Phoenix Application ◊ Dong Hyunki


Nyjaha  Nya  5


The Basics.

Full Name: Dong Hyunki

Nickname(s): Ki Ki

Birth Date: 1991 - 04 - 2

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages Spoken: English (Fluent), Korean (Fluent), Spanish (Basic)

Blood Type: B



Ulzzang: Jo Geun Hyeong

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-Up Ulzzang: Dae Hwan

1 | 2 | 3

Height: 183cm

Weight: 68kg

Additional Features: If using first choice Ulzzang there are {three}-{tattoos}. 





Traits: Defiant, Indifferent, Strong Willed

Personality: Hyunki doesn't like to be told no, he simply does what he wants. He believes asking is merely a formality and that his intentions will happen regardless of the answer he is given. Like when he was seventeen, he asked his father for a tattoo. His father said no, however, later that week, Hyunki gained his three current tattoos. You see, after his father denied Hyunki with his consent, Hyunki just forged his signature on the parental waiver. Since Hyunki is an only child of a couple who moved from Korea to America, his parents were strict and harsh with their beliefs. They didn't want Hyunki mixing with hooligans and what not, so Hyunki messed around with local riff raff. He just likes to go with the flow. He doesn't have opinions on a lot of things and believes that whatever happens simply happens. Hyunki is really stubborn...? Strong-willed, or perhaps the word determined fits better. Whatever you'd call it, just know he's not easily discouraged. Maybe that's the root of his defiance? Anywho, he always tries his hardest and tries even harder when he recieves negative feedback. 

Who do they admire?: Hyunki has a deep respect for G-Dragon and Jay Park. He admires that they make the kind of music that they make the kind of music they like and want to make. He admires that they dare to be different and their amazing determination to acheive greatness. But most of all, he admires that they get to make a living off what they love most, music. 

Do they have a motto?: "Live the life you love; love the life you live." 


Likes: Sweets // Babies // Cute and Small animals // Anything cute

Dislikes: Doing aegyo // Participating in games // Losing 

Hobbies: Playing soccer // Daydreaming 

Trivia: Favorite color is Red // Took ballet and jazz dance lesson from age 6 to age fifteen // Can't ride a bike // Did poorly in school and barely graduated on time // Initiatlly moved to Korea to become an idol because his father was against it but ended up falling in love with the dream of performing // Doesn't and won't speak about his family on shows or anything. When and if asked to deliver a message, he only says, "I'm sorry. I'm trying for you right now." 



