Quiz #59 What Picnic Food Are You?

Take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whatpicnicfoodareyouquiz/

and share results~


mine....this is hard...i can't pick bcuz for some questions i can hav more than one answers but after playing a few times.../n getting up to four diff results huh/...i get these two the most...


          You Are a Sandwich



        You are inventive and innovative, especially when you push past the surface. You are constantly changing things up.

You tend to be very indecisive, and you don't like to choose between just a few options. You'll have one of everything.

You are a complex person, and you don't mind if you contradict yourself. You contain multitudes.

You are open to trying new things, and you are the type most likely to be a foodie. You love making new discoveries.



indecisive-yesT^T...self contradiction-yes, but not so hypocrite i hope? uhh...foodie...uhm, not as in trying more, just eating eating eating...lol

another one i keep getting...


          You Are Apples and Peanut Butter



        You are innocent, happy, and delighted by the world around you. You are content to keep things simple.

You are the furthest thing from a snob, and people often find your lack of pretension unnerving.

You love to take care of those around you, and you are a natural sharer. Life is more fun with people you care about.

Some people wish that they could go back to being kids, but you believe childhood is a state of mind you can visit anytime!



yes, a kid at heart/n internet huh/lack of pretension...i hope....;)


other results:


          You Are Wine and Cheese



        You do well at parties, probably better than you realize. You sense a vibe and go with it.

You are a great conversationalist, and you can talk to almost anyone. You ask the right questions.

You also know when the time is to sit back and observe. You don't pressure yourself to be social.

You are adaptable and curious. You don't understand how people get bored in this world - everything is interesting to you.




          You Are a Hot Dog



        You are a natural leader, and you like to take charge in order to make sure things are done properly.

You have a ton of self confidence, and you encourage others to aim higher. You like to do everything well.

You are ambitious, but it's easy to be for you. You know that most tasks aren't as daunting as they seem.

While you like to lead, you don't talk much about it. You set an example and let others notice what you are doing.




          You Are Lemonade



        You are energetic, easy to mesh with, and more than a little sassy. You add a punch to any situation.

You keep it real and tell it like it is - with a twinkle in your eye. You don't doubt yourself much.

You are a mingler when it comes to social events. You like to wander around.

You get bored if you are trapped in any one conversation or situation for too long. You have to get out there and mix things up.




          You Are Watermelon



        You are adaptable, popular, and very sweet. People always like to have you around.

You are simple and genuine. You never need to pretend to be someone that you're not because your personality naturally shines.

You are humble and kind. You don't make a big deal about who you are, and you don't look for attention.

Your friends love and value you. Everyone knows a good time is in store when you are around.





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and.. /ur old to be a kid coughs/
/runs away with youngsaeng
i'm a hot dog :D

"You are a natural leader, and you like to take charge in order to make sure things are done properly."-... i'm not a leader but i'm a perfectionist..

"You have a ton of self confidence, and you encourage others to aim higher. You like to do everything well."-no confidence XD but yeah encouraging is good :D

"You are ambitious, but it's easy to be for you. You know that most tasks aren't as daunting as they seem."-yeah thats why am ambitious but lazy to do stuff u.u

"While you like to lead, you don't talk much about it. You set an example and let others notice what you are doing."-hmmm i don't like to lead but maybe examples are good :O