayur kat pasar tu ada tulis halal ke tak halal or mana pembekal or kalau tau pun...apa baja yang diguna dorang pun tak terpaksa tawakal n mintak perlindungan Tuhan...

dan minyak angin pun ada yang haram tau? ada la sedara pergi kedai nak beli minyak untuk anak kembung perut ke hape dan tokey kedai ubat Cina tu tanya kenapa beli minyak yang ada kandungan babi...dia tahu coz dia dalam industri tu...

link2 random...malas nak pilih...

of coz they will deny don't say....-_-





so rumours often tend to be true/have some grounds afterall...

there's a reason my family has been avoiding some popular brands over the years....when we take our guard down bcuz hey, Jakim label is there...they should be safe n we shouldn't be oversuspicious as we had been the past years.......this happen...

-insert swear word-

lesson learnt.

i might have consumed a whole lotta haram substance now...and if we hadn't been suspicious...we could've consumed more...aaaarrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

before this among the recent ones...there's the popularrrr outlet's meatball issue(which i never eat anyway so yay) containing horse dna or something...n when i read overseas it contains pork too...(n do you really think they prepare the ones in Malaysia on our own? you're not that innocent are's already stated somewhere they already said they keep the standard n original ingredients blabla or else why would they stop selling it for months....?)...n other popular rumours involving big name brands...

i didn't eat this chocolate brand above for years for this suspicion reason, and there are many other popular brands stuffs we avoid bcuz of rumours that could be legit....but after much deliberation n reading......i figured out we shouldn't be too suspicious....but should never let your guard down...and i should've had my guard up when suddenly there's sale/jualan murah for cadbury chocolates....haaa. really....i feel stupid n fking disappointed. yesss....why am i so cheap..../slapped/

so, don't/never assume things are safe here juz cuz we're in Muslim much for's just in the fact, it's more dangerous bcuz so many things are overlooked n not to mention corruptions.

Kalau betul la negara Islam takdenye nak hidang arak kat semua tempat n event besar n not to mention....few years back ada lagi anjurkan festival guiness(arak) ke apa n boleh lagi boast cuma lima countries in the world yang dapat anjurkan mende ni n salah satunya ialah yes, negara Islam ini.../slowclap/ wtf....kenapa nak pedulik pandangan dan kehendak orang luar? kalau itu alasannya....dah nama negara up to your so called reputation...jangan sekadar pada nama....

sangat annoyed. dan harap umat Islam kat aff ni pun hati2 la dan bykkan research sendiri n mintaklah perlindungan....kalau tak kita jaga diri sendiri sape lagi? ade dorang kisah?

so sila la undi saya jadi pemerintah haha....not funny

sharing kat sini bukan nak bukak pekung...but sometimes when you don't speak out...all parties take for granted...n the ty cycle continues.

n saya tak cakap diri ni sempurna or baik sangat ok....tapi ni soal makan beb...dah melampau n dah meluat sangat dengan isu halal ke tak halal yang tak sudah2....

bak kata my sis.... /nak tobat makan coklat/ -_-


n satu lagi pada yang Islam tapi suka pegi restoran korea/or mane restoran la...pasal nampak byk malay makan kat situ....sila la ambik tahu sendiri ....jangan suka ambik mudah je....n assume je....halal haram tu bukan setakat babi ke bukan babi je....





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i had been suspicious about cadbury long enuff and i think since i'm 16. then tak sangka pula betul. Alhamdulillah saya jarang makan coklat.
and even yg dikatakan tu just dua, but production dia dari kilang tu kita tak tau. TOT. memang kena tawakal lah. sekarang mmg susah nak cari benda yg betul2 halal.
/reads the Malaysian parts/
/pretends to understand/
/nods nods/
i think my country really don't sell haram stuff tho :o i think... well i trust it kinda but some sweet things? candy and such might be bad :O
but i think maybe by 2022 since my cool cute /stupid/ country won this 2022 world cup thingy they will make bars and such and will sell every bad thing on earth here :l
tbh i hate it
i hope we somehow lose it
it will be so crowded and so many bad things and so many bad people
right now my country is safe i want it to continue like that T.T
stupid country thinking winning this thing would be good e,e
but yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
/reads more Malaysian pretending to understand and nodding/
fortunately, I don't eat those things. Alhamdulilah :)
it will be better if you make a home-made food I guess :)
but there's a thing that is on its way to make us bad, ghozul fikr..
Many things like this happened in the past in Indonesia.
Recently, there's news about this one big supplier of meatballs that supplies meatballs that contain pork inside it. TT.TT
Ada jugak beerapa bemda yang keluarga saya pun avoid, ktrg jrg mkn coklat so yay no cadbury. Untuk meatball tu... sungguh ktrg sekeluarga tak pernah pandang pun. Adala jugak tengok insta kengkawan yang boast meatball tu... nak tegur kang di kata berlagak alim. Skang ni my parents lebih percayakan halal luar negara lagi, sebab kebanyakan makanan derg x halal, so yg dilabel halal betul2 halal lakan ? Or the other way around... tapi janganlah melampau... ada beberapa whatsapp group sebarkan bahan bahan yg mengandungi lemak babi. Itu legit. Yang x legitnya yg bhn2 mngndungi alkohol... like sembur nyamuk, dakwat pen, minyak wangi... like hello, bnd2 niemang ada alkohol, tapi dlm percentage yang rndh. Ia memang one of the composite in producing those things... baru skang ni yang ada minyak wangi xde alkohol ni. Please, the politics in our country memang horrible. This is obviously some part of government conspiracy.