The Past:  Hyunki was born in Los Angeles, California to Dong Minchul and Ahn Yuri. He was a normal birth, and was born healthy. After spending his required time in the hospital, he was taken home by his parents. Unlike most babies, there were no relatives there to welcome him home. Minchul and Yuri were runaway parents. They'd gotten married without consent of either family. So without having their parents support, they ran away to Los Angeles at 24 years old. Hyunki was born a year later. 
Hyunki was attached to his mother. Yuri spent all her time raising her beloved son since Minchul worked nonstop to provide for his family. She taught him life lesson, how to read, potty trained him and did everything else a parent should do. Hyunki and Minchul's relationship, however, wasn't as smooth. Although both parents were strict, Minchul was extremely harsh towards Hyunki. And even though it was out of love, Hyunki felt Minchul didn't deserve to tell him what to do since he was never home. Minchul only bared down harder on his son, this sparked Hyunki's streak of acting out. When he starting misbehaving, Yuri enrolled him into dance class in attempt to mellow him out. They helped some but as Hyunki got older he started acting out again. At the age of fifteen, Hyunki dropped out of his dance classes and opted to spend his time ditching school and partying.
Minchul and Yuri were in distraught. The son they wanted the best for was throwing away everything that they gave him, literally and figuratively. Hyunki did things his way was going strong. He was having a blast rebelling, until one day things went wrong.
On Hyunki's 16th birthday, his friends invited him out to a party at a girl's house. Wanting to get -faced, Hyunki agreed in a heartbeat. So, that night he snuck out of his bedroom window like he always does and bolted across the front lawn, hopping into his friend's Mustang. Upon arriving at the party, Hyunki went straight for the alcohol, throwing back anything in a cup. He was dancing on girls, getting danced on, stripping and trying new things. What kind of new things did he try? Drugs. Nothing hardcore though, not or lsd. It was only Marijaunna, but it was laced. With what? No one knows, but whatever it was Hyunki reacted negatively to it. If you were to ask him about it, he wouldn't remember anything except waking up in the hospital a few days after his birthday. His parents wouldn't talk to him, his friend snitched on him, and he was temporaily paralyizeed from the waist down. He spent the next couple years in the hospital doing rehabilitation and rethinking his life style. 
Hyunki was released from the hospital a few weeks after his eighteenth birthday. His father was still not talking to him and his mother was suffocatingly protective of him. He was so and to get far away. He thought long and hard as to how he was gonna leave. Well, really, he could just walk out the front door and never look back since he was technically an adult. But he wanted to do something with his life and he only has a G.E.D and it's enitrely too hard to get into an univeristy with only that. So, what could he do? Well, if he knew he wouldn't have spent a year looking for options. He was nineteen and still stuck with his douche father and clingy mother. He was about to just run-a-way before he recieved a surprise email from a friend that moved away. It was his friend Yonghyun. They were childhood besties, but when they were nine Yonghyun moved to Toronto. They kept in touch though, obviously. Anyway, the email was mainly about how much Yonghyun missed him, but there was a quick little synopsis about what he was currently up to. His friend was a trainee on JYP Entertainment. Hyunki was a little disappointed in himself since he remembered always talking about being a famous duo with his friend. They'd rap and dance together. Yonghyun was off do what it took to achieve their dream, without him, while Hyunki was recovering from the side affects from smoking laced weed. That's when it hit him, almost like a ton of bricks to the face. He should audition for a label in Korea. He can rap, that's how he and his hoodrat friends killed time. He's Korean, that's kinda what happens when Korean people have kids. He wants to get far away from his parents, Korea is pretty far from the United States. So, why not? 
For the next six months, Hyunki honed and perfected his rapping, he worked on his dancing, and he sparked his confidence level. Seven months aftet Yonghyun's email, Hyunki sat down in his room, and recored a brief and generic intro, along with a few free style raps and covers of his favorite Korean rap songs. He sent into the several labels, labels like SM, JYP, BigHit, Seven Seasons, TS Ent, and even YG. Satisfied with himself, Hyunki decided he tell his parents after he'd been accepted. 
It took another couple months before Hyunki got any kind of news. YG had sent him an email. Hyunki rushed and told his mom, who was happy. She even helped him pack his bags, however, his fahter disapproved. Defiant Hyunki reared his head and basically pulled a "Man, that " and jut up and left with all his stuff one night. He went to the airport and flew away to Korea. He promised himself he'd call his parents once he made it big. 
At the age of twenty, Hyunki was a YG trainee. His skills had sharpened in the four months he'd been at YG. He'd participated as a back up dancer in a few performances, he'd been coached in music composition by Teddy and Kush. Papa YG even had a soft spot for the trainee with a blank family section on his application. Everything was going fine for exactly one year. The day after his anniversary as a YG trainee, Papa YG gathered all the male trainees (there weren't very many female trainees) into a practice room for a meeting. He told them that only 11 would be staying. There were a total of 20 male trainees. Hyunki mentally gulped. YG said he'd call our their company identifacation numbers if they were staying and if they did get to stay, they'd be given the chance to debut. Eleven numbers were called, none of which were Hyunki's. After lisiting all the names, YG dismissed the 11 he chose to stay, he wanted to finish talking to the nine that were leaving. He told them it was due to budget cuts and drops in stocks and blah blah blah. He said that he wasn't just gonna leave them in the dark. He has split up their contracts and given them to other companies. He gave them all the names of their new home and sent them on their way. Hyunki emptied his comapny locker with a heavy heart. He said his goodbyes to all the friends he'd made: Teddy, Kush, Big Bang, 2ne1, Kwon Twins, Bobby, B.I, etc. He then walked his way to CUBE Entertainment, his new home. 
Twenty-one years old and stationed in CUBE, Hyunki fell in love with the enviroment of the CUBE building. Everything was warm and happy. He learned so much. CUBE's style was different compared to YG. They were more pop style, contrasting from YG's hip hop vibe. He made quick friends with the other trainees and was familiar with Beast, G.NA, and 4Minute. He felt like he'd had a family and wished he known these people before he'd applied places because he would've used them to fill up his family section. However, life isn't always easy or happy. So, six months into his trainee-ship on CUBE, he was let go. No explanaiton or anything. His trainee friends promised to kept in-touch and help support him. Which they did, he has them to thank for finding Blaze Entertainment. 
Twenty-one years old and Hyunki is trying out to be in Phoenix. 


