♚ the troublemakers | application form | Jayla Park

Keep the application form neat. You are begging me.


                                                         Jayla Park| The Diva

username: Nyjaha

activeness: 8.5


student's profile.

name: Jayla Park

nickname: ----

age: 17

birthdate: July 29, 1995

height: 170cm

weight: 58kg

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean



faceclaim: Mikki Lee

links: One || Two

back-up faceclaim: Lee Da Som

links: One

any tatoos, birthmarks or scars etc:  ----


all about you.

personality: Jayla is your average, run of the mill, diva. She's sassy and loud. She doesn't care what others nor does she care that others exist. Jayla likes to be the center of attention. She makes sure that  everyone knows when she enters the room. Everything she does is simply outlandishly beautiful and dramatic. Even if it's not on purpose, Jayla has a habit of talking down to people, especially those that are younger or deemed unworthy by her. She also has an elegant kind of confidence. Because she's so confident she's not afraid to make everything go her way.  

Now, with the diva title comes a load of emotions. She's easily set off. She doesn't get sad or upset. Jayla only has about three emotions: Happy, Content, and Pissed. When she's happy, thing are amazing. She may even compliment other people. When she's content, things are okay. Now, when she's pissed, run for your life. She likes to destroy egos, hurt prides, and deface faces when she's pissed. You can only piss her off that much if you insult her or try to humiliate her. 



likes: Compliments ||  Things as cute as she is || Sun Glasses || All kinds of coffee || Short shorts

dislikes:  Ugly People || Rodents || Large Animals || Being Insulted by 'Commoners' || Working

habits: Making people call her Miss || Talking down to everyone || Wearing Sun Glasses 24/7 || Drinking coffee 24/7 ||Wearing shorts not matter the weather

fears: Being legitimately humiliated || Her father being imprisoned || Getting Kidnapped 

trivia: Her favorite drink is a Peppermint Vanilla Chai Tea Latte ||  She always has a pair of sun glasses on her person || She is afraid to stay home alone for prolonged periods of time || 


family background: On July 29th, at 5:26pm, Jayla was born. However, as soon as she entered the world, her mother exited. Jayla's father, Min Hyun, gave Jayla her mother's last name to keep the memory alive. Min Hyun was grief stricken because his wife had died. Granted he had Jayla, but she looked so much like her mother that it hurt. Min Hyun was only 20 years old at the time, and he was still in school with only a part time job. He did what he thought was the best choice for him and his newly born daughter. He dropped out of school and joined a gang that had recently branched into Korea from Europe. He moved in with his mother so that Jayla would have some one to watch her while he worked.

Due to Min Hyun's loyalty and hard work, he quickly climbed the chain of command in the gang. However, he made time for Jayla and was always there when she needed him. On her third birthday, he vowed to always put her first and love her with his very being. Taking this to heart, he made sure that Jayla always had everything she needed. He'd take on extra jobs and work just a little longer then needed so Jayla could get the newest sun glasses. 

On Jayla's first winter break as a Junior High student, she was abducted by a rival gang. Now, you'd expect her to freak out cry, right? Well, she didn't. She knew that without a doubt in her mind that her daddy would come and save her. She stayed calm through everything. Her face showed now fear. It remained blank until her father broke down the door the the house she was being kept at. His men flooded the place. A small smile was on her face as her father carried her our of the house. Only once she was back home did she cry. 

A week after that day, Jayla became the biggest diva in all of the Milky Way. Her father thinks its facade to hide how mentally hurt she really is. But only time will tell.

family members; 

Kylie Park | Mother | Would be 56 but she died at 24 | They never actually met since she died during the birthing | Deceased 

Lee Min Hyun | Father | 52 | Although Min Hyun isn't the best father, he cherishes his little girl. He treats her like royalty. Jayla as a grade a up act around him. Their relationship may seem fake, but they genuinely love each other.  | Alive



love is in the air.

                                 but how long can it stay?

partner: Han Sang Hyuk

how you met: Sang Hyuk is the son of a long time friend to Jayla's father. Since the two men are so close, Sang Hyuk has met Jayla on numerous occasssions. The one time that they remember each other for is when Sang Hyuk showed up to Jayla's 16th birthday party. He showed up and his eye was drawn immediately to Jayla. She noticed him and was actually rahter happy to see him because he father had invited the daughters of random colleagues. She and Hyuk got to know each other at this party. Jayla liked the fact that he complimented her just enough. And Hyuk enjoyed her lady like confidence. 

back-up: Yeo Hoon Min

how you met: Hoon unknowingly first met Jayla on street. He assisted her while she was shopping at a street vendor cart, which she gladly accepted. He later regconized her at Healing Highschool and attempted to make friends with her. 



anything else?: Nope






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