`chronicle. - Oh, NamJin



NAME: Oh, NamJin
NICKNAME: Namu: His friends call him this whenever they want to bug him, and it's successful in doing that.
Swan #1: Because he has called his classmates the ugly ducklings many times whenever he's mad at them, his friends got a good laugh the first time he said that and sometimes call themselves the only swans in the class.
BIRTHDAY + AGE: 06/29/96 + 17
LANGUAGES: Korean ( fluent ) and English ( basic )
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 179 cm, 68 kg
YEAR: Senior

FACE CLAIM + GALLERY: Nam Woong + Gallery
APPEARANCE/STYLE: When it comes to the school uniform, NamJin wears it properly at the start of the day, but he usually ends up rolling his sleeves up and have a few buttons that had ed unnoticably during some point of the day. His uniform wouldn't be tucked in as it originally was. The staff don't point it out anymore as they know that with the kind of friends he has and the stupid things they do every single day, it's going to be messed up again anyway. As for when it's outside school, NamJin likes to wear graphic or text shirts under a plain black, grey, or white hoodie, but he leaves the hoodies ped unless it's winter. He doesn't give a damn about his shoes, so he wears his worn out black Converse that he gave himself as a birthday gift. He'd grab a pair of jeans, not too baggy or skinny. Or if he wants to feel comfy that day, he'd wear his grey sweatpants. NamJin doesn't wear anything else, overall, he likes a casual style and doesn't like going over the top when it comes to fashion.
"I don't want to talk, leave me alone."
NamJin wants his silence when he needs it, an introvert. Yes, just like almost everyone in the world, he depends on his friends to go through his days. But sometimes, he just wants to sit and watch every person pass by him without a glance. There are days when he just wants to think for himself, not for others, so he doesn't need to carefully consider everyone's feelings all the time. It seems selfish, but he actually uses that time to think about what he should do for his friends, or simply to just reflect on what he's done so far. His friends learn to get used to days when he doesn't talk when they're gathered together, or when he leaves them to go back to his dorm and be alone. They know that it isn't something they should take seriously, so they go on with themselves until NamJin finally comes back beside them, being his usual self.
"But really, that girl spits on everyone's face like a sprinkler."
You'd think that he's just being funny, but he's actually being blunt. NamJin never monitors what comes out of his mouth, so he isn't that good when it comes to being nice. It's usually things that could be very offensive to some people, but his friends love making fun of people or something, so they get a good laugh out of it. When talking to him, he makes frank statements about people, and it can make you awkward since he says it so easily rather than most of his classmates can. It's also a form of indirect venting. When someone he doesn't like asks him his opinion of them, NamJin shoves all the things he's been dying to say at their faces, in a certain way that they can't make him go into trouble. About opinions, he doesn't hold back on saying them and would state it flatly without any sugar coat, not caring if he'd get sacked in the next second. Everyone knows that NamJin says what he wants, there is no changing it.
"Does it matter? I'm going to talk to him anyway."
Even when approaching the most infamous student in the school, NamJin's nonchalant. Unless something or someone amuses or disgusts him somehow, nobody has his attention except for his friends. His nonchalant attitude gets his teachers and classmates off guard whenever he shrugs off something important in front of them. NamJin isn't very good at group work because he never tells what's wrong with their project until the last minute, a very bad nonchalant habit of his. He doesn't have the need to set or achieve a goal unless it's for his friends, so everything he does is done in a very soulless manner. Nearly anything doesn't concern him and there is an air of calm surrounding him. Of course, NamJin isn't boring all the time. There are moments when his nonchalantness can become a sort of daring vibe, since he doesn't care about what happens to him or the consequences.
"Leave anything to me, I'll do it."
Though he doesn't seem like it, NamJin's a person you can depend on with anything. But only his friends get the privilege to see his dependable side. He never offers to do things when it comes to group work and classmates, but if you do give him a part, rest assured that he'd do a good job. So keep in mind that even if he gives a bored look at that piece of paper, he's going to tackle the work anyway. He doesn't like the thought of being useless or failing to do a task that was trusted to him, as he wants to be a person who can be capable of going as much as work as others can. It slightly affects his self-worth too, as he had always been judged as useless in the past. NamJin has the need to prove everyone that he can be depended on, if he fails at something, he'd feel much more disappointed than you'd expect.
