Romeo || Rico Baek --- Juliet || Lydia Moon


Baek Rico

 When in doubt, Sass it out! 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



»real you.  

Username + Link ¦ Nyjaha
Activeness ¦ 3.5
Name ¦ Nya
»basic info.
Name ¦ Rico Baek 
Other name(s) ¦ ----
Nickname(s) ¦ ----
Gender ¦ Male
Blood type ¦ O
Birthdate + Age ¦ June 13, 1995 // 18
Ethnicity ¦ Korean
Hometown ¦ Barcelona, Spain
Language(s) ¦ Spanish, Korean

»my appearence.  

Ulzzang ¦  Kim Hui Dae
Ulzzang gallery ¦ Gallery 1 || Gallery 2 
Back-up ulzzang ¦ Song Chan Ho
Back-up ulzzang gallery ¦ Gallery 1 || Gallery 2 
Height ¦ 170cm
Weight ¦ 62kg
Style ¦ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Extra(s) ¦ ----
»about me. 
Personality traits ¦ Sassy, Strong Headed, Loud, Open Minded

Personality ¦ Rico is about as sassy as it gets. He loves attention from people. Rico is like a puppy. If you tell him he's pretty, he'll do just about anything for you.  Rico isn't quiet, nor is he shy. He doesn't trust just people easily, and has few friends as a result. His head is mostly screwed on right and he's not that far out there. He's not to girly or to manly, his balance is perfect. Rico is charming and funny; a nice guy to talk with. Although he isn't that understanding, he likes things done his way only. He freely speaks his mind and doesn't care who he hurts; he's been told that's his greatest strength and weakness. If you were to ask him how he saw himself he'd say, "I am the King Diva," without a second thought. He loves doing his own things, no matter what the consequences are. If he wants to smack someone, he will. If he wants to scream for no reason, consider it done.  He's always 100% real, with everyone. He'd be the one to tell God himself his personal opinion on everything.

Likes ¦  

  • Chicken
  • Puppies
  • Barbie like girls
  • Being complemented
  • Looking at himself in the mirror

Dislikes ¦

  • Two-Faced People
  • Liars
  • Orange
  • Being insulted 
Hobbies ¦
  • Primping himself to perfection
  • Talking loudy about himself
  • Oogling over cute things
  • Keeping up with fashion trends
Habits ¦
  • Speaking his opinion when it isn't needed
  • Accidentaly insulting people with his comments
  • Talking about himself way too much
  • Going back and redoing his hair after his stylist finishes
Trivia ¦
  • He models himself after SHINee's Key, ZE:A's Kwanghee, and 2AM's Jokwon.
  • He is a fanboy of Jay Park, 2ne1's Minji and CL, Dok2, Block B, Big Bang, and Clara Lee.
  • Rico loves his rabbit, Bonita
  • He believes that he is the most beautiful male in the universe. 
  • He cannot very well dance unless its a girl group dance. 
  • Absolutely adores Flareon, the evolved form of Evee.

»another part of me.  

Family ¦
Mother - Kim Ha Yul. 56. Clothing Designer. 10/10
Father - Baek Ji Hwan. 58. CEO of Radii Shoe Production. 10/10
Brother - Baek Luis. 22. College Student at Seoul National Univeristy. 6/10
Family background ¦ Rico was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain. His parents moved there on his older brother's first birthday. His childhood was fairly normal, except all the teasing he got for being a little sassy. He didn't mind though since he knew his mother and father loved him. At home, Rico was only allowed to speak Korean.
Luis, his brother, treated him kindly until they started high school together. The year2 Luis was in high school with out Rico, he was the most popular boy there. He had girls throwing themselves at his feet and guys following him around. However, that changed once Rico got there. He knocked Luis off of his throne. He took everything form his older brother and Rcio felt that he deserved it all. Luis was furious. He had lost his girlfriend, and all his friends to his little brother. And his remaining years in high school were misery. And once Luis graduated he went off to SNU to get away from Rico. However, where Luis went, so did Rico. Rico followed on the path of music, determined to make his older brother like him again. 
Friend(s) ¦
Best Friend - Ban Ari. 23. Make Up Artist for CUBE. 10/10 (Female)
Best Friend - Gong Tae Yeong. 22. Stylist for CUBE. 10/ 10 (Female)
»my heart is yours.
Love interest ¦ Lydia Moon
Age ¦ 18 
Group ¦ Juliet
Personality ¦ Lydia is super quiet. She basically never speaks, so how she managed to become a part of an idol groups no on will ever understand. But, when Lydia does speak, she has the most angelic voice. Despite her lacking fo speaking, Lydia doesn't take nonsense from anyone, and she won't hesitate to set them straight. She loves cute things and is instantly transfixed with them as soon as she sees them. Lydia Moon is a strange, but cute cookie. 
Relationship status ¦ Lydia and Rico has an interesting relationship. It mainly consist of Rico babbling about himself to Lydia, who doesn't mind. However, Lydia is the one person that Rico complements that isn't himself. It's rare that he does it in front of anyone, but if it's just the two of them, he does it constantly. Lydia is the only person that can ever insult Rico and live. She does it at least once whenever she speaks and it doesn't matter when or where she does it. After the insult, Rico just laughs at it and hugs her or ruffles her hair. They get along well and love to be in each other's company. You could even say that they have a small crush on each other. 
Back-up love interest ¦  EXID's Jung Hwa
Ex lover(s)¦ ----
Would you like a Love triangle? ¦No


»my musical career.  

