Genie ♥ Mirae


Park Mi Rae Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper, Main Dancer 


sweetberries  stella  8

Full Name: Park Mi Rae

Other Name(s):

Chinese Name: Park Ai-Xia

American name: Park Stella

Nickname(s): n/a






Date of Birth: 10.23.1993 | 20

Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA

Hometown: New York City, New York, USA

Ethnicity: Chinese-Korean 

Nationality: Korean-American

Languages: 1. English (Native) 2. Korean (Fluent) 3. Chinese (Semi-Fluent)




Stage Name: Mi Rae

Stage Persona: Versatile Angel

Fanclub Name: lotus blossoms

Fanclub Color: #ffccff & #ccffcc

Sub-Unit: Acting, ST★R, Genie Generation


Singing Twin: Hyorin (Sistar)

Dancing Twin: BoA

Rapping Twin: Bora

Acting Twin: Park Shin Hye





Faceclaim: park hye min | pony

Link(s): 1 2 3 4 5

Back-Up Faceclaim: huang yi lin

Link(s): 1 2 3 4 5


Appearance: Mirae has two piercings on each ear

Style: Mirae is very trendy, and loves all types of styles. She loves to try different things since theres a tremendous amount of styles to try, than sticking to one. She mainly likes to dress simple, and goes low on the accessories. She can rock any look from heels, to sneakers or jeans to dazzling glam dresses.

Casual:    |  |   

Formal:  |  |   

Practice:  |  | 

Dorm:  |  |  





Personality Traits: compassionate | determined | clumsy | forgetful | hardworking | charismatic | versatile/flexible | logical | impatient | realistic | reliable | romantic | gentle | friendly 

Personality Para. Form: Mirae is a sane, ordinary type of person. She's sweet and compassionate towards people and is very friendly. She tends to be forgetful and is extremely clumsy. One of her strongest traits is being versatile causing her to be able to adapt to any change at anytime. Her weakest trait is being impatient. Sometimes her impatience causes her kindness level to decrease. Other then that she's a very determined, hard-working character and fights for what she wants.


Background: Mirae grew up in a Korean-Chinese household in New York City, where her father is a professional photographer and her mother is a current bakery owner. Mirae has one older sister named Hyeri, and one older brother named Jino. Mirae's first real experience with music was when she and her mother were walking in Manhattan and they stumbled uppon street performers who sang and danced. Mirae was impressed at the young age of seven, and from then on it became her dream to become a performer. At first, her family thought it was just a phase but as the years went on by, her dream increased more and more. She would sing everywhere she went, and dance anytime she could. She soon grew fond of instruments too, and for her twelth birthday, she joined a piano class. 

During the summer of 2008 when Mirae was fifteen years old, she and her family traveled to South Korea to visit family. While roaming the streets of Seoul, Mirae and her two siblings were scouted by an SM agent. The agent talked to Mirae's parents to let the three kids audition and have a chance of joining one of the biggest entertainment companies of South Korea. Mirae's brother declined since he already had his mind set upon becoming a doctor. But Mirae and her sister both begged and pleaded their parents to let them audition and not to pass up the amazing opportunity. Being the supportive parents they were, they agreed to let the two girls audition. The girls advanced through the audition rounds, surprisng their families. Their parents decided to let the two girls stay with their grandparents in Korea, and enrolled them in Seoul Arts Performing High School.

Everyday was the same routine for the two girls. Wake up bright and early, go to school, when schools ends head straight to the training center, train till midnight, head home and do homework. The girls trained in vocal lessons, languages, dancing, rapping, acting, modeling, instruments, etc. Mirae and Hyeri would make friends but they would always come and go, so in the end, they were there only friends. Trainee life was becoming so stressful, and so Hyeri quit during the second year of training. Mirae became depressed that her sister had quit since she wanted to make it with her till the end. Hyeri pushed Mirae to not give up and to make it till the end for the both of them. Even though it was dificult for Mirae without having her sister around anymore..her only friend..she fought hard. In 2011, Mirae graduated from Seoul Arts Performing High School when she was 18. She didn't let anything come in her way and refused to be distracted by the slightest thing. She was a determined trainee for six long, stressful, hard-working years.



Father | Park Jae Hoon | 48 | Photographer | Jae Hoon loves his family very much. He's a very kind-hearted, and supportive father. He puts his family before himself and is willing to do anything for them. Jae Hoon always had a soft spot for his youngest, Mirae. He has a very close relationship with Mirae, and was a little questionable about leaving his two daughters in Korea knowing the bond would slowly fade. But he knew that this was Mirae's dream and he wanted to be her biggest supporter and number one fan.

