Ultimate Diamond ✯ [Lin Yue Mi]➳[Scarlet Knight]

Lin Yue Mi
OLWEIZWIDU // meili // 9
NICKNAME: Chel - friends || LinMi - cousins
DATE OF BIRTH: August 25, 1991
AGE: 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Chongqing, China
HOMETOWN: Beijing, China
LANGUAGE: Chinese [fluent], Korean [fluent]
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: The Hands-on Child
POSITION: Main Singer
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Yue Mi is a very loving and caring daughter. At a young age, she was known by her parents as someone responsible and thrifty. She prioritizes her studies first because of her parents. Being an onlly child, she learned how to do almost all of the household chores. When her parents are sick, she's the one managing the house and taking care of them. She respects her parents more than anyone else. She always listens to whatever her parents will tell her. That's why when her they told her to stop joining competitions, she didn't hesitate. She doesn't want to disappoint her parents. She serves as the strength of her parents and the light of their house. She brightens up their mood with the stories she narrates about her daily activities. She is really open to her parents except when it comes to her crushes. She gets shy with the topic being opened, that's why she immediately drops the topic with 'I don't have any crush, I want to focus on my studies first'. And she never mentions to her parents about her problems. As long as she can, she would endure it and find a solution herself. She knows that her parents have their own problems in their work and she doens't want to add the burden to them anymore.

Yue Mi has a bright and cheerful aura that she brings wherever she goes. These personalities of her helped her gain friends. When she was with her friedns, she becomes this sarcastic person who always have comments about everyone's statements. It's not really in a harsh way. It actually brought laughter in their peer. She is the most optimistic person in their group. Whenever everyone's down, they go to her to seek for comfort. She would whole-heartedly comfort them and give them encouragements. She chooses her words well. Sometimes, she can't help but say a bit harsh words because it was the truth. No matter how positive she is, she needs to remain in the world of reality. If someone is at fault, she makes sure that that person will be able to understand the situation well. After the 'real talk', as she wants to call it, she will say unnecessary remarks in order to lighten up the mood. Someone who doesn't know her well might think that she isn't serious at all. But her words are more than that. She became the comfort zone of her friends and she didn't mind it even a bit. She is someone who doesn't side any of her friends. She's always in the middle. On the other hand, she is the first one to stand up for her friends. And that's what she is when it comes to her friends.

For the people she just met, or someone who doesn't know her at all, they would think that she is someone who is hard to approach. Her serious face screams that she is a cold person. Her fashion sense shouts that she's a diva. But she's just a nice and simple girl inside. Many people mistook her as someone that isn't she. At first meetings, she is a very shy person but would send gentle smiles to the other person. She is really nice and friendly. When she finally get close to the person, she will be her true self. The sarcastic and child-like girl.

Yue Mi is a mature girl but very young at heart. She doesn't want to show her tears to others because she believes that it is a form of weakness. When she has problems, she would deal with it. With that, no one knew if she went througha problem or not because she always maintains her cheerful appearance. She has this personality of doing the work without being told by other people. Maybe it was out of her hobby. She may be a thrifty person who doens't want to spend her money over unnecessary things. However, she can still surprise other people by her actions. When it comes to work, she has this 'fighting' aura. And when it comes to play, she possesses this 'be prepared' aura.

» Background

Lin Yue Mi was born in Chongqing, China by her loving and supportive parents. They were living in a small yet simple house not far from the Jialing River. Her father works as one of the broadcasters in Chongqing Broadcatsing Group. It became their main source of income for her father's salary is enough for them to continue their living. As for her mother, she is a local tourist guide. Even though that she earns almost the same amount as her husband, they decided not to spend it for their daily expneses. They rather save it for the future of their only daughter.

At the age of three, Yue Mi's family moved to Beijing for her studies and due to her parents' job. Her father was moved to another broadcasting station in Beijing while her mother continued being a tourist guide in Beijing. There, Yue Mi easily befriended her classmates and even received positive remarks from her teachers. She received various awards at a young age. At the age of six, she participated in a singing contest held in their school wherein she won the first prize. Since then, she was well-known in the campus for someone who has an angelic and powerful voice. She was invited in different competitions and events. Her parents are very proud of their daughter and even supports her in continuing her passion. 

When she graduated in grade school, she transferred to another school in the same city. Introducing herself and making new friends were not a problem for her. Yue Mi continued joining singing competitions while excelling in her studies. She may not be one of the top students in her class, but her grades are above average. When she was in her second year in middle school, she watched a sports dance competition with her friend, Ai Zhi, that was held in their school. Since then, she wanted to learn how to dance different kinds of sports dance. It was hard at first since she really doesn't dance ever since. It took her a month and a half in order to perfect a complete routine for tango. Since she already have a background of the dance, it was easier for her to learn the other kinds of the dance. She became close to her partner, Zhong Tian, throughout those times that they were together practicing new routines and joining competitions. She grew up not knowing any dance except for the routines used in sports dance. Unfortunately, Zhong Tian and her were not going to the same high school. But they promised to keep in touch and would probably join competition again the next time they see each other and have some time to practice.