Trainee History: YG Ent. ( 1 year ), CUBE ( 6 months ) 

Family Members:

⇒ Dong Minchul |  48 | father | strict, narrow-minded, stubborn
⇒ Ahn Yuri |  48 | mother | strict, supportive, caring


⇒ Kim Yonghyun |  23 | Trainee on JYP | fun, confident, outgoing
⇒ Kim Bobby |  18 | Trainee on YG | goofy, fun-loving, funny
⇒ Lee Chaerin |  23 | Leader of 2ne1 | sweet-hearted, motherly, smart
Geum Yunmi |  22 | Trainee on CUBE | mature, outgoing, friendly



Under the stage lights.

Stage Name: Chaos

Phoenix Color: Yellow

Back-Up Phoenix Color: Orange

Individual Fanclub Name: Chaotics 

Individual Fanclub Color:  #E6E62C 


Love, love, love.

Love Interest:

 Stage Name: Saejin

⇒ Group: Angel

⇒ Personality: --

⇒ Relationship: They're an appropriate kind of cute. Not overly rainbow butterfly barfy, or not to cringe worth awkward. They're comfortable. It's a pleasant and envy atrracting kind of relationship. The kind that all girls and guys want to have with the one person they're comfortable with. They can easily talk about anything, and their conversations can go on for hours upon hours. Saejin excepts the insecurities that Hyunki has, and vice versa. They just mesh perfectly. 

Back-Up Love Interest:

⇒ Stage Name: CL

⇒ Group: 2ne1

⇒ Personality: CL is the baddest female and isn't the person Hyunki is friends with. He's friends with Lee Chaerin. Chaerin is a soft hearted young lady, who just wants to be friends with everyone. She's sweet and bubbly, but has a protective motherly side. Hyunki believe that it comes from being leader of 2ne1. Anywho, Chaerin is fun loving and likes to party. However, she's also a chill girl you could kick it with. 

⇒ Relationship: Hyunki's quietness excites Chaerin. She just loves to make him talk. He doesn't hate it when she gets all pumped up, he thinks it's cute and it gets him excited too. They lay out together and relax, they often cuddle of Chaerin sits on his lap. They're very physically affectionate, since Hyunki doesn't speak a ton all the time. 


The End.

Questions, Comments or Concerns?: I'm not gonna lie; this was the first application I've done in a long while. I struggled with the personality aspect. I wanted him to be somewhat of a loner that has a bad boy side to him. But, I wanted him to has a soft spot for cute things like puppies, babies, and things of the sort. I wanted Hyunki to be sort of like Leo of Vixx, if you can see where I tried to relate the two with the personalities. Maybe if my description as bad as it looks, then using Leo as refrence would be helpful. Also, I feel like I went over board with the bakground section??? I don't know, I just got into it. Sorry, heh. ALSO, I made up Geum Yunmi, so I hope that's cool. Yonghyun is a real trainee, I just don't know his last name. 

Requests?: I'd like to see Phoenix get visited by 2ne1, Beast or 4Minute in a waiting room at a music show. Or perhaps the meeting of Saejin and Hyunki. 


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