Quiz #29 What's Your Chinese Zodiac Animal?

moreee quiz bcuz....i suddenly want to write a lovestory but i can't....lalala....so...here, extremely short n simple quiz...

take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourchinesezodiacanimalquiz/

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          You Are the Dragon



        Like a dragon, you are fiery and short-tempered. When you need to get something off your chest, you really roar.

You are a very unique creature, and you don't relate too anyone. You feel a little lonely in your life.

If someone takes the time to get to know you, they realize you are brave, strong, and even sensitive.

You are a much better creature than anyone ever gives you credit for. You could destroy the world if you wanted to... but you don't.


/see the fire?/ just don't tell me someone evil will get same result as i...can't accept it...but i've a feeling many will get same result as mine...let's see....xD





          You Are the Dog



        Like a dog, you are a completely loyal and devoted friend. People can count on you.

You are brave and a good leader. You like belonging to a pack, and you get restless if you're alone for too long.

You tend to accept and love everyone no matter what. But when someone is a bad seed, you know it right away.

You have a bad temper occasionally, and you're protective of the ones you love. You will stand up and fight to make sure no one gets hurt.




          You Are the Monkey



        Like a monkey, you are playful and clever. You have a wide and interesting skill set.

You are original and creative. You don't have any inhibitions, and you're extremely unpredictable.

You are much more intelligent than you seem. People don't take you as seriously as they should.

You may seem happy-go-lucky, but you have an awful temper. No one wants to see you angry.




          You Are the Rabbit



        Like a rabbit, you are quick on your feet and fast to act. You don't procrastinate or dilly-dally.

You are ambitious, and likely very lucky when it comes to money. You know how to work hard when the time is right.

You are conservative in your decisions and actions. You want to protect and defend what's yours.

You are a kind and polite person. You make sure not to step on any toes, and if someone is mad, you get out of his or her way.




          You Are the Tiger



        Like a tiger, you are highly emotional and reactive. You don't really think before you act.

One moment you can be calm and content, but if something sets you off, your whole mood changes.

You are powerful, and it's important for you to be in control. You have problems with authority.

You respect very few people, but you do look up to those who are much wiser than you. You can be quite humble at times.




          You Are the Rat



        Like a rat, you are a survivor. You may have a bad reputation, but you are worm your way into people's hearts somehow!

You love to hang out and gossip with your friends. You don't have a great work ethic - you're too busy having fun.

And while you're not the richest creature on the block, you know how to live like a king on a shoestring budget.

You are very resourceful. You'll lie, cheat, and steal if you must ... but luckily you don't have to.



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/the evil got same result at u/ accept the harsh reality >:D mwahahaha

"Like a dragon, you are fiery and short-tempered. When you need to get something off your chest, you really roar." -huhuhu /roars/

"You are a very unique creature, and you don't relate too anyone. You feel a little lonely in your life."- yaay me unique <333 and yeah.. willl... i can just go to my cats when i get lonely >.>

"If someone takes the time to get to know you, they realize you are brave, strong, and even sensitive."-/and evil coughs/

"You are a much better creature than anyone ever gives you credit for. You could destroy the world if you wanted to... but you don't."-I will conqur the world one day! MWHAHAHAHAHA