Mother | Ai Xing | 46 | Bakery Owner | Ai Xing loves her family more than anything. She loves her childeren and providing them as much as she can. Mirae and her mother have always had a close relationship. Close enough for Mirae to tell her mother anything. Ai Xing has always been a supportive parent and wants what makes her kids happy.

Sister | Park Hyeri/Nikki | 23 | Music Instructer | Hyeri and Mirae have always been close. They have been each other's best friends since forever. They rarely argue, and are always there for each other. The training experience the two sisters had together only strengthened their bond. Hyeri is always their for Mirae, and always wants the best for her.

Brother | Park Jino | 25 | Lawyer | Jino and Mirae haven't really ever been close. They have the biggest age differece amongst the three siblings. Jino isn't exactly the biggest supporter of what Mirae has chosen to do, since he thinks the chances of her actually making it anywhere is none to slim. Jino last saw Mirae in 2008, but they still keep in contact whenever they can since the both of them are so busy with their lives. Even though he doesn't show interest in what Mirae does, he still wishes her the best of luck.


Trainee Life: Mirae had two different lives while training. One obviously being training, and developing her skills and talents. Two, being the drama-filled life. Mirae encountered all types of trainees; nice ones, shy ones, mean ones, egoistic ones, funny ones, rude ones, and the list goes on. During the years of training she also encountered a very small amount of already debuted stars under SM. Some including members of f(x), exo-k, shinee, and very rarely TVXQ, SNSD, Suju, and exo-m. TVXQ, Suju, and SNSD had very bsuy scedhules everyday. Exo-m was mostly promoting in China and were only seen a few times during the years. Mirae had many sleepless nights, where she would feel incredibly homesick. She would eventually cry herself to sleep. Most nights she couldn't even sleep due to training all night. She always felt like she wasn't training enough so she pushed herself to doing all-nighters, causing her to become moody during the days. In the end, all the hard work paid off. She carved herself into a better performer then she will ever be.





Rival: n/a

Personality: n/a

Why The Rivalry?: n/a

Did They Know Each Other Before: n/a

Relationship: n/a


Love Interest: Kris Wu

Personality: Kris comes off being cold, and unapproachable. He doesn't speak much, and has a cool image, and that's the way he likes it. His glares can make the hair on your neck stand, and make you blush. But once you get to know him, he's the total oppisite. He's a complete dork, a cluts, and really sweet. He's very understanding, and cares for those around him. He loves making people smile, and has a care-free soul. He hates when people close to him are sad because it causes him to be sad. he may seem strong, and arrogant but he can be emotional is extremely protective. But he's only this way towards the people hes very close and comfortable with. Other then that, he won't speak much or do anything. 

How Did They Meet: Mirae had begun training in 2008. During that time, Kris had already began training and had been a trainee for a little over a year. Mirae first encountered Kris while taking a small tour around the training building. She had seen Kris dancing in one of the training rooms and was very envious of how determined and skilled he was. She also couldn't help but notice he was quite attractive too. 

One night Mirae felt like she could use more training, she stayed in the building while everyone else left. Well at least she thought everyone had left. She danced in one of the training rooms alone, and when she finished she turned to see Kris. He was standing in the doorway with a small smirk on his face.

"Not bad." Was all he said, and walked away. Mirae couldn't believe he was there, and was embarrased. After that incident, Mirae always thought of him. She even asked around and found out his name, and that he was a Chinese trainee. She would see him every now and then, or during lunch-breaks and they would have small stare-downs, but they never really had a real conversation. 

Even after the years rolled by, Mirae still would think of that night. She would rarely see him anymore since there was a big rumor of SM debuting their new boy band in 2012 so training for boys became even more hectic and stressful. Mirae later found out Kris was going to debut in the band. She couldn't tell if she was happy or not since she would now rarely see him, and he probably forgot about her. She tried her best not thinking of it too much, but it would still creep into her mind. To this day, Mirae still thinks of that night.

Relationship: Crush


Love Rival: n/a

Personality: n/a

Relationship: n/a

How Did They Meet: n/a





Comments/Suggestion: Nope, none. Hwating! & Good luck on the story. Hopefully you liked my character.

Password: gif

Scene Request: none!

Anything Extra: nopeee (:


"Tell Us Your Wish, We Are Genie"



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