Does Sehun have a lisp?

I'm honestly really curious about this.

I really like EXO, but I'm not a genius on all of the members. But I've started reading things about Sehun with a lisp. So is that true? Cause I've read that some fans say bad stuff to him cause of it. Either way, I think it's pretty amazing that he's still making it quite successful as a singer.


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I heard somewhere that before he had lisp because of retainers, but now, he doesn't, not that sure tho ^^
He does have a slight lisp, but I think that is what makes him adorable. When he's nervous you can hear it a little bit more. I don't understand why people would insult him over something he has no control over.
I dunno about that. I know Minho has a LISP and he gets a lot of hate for it. It was in a episode of Barefoot and friends where he said he has to train his tongue and what not.
No he doesn't have a lisp from what I've read, but he did lisp a word in a certain song which caused the whole Sehun has a lisp issue, I read he lisped in the song because he was wearing a retainer and he does not actually have a lisp.
It sounds like Sehun has a lisp but I don't get why some fans make fun of him for it :/ He's still got talent regardless if he has a lisp or not ^^