Quiz #4 What Flavor Ice Cream Are You? (share your results~)

let's play another one...food is the best...so...

Take it and share your results: http://www.blogthings.com/whatflavoricecreamareyouquiz/

This is mine



          You Are Strawberry Ice Cream



        A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.

You often find yourself on the outside looking in.

Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.

You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.


i don't think i'm that sweet(n i don't really like strawberry flavour much)...but 'on the outside looking in' is so right......okay...now where art thou my soulmate, choclate chip ice cream~~~? wae not chocolate? ><


other available results



          You Are Vanilla Ice Cream



        Your personality is anything but "vanilla"

You're a risk taker, who's up for anything new.

You go well with anyone and fit into any situation.

You are most compatible with rocky road ice cream.




          You Are Chocolate Ice Cream



        You have a flair for the dramatic and love to party.

Your personality is super strong and unique.

Many people crave you constantly - while you turn a few off.

You are most compatible with coffee ice cream.




          You Are Rocky Road Ice Cream



        Unpredictable and wild, you know how to have fun.

You're also a trendsetter who takes risks with new things.

You know about the latest and greatest - and may have invented it!

You are most compatible with vanilla ice cream.




          You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream



        You are kind, popular, and generous.

You tend to be successful at anything you try.

A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.




          You Are Coffee Ice Cream



        Energetic and lively, you are always on the go.

You're doing a million things at once and doing them well.

You tend to motivate others and raise spirits.

You are most compatible with chocolate ice cream.




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Raveness #1
I got Rocky Road....but the description doesn't really match me XD
.... same... again XD we r long lost twins?