As she reached her high school years, she transferred to another school; the Beijing Haidan Foreign Language Shi Yan School. Like in her previous schools, she easily befriended a number of students in the campus. Her passion in singing and dancing was halted due to her needness in focusing on her studies. She spent most of her time in the school's library to be able to have peace in mind while studying. One day, she was walking through the corridors of her school when she bumped to a student. She said sorry to him and that became the start of Luhan and her's friendship. It was just another kind of friendship. Except for the fact that they were not in the same level. But with their personality, students never doubt their ability to befriend each other. Yue Mi knew Luhan for he was her classmate's word of the day. Not everyone though, but just someof her classmates who were sitting not far from her. She can always hear them talk about Luhan this and that. And when Yue Mi managed to be his friend, they bombarded her with questions and favors. But she never said anything about it. She doesn't want to be seen as someone taking advantage of a friend. However, Yue Mi grew a liking towards Luhan. She confessed to him indirectly two weeks before his graduation. Knowing Luhan, she's already rejected. She never expected to be accepted anyway in the first place. Fortunately, Luhan never found out it was her.

When Yue Mi entered her senior year, Luhan already graduated and left the country. She still have her old friends and even garnered a very few new friends. She continued studying hard to the extent of almost abandoning her interests. Some of her friends knew about her talents and were convincing her to perform in different events and even join some competitions. However, she wanted to stick on her studies until she graduate in high school. It's the least she could for her parents. But it seems like fate isn't really on her side. A school festival was held in their campus. Through her evil friends, her name was listed as one of the performers for the singing category. It wasn't a competition, just a simple performance by the students. Unfortunately, Yue Mi wasn't able to back out unless she has a valid reason. She cursed at her friends. Nevertheless, they still continued on giving her encouragement and all. Telling her that it's her last year anyway. Mind as well show off her real talent. Until the day of the festival, she was still upset about her friends' actions. She still performed though and she never felt that great again. With her confidence on stage, it was visible to the spectators that she loves what she was doing. She received applause and cheers from the crowd. With the response gained, she was really happy.

A month before her graduation, her friends came running to her early in the morning. It wasn't new but it was just too early for that action. When they reached Yue Mi, they handed her a flyer. It was about the upcoming audition for Paradox Entertainment in Beijing. It was the first overseas audition by the company. And they insist Yue Mi to grab the opportunity. She wanted to refuse but after some time thinking about it, she decided to try. She will never know the results if she wouldn't try. She spent every free time she has thinking of her audition piece and practicing it. On the day of the audition, she noticed the number of people present already despite coming to the place early. She was nervous as hell when she was nearing her turn. She wanted to back out but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. And she will surely be killed by her friends if she'll chicken at the last second. When her turn was called, she took a deep breath and entered the room. She sang Teresa Teng's The Moon Represents My Heart and danced to Beyonce's Crazy In Love. She did practice a lot for the dance routine. It was a mixture of a normal dance routine and tango. Afterwards, she was jumping in joy after hearing that she passed the audition. Due to her training, she moved to Korea a week after her graduation.

And the rest was history...

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: sunrise/sunset || it makes her calm and free from stress
  • two: photography || she prefers capturing sceneries and moments rather than herself
  • three: coffee || she's a coffee addict since 12
  • four: rain || it serves as her reflection time
  • five: patbingsoo || her all-time favorite Korean dessert
  • six: books || she loves reading since she was small
» Dislikes
  • one: skinships || she's a very ticklish person
  • two: elevator || she's claustrophobic
  • three: rumors || she doesn't like jumping up to conclsions
  • four: drawing || she believes that she doesn't have talent
  • five: people touching her hair || it irritates her
  • six: liars || she knows when someone's lying to her through the person's eyes
» Fears
  • one: Acrophobia || fear of heights
  • two: Nosocomephobia || fear of hospitals
  • three: Claustrophobia || fear of having no escape or being closed in
  • four: Hemophobia || fear of blood
  • five: Automatonophobia || fear of humanoid figures
  • six: Agrizoophobia || fear of wild animals
» Hobbies
  • one: cooking || she loves making new recipes and baking
  • two: eating fruits || whenever she's hungry, she always eats fruits
  • three: surfing the net || keeps updated about their group and other artists
  • four: fashion designing || the only form of art she excels at; she even has a collection of her own designs
  • five: reading books || the thing she often does whenever she has nothing to do
» Habits
  • one: breathes deeply || it's her way to ease her nervousness
  • two: hugs a pillow before sleeping || despite her mature personality, she's still young at heart
  • three: checking the time on her phone || it's the first thing she does every morning
  • four: bites her lower lip || she does it whenever she gets scolded to prevent herself from crying
  • five: raises an eyebrow || it only happens when she's confused
» Trivia
  • one: attended Beijing Haidan Foreign Language Shi Yan School
  • two: a distant relative of EXO's Lay
  • three: followed by a wild boar when she was young that traumatized her
  • four: has a secret diary where she wrotes her feelings and everyday happenings
  • five: learned sports dance during her middle school years
  • six: never been in love but had crushes before
  • seven: rushed to the hospital after fainting when she was 9
  • eight: knows how to play violin and piano
  • nine: very fashionable
  • ten: wrote a letter to Luhan when she was a junior high school (the latter was senior) but was rejected though the latter doesn't know that Yue Mi was that L.Y.M. before
  • eleven: chose to remain friends with Luhan rather than being bitter
  • twelve: when she was 4, she received a doll as a gift but immediately cried after seeing its eyes
  • thirteen: Luhan doesn't know her full name until they met again in Korea
  • fourteen: doesn't drink alcoholic drinks
  • fifteen: has her own blog where she gives advices about love
  • sixteen: listens to Chinese songs before going to sleep
  • seventeen: can't sleep when the lights are on and is too noisy
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: Taeyeon | TIFFANY
dancing twin: KRYSTAL | SUZY
rapping twin: CHORONG | YOONA
aegyo twin: YURA | nana
talking twin: DARA | MINAH
laughing twin: BOMI | SUNNY
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP PERSONA: Unrealistic Manliness || Nerve-wrecking Vocal Hitter
BACKUP: Byun Baekhyun