"You aren't going to be with them, aren't you?"
NamJin sounds like he's concerned, but he's actually possessive. Especially when it comes to his friends. This is a subconscious part of him, as he doesn't realize that he's being too protective over his friends until he thinks about it at the end of the day. This is probably because he's never had company like theirs in his early years, so he fears that they'd drift away and he'd have no one to talk to again. NamJin's always looking out for his friends and is completely aware of what they do with other people. Luckily, people think that he's just being a friendly kind of protective. It's unhealthy for him since he can get stressed out over the littlest things that can go wrong between him and his few companies. There were moments where his friends though that he had been too 'protective,' as it could show through at times. Either way, NamJin can only hope that he doesn't do anything that makes them get distant from him.
"I'm fine, I'm just thinking, no need to worry."
Following that statement comes with a glare, but because of that, nobody has ever thought that he could be lying. NamJin's reserved when it comes to his own feelings and personal problems due to growing up with no one to understand him. He has an unconscious state of mind that nobody will care about his problems, so he never says it to his friends and copes it by himself. As a child, the situation that has surrounded him made him think that no one would care for him, nobody would care to help him. With that engraved in his mind, all NamJin can ever think is that he'd be a bother or an embarassment to his friends. If he seeked out advice from an adult, he'd feel ashamed for being too desperate for help, as he thinks that it's useless of him to do so. There's nothing that anyone can do, no one knows he's lying or don't have the guts to confront him about it. But NamJin knows he might just burst out his emotions soon enough.
- Has an odd fear of gulls, geese, ducks, swans, and any of the alike. Those animals chased him whenever his family went out for outings as a child. Now, NamJin makes sure he doesn't flinch in front of anyone, not wanting to be teased for something stupid.
- A habit of hissing to himself when he gets annoyed or angry. He doesn't care if people look at him weirdly, he has to do it so he won't punch whoever talks to him next.
- NamJin's actually a picky person, refusing to eat any fruits and vegetables, with the exception of corn, potatoes, and carrots. He's never drank any pop since his first sip, hating the fizz that it gave.
- Whenever he thinks, his facial expressions go with it. It's a habit that he cannot stop and it weirds people out. You see this habit in action when a person who is disliked by the whole school passes by him, he thinks about that person and wrinkles his nose.
- Has a horrible sense of direction, even his scatterbrained friend can lead themselves into a new place better than he can. NamJin keeps it a secret that he forgets which hand is east and west. The only intructions he can follow are with words like right, left, straight, and turn.
- Out of all the hobbies he could have, NamJin likes drawing the most. He usually draws in an anime style, with a futuristic or fantasy theme. He has a scrapbook with him that's always in his bag everyday, and he tends to go back on his old drawings to add more detail he missed out. Nowadays, his drawings are getting more morbid, due to his inspiration from his power.
- When roaming around outdoors, to make himself amused, NamJin controls nearby stray animals when he's alone and make them move around as if they're dancing in a weird way. He loves seeing them scurry off when he releases them.
POWER + BACKUP POWER: Blood Marionette + Command Inducement
Strengths: Blood Marionette ; It's as scary as what it sounds like. NamJin can control the blood inside you to move your body to however he wants it to move without having to twitch a single finger. What makes this power more dangerous is that its user isn't a faint-hearted one, NamJin won't hesitate on using it since he controls it perfectly and would enjoy every second of it. He can make the blood crush every bone in your body to give you a slow death, or break your neck with a simple snap. He can do this at any distance as long as you are in his sight, so it will be almost impossible to put a scratch on him.
Command Inducement ; Whatever he commands, the person will do it, no questions asked. NamJin can use this without the worry of getting caught, because the victim will be unconscious during the time of when they acted on his command. What's handy about the power is that the command will be engraved into the victim's mind until a few weeks have faded it. For example, if he had told you to defend yourself against some bullies, the same command will trigger in your mind the next time the bullies are about to beat you up or someone says a similar thing. You'll go unconscious in a short time and do the orders again
Weaknesses: Blood Marionette ; While this power may seem deadly, once you find the way around it, he's done for. At the most, NamJin can only get five people/living things on the palm of his hand. If the number is overpowering, then he'd be no help but to use the ones he has under control to defend himself or his friends. Humans are easy puppets to play, but soon, he'd struggle with the beasts lurking around the school. Some may be able to break NamJin's grasp if they're too hostile for him to hold down. Controlling them is like holding them by their necks like rabbits, so they have a slight possibility to break free.
