New Eunhae Fanfic! (and shameless advertisements)

So...the two Infinite stories I'm currently working on really did successfully give me some inspiration to do a new Eunhae story and its...ALTERNATE UNIVERSE! (if that's the correct description to use cause its nothing like "What Exactly Am I to You?" where Eunhyuk and Donghae are exactly who we know them as in Super Junior)

I present to you....


In case you're interested these are the two Infinite stories I am working on:



And if you're into some straight Super Junior fic, I am working with dear Amalya on a Leeteuk x Eunhyuk x OC story and I can promise you it's going to be amazing cause I personally love the idea and Amalya is far superior writer than I am. 


I would like to end off this post with a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has supported "What Exactly Am I to You?" It is my first chaptered fanfic here on AFF and my attempt at writing altogether so having 278 subscribers in 9 chapters really brings tears to my eyes. Amongst these subscribers are authors whose works I personally admire so that's a pleasant surprise. You know who you are cause I've probably already spazzed on your wall. I am so motivated by the support that I am so close to just giving up all my other stories to concentrate solely on it BUT it is not me to give up something I started so...I will finish up all the stories above but probably at a slower rate than "What Exactly Am I to You?"




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Oh! I am totally going to be working on getting the next update out for the coauthor fic. I just need to finish up this bloody semester first. T_T *flails animatedly* May 8th. I can make it!
Goodluck with your new EUNHAE story! :))

I'm sure it will do well like "What Exactly Am I to You?"... <3

Enjoy your holiday! :) I<3U!!!