[LU HAN] Luhan is a very reserved person in from of the cameras. However, he's the complete opposite behind those blinding lights. He is shy at first but is really very friendly after getting to know him. That's why it's no surprise that a lot of people likes him. His positive aura brings out more lightness atmosphere. He's cute but no one can ever make him admit it. He doesn't like being called fluffy names. If he hears anyone saying those, he will make sure to get it back to them. In a playful way, of course. He insists that he is manly though no one believes him. he likes teasing and being playful with s and to his other close friends. He cares a lot about other people. Despite looking younger, he's one of the hyungs in his group that is always ready to be there for his younger brothers whenever they need someone to lean on. He is a good listener and very understanding. However, like other people, he also have his own flaws. As fas as he can, he wants to cover it up with his cheerful personality. He may look happy outside but there's a problem he's bringing. Like how he misses his family in China. But he has to look strong for his group. His manliness shows thru his personality and not his outer appearance.

[BAEKHYUN] Baekhyun is very famous with his noisy personality. He has this vibe that makes everyone around him happy without putting too much effort on it. He is the complete opposite definition of peace. Even though someone is very shy and quiet, he easily breaks the ice between them. His jokes make it more bright. He has the definition of variety. His bright aura gives strength to his fellow members whenever they have hard time during their practices and when they're tired every after schedule. He's good at giving advices though there's always a playful remark at the end. That's why it's hard to make sure that he's serious over something or not. He doesn't like being in an awkward situation tat's why he talks a lot. He is very playful and often cracks jokes with Chanyeol. They are the duo that brings happiness and breaks the peace wherever they go. Despite the difficulties he went through, he remains cheerful. He can be very cranky at times but eventually returns to his old self after giving his own time to reflect.


[LU HAN] Lu Han and Yue Mi have known each other even before their debut. Honestly, they entered the same high school way back in China. They are known for their close junior-senior relationship. They are just friends though. After meeting again in Myeongdong after nearly two years, they started to catch up with each other current lives. They often meet at a certain cafe or at a playground. They talk about the most random, silliest, and unnecessary things every time they meet. They never bother to ask each other about how they are or anything related to that. Just something that will pop out of their minds will be fine. They are always surrounded by a light atmosphere making them forget about their painful trainings. When Lu Han started focusing on his training for his upcoming debut, they barely had a chance to meet outside. However, they constantly send weird emssages to each other every day; either it's late at night or early in the morning. People that would see them will actually thought that they are lovers.

[BAEKHYUN] Baekhyun and Yue Mi met through Luhan. Even though Yue Mi is not good at befriending people, Baekhyun made it easy for her. They shared lots of laughter and jokes; even though Yue Mi's jokes are sometimes corny. Since their first meeting, they sometimes meet outside to grab snacks. They talk about how their trainings were, how they spent the day, and the people around them. Baekhyun became Yue Mi's second diary. She tells him about her views about the people inside the company. From the great president to the trainors to her members. Positive and negative. She just feels that she can trust him enough to tell him about her opinions. They often text or call each other whenever they have free time. Baekhyun loves to tease Yue Mi everything about her. He always have something to rebut on her sarcastic remarks whenever they talk.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I hope you like my application. I don't mind having Baekhyun as Yue Mi's love interest. I think it would spice up the story of Yue Mi. If that would happen, it would be fine if the same plot of Yue Mi's background would occur. I really do hope that you'll accept Yue Mi as part of this upcoming group. It's fine if her position would be changed. I can make some revisions (if this is applicable here in the first place >.<)
SUGGESTIONS: make a reality show to show their personalities off cam or their training period until they made their debut || do a showcase for their debut || on their 100th day anniversary, make a small fan meet and celebrate it with their fans
SCENE REQUEST: Yue Mi and Luhan were walking at night when a fan saw them together || late phone call from Luhan || Baekhyun and Yue Mi's unending battle of remarks about a certain topic || special collaboration with Baekhyun in Immortal Song
PASSWORD: Paradox Entertainment
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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