Midnight Romeo ღ - Kahi Lee | Opposites Attract


Kahi Lee Opposites Attract 


Nyjaha | Nya | 4.5

   - Juliette - 
Name:  Kahi Lee
Nickname: ----
Age: 18
Birthday: July 12, 1995
Height & weight:  165cm :: 58kg
Birthplace: New York, New York, USA
Hometown: Seattle, Washington, USA
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: English (Native), Korean (Fluent)
   - Irresistable Lips - 

Ulzzang: Jang Chom Mi, aka Chom
Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Backup ulzzang: 
Baek Su Min aka Yuko
Backup pictures: 12345
Style: Kahi's style doesn't stand out. She likes to wear denim, floral prints, cute sweaters, and pastel colors. 
Masquerade dress and mask: Dress, Mask
Extras: ----
     - Trouble Maker- 
Personality: Have you ever walked down the hallways and seen that girl reading the book? Probably not. Well, her name is Kahi Lee. She's that girl you'll see pressed against the walls to stay out of people's way. She'd walk the long way around to avoid seeing one person. Kahi will run away from everything and is frightened of being in front of crowds.  If you call her out in front of a crowd, she'll try to shrink and hide herself. 
She's soft spoken and tender with life. She's really shy and doesn't say too much. Don't expect her to snap at you, ever;  her temper doesn't exsist and she'll take anything anyone throws at her. She'll never have a snarky remark or witty comeback. Kahi treats people better than she treats herself, even if they're extremely mean to her. She believes that every person deserves kindness. Kahi will admit to her wrong doings and take the punishment with humility. She has no problem taking te blame for things, even if she had nothing to do with it. Kahi knows she's an easy target for bullies, but is always afraid to speak out against them. Kahi knows she's a push over, and she's just fine with that. 

Background: Kahi was born in New York City to a rather traditional Korean family. Her parents were strict with her grades and her behavior. She was only allowed to speak to them in Korean and she spoke English at school.
Around her fourth birthday, Kahi's family moved to Seattle, Washington. Not long after moving there she met her first friend, Kylie Guem. She lived in Seattle until she turned sixteen. Her mother thought it would be good to send her to live with her aunt in Seoul, so off she went. Once there, she enrolled in the local highschool and fell into her usual wall flower routine. She made a few friends and met the most gorgeous guy she'd ever seen, Park Jimin. They met in the usual way. He walked by and winked in a cocky manner; she fell for him in that instant. However, because he was popular and she was not, she could only crush on him from afar.

Likes: Manhwas and Mangas// Drawing// Writing short stories// Sweets // Sleeping past noon
Dislikes: Physical activites// Math// Science// Mean Girls// Playboys
Habits: Looking down when she's nervous // Biting her lip when people say dumb things// Playing with her hair around boys// Rocking on her feet when she speaks if she's around a lot of people
Hobbies:  Reading// Writing// Drawing// Dancing in her room to kpop songs
Trivia: Made her first friend when she was four years old// Has never had her first kiss in her 18 years of living//  Allergic to all kinds of nuts and strawberries// Loves the smell of lavender and vanilla
    - Baby Steps- 
Father | Lee Do Hyung | 54 | Strict, Protective, Strong-Headed, Stubborn, Straight Forward
Mother | Kim Mi Joo | 50 | Kind, Soft Hearted, Caring, Protective, Loving
Best Friend | Kylie Guem | 18 | Loud, Crazy, Daring, Funny, Caring
Rival: ----
     - It's War. -
Love Interest: Park Jimin | 18 | Bangtan Boys
Backup love interest: Kim Taehyung | 18 | Bangtan Boys
Love Interest Masquerade Attire: Suit, Mask ( the top mask)
Love interests personality: Jimin is soft-hearted and charming. He carries himself in a confiedent manner and does it without ever seeming arrogant. He treats others as equals, unless you're a struggling lady. Yeah, that's his weak spot, damsels in distress. Jimin can't resist helping a girl in need. He loves to play the knight in shining armor and does so happily.
How'd you meet?: Jimin and Kahi met offically during a group project they had for class. He thought she was cute for the most part, so he acted rather nice and helped with the project. Kahi was nervous when her and Jimin had to work together, she couldn't look him in the eyes because he was to pretty. However, after the project ended, Jimin forgot about Kahi and Kahi quietly crushed on him from afar. 
What makes you fall for him at the masquerade?: Kahi fell for him when he asked her to dance. She loved the way his voice sounded, and the feel of his arms around her waist as they danced. 

     - Goodbye goodbye -
Comments: Uhm, I tried hard to make Kahi a wall flower and still be interesting. 
Questions: Nope
Scene suggestions: Uhm, can you do one of Kahi anf Jimin interacting after the party and then comparing each other to the version of each other they met at the party?



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Much better :) Thank you for fixing your application!