Command Inducement ; The reason why NamJin doesn't command anyone to do anything dumb is because he can only order the same person once. He makes sure that his decisions aren't wasteful and that it's a benefit commanding them. There were a few times when he accidentally used his powers, making him have to look away from someone when he says something similar to a command. NamJin can't give orders without making eye contact with them. He can't do it through a screen or reflection, it has to be direct. He came to know this when he tested it, and it's the one weakness that he can't do anything about.

{ 1996 - 2009 | Seoul, South Korea }
1996 | NamJin is born in the bustling city of Seoul, with his birth making his family into one of four family members. His older brother, JaeHan, was aged six at the time. Being the youngest, NamJin was spoiled and loved by everyone in the family. He was used to the attention that he'd have in family reunions. JaeHan never really minded because he was tired of the attention himself, something that NamJin never understood.
2000 | Another child is born into the family, ChanJu, making NamJin the middle child at the age of 4. In no time, he was being neglected. His parents were busy with their own jobs, and his younger brother was being babied while his older brother was being focused on. This had led into some conflict between ChanJu and NamJin, but you could see that NamJin was the huge problem between the two. He was jealous. JaeHan would always split the fights, but by the years, the two younger siblings hated each other more. Yet at the same time, NamJin started to feel insecure, as if he wasn't important anymore.
2009 | It went on like that, his parents took him for granted and NamJin lost his flare of confidence, his smile. At the age of 13, he kept himself away from his classmates, just like what he has been doing for the past years. He let all his personal problems unreleased, dealing the stress by himself. No one would be able to solve his probems, especially when they were at the home he went to everyday. His parents looked at him as a disappointment, as he failed at school. It wasn't because he was dumb, but because he stopped caring. His classmates didn't think that was the case, so they addressed him as the wangtta victim, the one who would be completely isolated and would never have his way whenever he was in school. NamJin didn't say anything, knowing that the whole student body would say that he's lying.
{ 2010 - 2014 | St. Pauline Prep }
2010 | NamJin's parents lost their patience. After seeing that he won't improve his grades, they bursted at him in front of his two siblings. The words they had in their minds slipped out of their mouths. They asked him why he wasn't like JaeHan, how much of a disappointment he was, how pointless of a child he was being. On the spot, they decided to send him away to St. Pauline Prep, most likely to take off the dead weight. NamJin expected himself to be greatly affected by these words, but he wasn't. Instead, he talked back, saying that he would be glad that he'd be sent away. Finally telling them about how he lied about his school life, that people there think the same thing as his parents were about him. NamJin stormed off in his room, but it didn't take long until someone came in, ChanJu. He asked why he hadn't said anything until now, but NamJin only answered with the same thought he had for years: There was nothing you could do. He was enrolled into St. Pauline Prep then, still holding a hatred towards his parents.
2011 | The first year wasn't much, but after forcing himself to open up a bit every now and then, he befriended Yoon JungHan and Gong ShiHyun. The two were major opposites, but they got along anyway. Then there was Jeon JungKook who got enrolled that year, the two met when JungKook had decided to play a prank on ShiHyun. NamJin found the prank unique, so he befriended JungKook through their small hobby of pranking. NamJin was improving his grades, as JungHan always shoved his own notes in front of his face, worrying for him. None of his three friends know about his situation with his parents, but he'd rather keep it that way then be specially treated like a poor puppy. Besides, they accepted him for who he is, or more like what his past made him into. His life at this school is much more better than the previous one, but because ShiHyun has many people disputing him, NamJin got himself dragged into his business numerous times. Usually, it'd only leave them fuming, or a bruise on the cheek. Following with JungHan's scoldings and JungKook's teasing.