How did you get into Cube? ¦ Rico auditioned for CUBE. He sang, rapped, and attempted to dance. The judges admired his sass and aura. 
Any previous entertainment? ¦ No
Years of training ¦ 4 years
Stage name ¦ Rey Descoco (R.D for short; Means King Sass in Spanish)
Stage persona ¦  King Diva; He rocks the stage and owns everything he does. 
Personal fanclub name ¦ Bellezas de Rey (The King's Lovelies) 
Personal fanclub color ¦ Oh Okay 
Singing ¦ 1, 2
Dancing ¦ 1, 2
Rapping ¦ 1, Jhope's Part, 3
»last words. 
Comment? ¦ Um, I tried to make Rico interesting. Hopefully, I did and you like him. 
Question? ¦ Nah, not any I can think of.
Suggestion? ¦  No?
Scene request? ¦ Luis shows up at one of Romeo's performances to see Rico! :) 
Show request? ¦ You mean like variety show?? Um, Show King, We Got Married, MTV Dairy
Song request? ¦  Since there are three rap postions can you do BTS's Satoori rap??
                         ❝I'm the best at self-admiration and being cocky
MV5BMTk0NjQ4MTIxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjYw tumblr_lzzkagak6m1r5vtgeo1_500.jpg cute-lolita-angelic-pretty--large-msg-12

i'm your Juliet ; Lydia Moon





The earth has music for those who listen; the real you


Username: Nyjaha

Activity Rate: 8.5

Nickname: Nya


For i never saw true beauty 'til this night; who are you


Legal Name: Lydia Moon

Other Names: ----

Nicknames: ----

Birthday: April 1, 1995

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Birthplace: Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang, South Korea

Hometown: Jeju Island, South Korea

Languages: Korean (first language)

Blood Type: A

Ulzzang: Pony

Back Up Ulzzang: Baek Su Min


who can understand you; indepth analysis


Personality: Lydia is super quiet. She basically never speaks, so how she managed to become a part of an idol groups no on will ever understand. But, when Lydia does speak, she has the most angelic voice. Despite her lacking fo speaking, Lydia doesn't take nonsense from anyone, and she won't hesitate to set them straight. She loves cute things and is instantly transfixed with them as soon as she sees them. Lydia Moon is a strange, but cute cookie. 

History: So, you're probably wondering how Lydia and Jong Up have different birthplaces and what not, right? Well, Lydia was adopted at the age of seven and was sent to a private school in Jeju at fourteen. She doesn't know when her real birthday is, and she only knows that April 1st is her "Gotcha Day", which is the day she was adopted. Lydia also doesn't remember her brith parents; she just knows that she arrived at the orphange around the age of two. Another thing she doesn't know is why her name is Lydia, and not a korean name; the lady at the orphanage just said that the note attached to her said that that was her name. Her past so far seems kinda depressing, doesn't it?

Well, she didn't have an awful child hood. The orphange she grew up in was well off and a quality place for children. After she was adopted, she settled in nicely with Jong In and Jong Up. Jong Up and Lydia immediately created a bond with one another. Jong In was pleased with this and cherished both, like his late wife would have wanted. He gave them everything that he could and worked hard to give them the things he couldn't. He always supported them in everything they did and pushed them to be great at it. So, Lydia asked to go to an expensive fine arts school in Jeju, he couldn't say no. She auditioned and off she went. While finishing up her final exams, the school sent her recordings and what not off the several labels, like they did with all students after exams, and that's how she got onto CUBE.


  • Cute Animals
  • Cute Foods
  • Pretty Boys
  • Caring for People
  • Smelling Nice


  • Mean People
  • Bad Actors
  • Smelling Bad
  • Food that's too Spicy
  • Sour Stuff


  • Looking around when in an unfamiliar place
  • Being quiet around strangers
  • Staring at cute things for prolonged periods of time


  • Collecting Cute Trinkets
  • Watching her surroundings carefully
  • Performing for People

What is your favorite color and why? Lydia looks at the interviewer and tilts her head slightly, "My favorite color....? Green! That's my brother's matoki color."

Are you successful?  "I personally believe that I am successful because I have friends and family that love me and a bright future a head of me," Lydia replies carefully.

