eottokhe? TT.TT help me TT.TT

I have a big big problem. I don't know if you will consider this problem of mine a problem but for me it is. (I'm nervous as hell) This is my problem: I was cleaning our house every morning. This morning, my parent's room need some freshener (whatever it is) so I asked my sister where is that freshener and she told me that I can it in the cleaning supplies. When I sprayed it in the room, I knew something's wrong with the smell and I open the container and it smelled as the fragnance I usually use for the room so I thought the foul smell will change later. And then, my mother entered the room after I sprayed the perfume thing all over the room and she asked about the room's smell, it smelled like the one's in the bathroom. I told her that I sprayed the perfume and when she saw the container, she told me that I got the wrong bottle and all of a sudden she's worried about the clothes hanged where there is no cover on it. Those clothes are the clothes we recently wear and most it are new. Now, i am worried too. If we washed it, maybe the clothes' color will fade because I sprayed on every wall and corner of the room. I don't know if the clothes catch some of the fluid of it. Because that bottle that I thought as a room perfume is for the cleaning one of the bathroom. If you will asked me why did I get the wrong one, I will answer you with I don't know. They have the same container so yeah, I was fooled. I really don't know what to do. TT.TT I am just hoping that the clothes are not affected. TT.TT


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dawnxiamara #1
It depends on the active ingredient(s) of the toilet bowl cleaner you've used as air freshener. Hydrochloric acid is so harsh that it will destroy clothes making a big hole on them. Muriatic acid too. But it depends on the concentration addar with the inert ingredients. If its not that potent, they act as bleaching formula for clothes, hard surfaces and didsinfectant too. Hydrochloric acid is just to potent for that. So took at the label and see that potency then go from there....
and smell them, if they dont smell like the spray, than maybe it wasn't touched by the spray
and also try to keep those clothes away and try to wash them as least as possible
try to find one of your old clothes that you want to throw away and spray it on it and see if it the colour fades if you wash it