2014 | It was when he lost control of his anger when he discovered his powers. A classmate decided to taunt about him and his friends. There was no one in the hallway, giving the student the opportunity to push him around. Normally, NamJin could've shrugged off the trash he talked about ShiHyun, but this guy's words stuck to him. NamJin was left picking himself up from the floor, watching as his classmate walked off. But he let his anger burst. Then it happened. NamJin saw his classmate greatly stiffen throughout all his body, and he just knew, NamJin just knew that he had control over his body. Turning him around and forcing him to walk over in front of him, NamJin threatened to break his bones if he would ever say one more word about him or his friends. His classmate choked out an agreement, and he got released, running off to the next hallway. NamJin realized that he has the power to control people through their blood, and he was delightful of it. A power to use to release his anger on the people he hated, wasn't it convenient? While he walked back to his dorm, NamJin smiled to himself the whole way through. The next day, there was no word of him about his newly founded powers. He couldn't stop thinking how perfect the situation was. Nobody knew how dangerous he could be, and that was great.
"It's okay, I'll leave you be. Hope to see you soon, though."
Yoon JungHan // N/A // Friend // They're the opposites. JungHan's that one guy who's really nice and has that charming smile, but oddly, hangs out with people like NamJin. He's a bit scatterbrained, not aware that he's got a few girls swooning over him. But it could get a bit bad, since it's gone to the point where he keeps an agenda with him everywhere. JungHan's kind to everyone, considering their feelings and putting them in front first before him. People like him rare these days, so it's nice to have him around in the school. // JungHan acts as NamJin's conscience. Whenever he's about to do something stupid, he holds him back and makes him think about the consequences before he jumps in. But if he does end up doing it, then JungHan will join in anyway. If NamJin goes on stating blunt comments to people, JungHan always apologizes on the behalf of him. Out of all the group of friends, JungHan is the one who slightly understands him, giving him the space he needs even if it's out of the blue. No matter what, JungHan has the need to be loyal to NamJin and stays by his side, and NamJin is grateful and wants to do the same thing back.
"Hyung, hyung. Don't ask, but I want you to do something for me!"
Jeon JungKook // BTS // Friend // This younger kid is always wanting to cause trouble. Being mischievous and clever, JungKook uses his mind to make the most creative pranks. If you crowd the student body in one room, you can bet that you'll hear JungKook yelling across the other side, he's that loud. You'd be able to find him in less than a minute. He's very naggy and if he finds sometihng that he doesn't like, JungKook doesn't cease on complaining. Some people can't get along with him because of his childish ways, laughing over elementary school jokes or just simply acting like one. // JungKook has his own group of friends, but he ditches them on a daily basis to bug NamJin. Unlike his friends, NamJin agrees to every single prank that JungKook does and the two have been pranking partners ever since they met, making laughs or fist fights. JungKook is the chitter-chatter out of all the friends NamJin has, so he can never get bored when the kid's around. He always has funny stories of his trolls in class, childish but fun riddles to give, and stupid jokes to crack.
"Why am I friends with you? Oh, right. We hate the same people."
Gong ShiHyun // N/A // Friend // ShiHyun's quite simliar to NamJin, except the fact that he has random moodswings and he gets pissed off way too easily than an average human can. He's very persistent when he wants something and it takes a lot of time to pry him off when he starts to act it. ShiHyun's like a bomb when you first meet him. Cut the wrong wire and you're doomed, cut the right one and you're on the list of humans he like. There's no such thing as 'peace' when it's ShiHyun and you'd see him get into fights, oddly enough, all of them are only verbal fights. But that's his forte, stinging people with his words. // These two act and think alike, that's what everyone can say about them. But even so, they're found pushing each other's faces, insulting the other, jabbing each other's stomachs, etc. They beat each other up but still remain friends, it's that kind of friendship they have. If they're not fighting together, they'd be dissing people they hate together and finishing each other's insults about them, whether it's behind their backs or right in their face.


QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: Umm, I hope he's good? xD I've been getting a lot of brain farts recently, but I just haaaave to apply for this. >< Anyway, if there's something you don't like, you know what to do. :3
- NamJin accidentally orders ShiHyun to leave him alone, making him have to wait until a few weeks have passed to fade away the command in his mind. ( this is if his power is command inducement )
- He gets pissed ( at something ) and sits with JungHan outdoors on a bench. NamJin controls a stray animal without thinking that his friend might see ( rabbit, cat, idk ) to aid his anger and JungHan discovers his power.


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