Why do you want to debut? Lydia tilts her head and taps her chin in thought, searching for the right words to express herself, "Uh...I don't want to debut....I need to debut. If I were to debut in Juliet, my life would just be starting. The second we step onto our debut stage and the music starts, that moment, would be my very first breath. What I have been doing as a trainee is me," She pauses and smiles to herself. "Singing, dancing, all of it....that's my life and who I am."



in your clique


Best Friend:

Choi Jun Hong (Zelo) ; 17 ; Jun Hong is aegyo filled and very adorable. He acts like he's five and is very immature. However, when it comes to his Lydia Noona, he can turn into a man at any given moment to protect her. ; They met through Jong Up, who brought Zelo home during a holiday. ; Lydia babys Jun Hong. She treats him to ice cream and breaks down at his aegyo. In return, Jun Hong compliments Lydia and showers her with small gifts. They treat each other like brother and sister, and get along fantasticly. 

Gong Tae Yeong ; 22 ; Tae Yeong is very motherly. She takes good care of Lydia and loves her dearly. ; Tae Yeong treats Lydia like she's her own daughter. She scolds her and gives her motherly advice. Tae Yeong secretly treats her better than the other CUBE artist because that's her Lydia baby. Lydia loves the attention and motherly love since she grew up without a mother. Lydia always goes to Tae Yeong for all her girl problems. 


Kim Him Chan ; 23 ; Him Chan is full of himself, but if he cares for you he can't ever stop. ; Him Chan and Lydia care deeply for each other. They don't get to hang out much, but they text a lot. He always treats her like he treats himself. And Lydia treats him just the same. 

Family: Moon Jong In ; 57 ; Dance Instructor ; 10/10 || Moon Jong Up ; 18 ; Main Dancer in B.A.P ; 10/10

Rival(s): Ahn Chae Min ; Trainee on CUBE ; Stuck-up wannabe. She thinks that she's too good for everyone and that she knows everything. ; Chae Min took Lydia's lack of speaking as rude. Lydia didn't really understand what Chae Min was talking about. The dislike only grew when Chae Min poured honey onto Lydia when Lydia was accepted into Juliet. 


Soul meets soul on lovers' lips; who has your heart



Name:  Rico Baek

Age: 18

Group: Romeo

How you met/How you will meet: Lydia and Rico met through Tae Yeong, a mutual friend. Lydia was getting clothing picked out for a showcase and Tae Yeong was busy so she had Rico help Lydia. The two were awkward at first, but by the time Lydia was leaving, they had exchanged numbers. 

Current Relationship: Friends

How you act around each other: Lydia and Rico has an interesting relationship. It mainly consist of Rico babbling about himself to Lydia, who doesn't mind. However, Lydia is the one person that Rico complements that isn't himself. It's rare that he does it in front of anyone, but if it's just the two of them, he does it constantly. Lydia is the only person that can ever insult Rico and live. She does it at least once whenever she speaks and it doesn't matter when or where she does it. After the insult, Rico just laughs at it and hugs her or ruffles her hair. They get along well and love to be in each other's company. You could even say that they have a small crush on each other.

Back up love interest 

Name: Choi Jun Hong (Zelo)

Age: 17

Group: BAP 

How you met/How you will meet: They met through Jong Up, who brought Zelo home during a holiday.

Current Relationship: Best Friends

How you act around each other:  Lydia babys Jun Hong. She treats him to ice cream and breaks down at his aegyo. In return, Jun Hong compliments Lydia and showers her with small gifts. They treat each other like brother and sister, and get along fantasticly.


the idol in you ; you're star quality


Stage Name: Lydia; She thinks its unique and it reminds her of where she came from.

Persona: Surprise Super-Star; She's rather quiet in person, but she can rock the stage. 

Position: Main Vocalist, Maknae

Back Up postition: Main Vocalist

Fanclub Name: Star Gazers

Predebut experience: 

  • Featured in BAP's Secret Love
  • Was in Bang and Zelo's Never Give Up MV
  • Back up dancer for Secret

Trainee life: At first, she didn't make many friends because of her quite nature. However, once she met Rico, she broke out of her shell and made more friends. The more trainees she met, the more she grew as an artist. Her trainee life did what it was supposed to do, which was sharpen her skills. 

Trainee years: 8 months

Singing Twin: Cho Hun Young

Rapping: ----


  • Adoptive sister of BAP's Moon Jong Up
  • Fangirl of Jay Park, Dok2, and all YG Artists
  • First and forever number one bias is Jay Park
  • Kind of ditzy when it comes to academics
  • Adores Vaporeon from Pokemon


now the goodbye ; the end


Comments: Uh, here's Lydia. I tried my best on her so I hope you like her. <3

Questions: Nope.

Concerns: Nuh uh.

Suggestions: No?

Scene Requests: Oh! Can there be one where Jong Up visits Lydia at her dorm?? And Lydia and Rico bond over Pokemon?





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