▲ heaven's call — lin xin yu

Achel; hc's main dancer, vocalist

oLweiZwidU :: MeiLi :: 9

character name; Lin Xin Yu
nicknames; Xinnie :: her best friend :: her best friend said its ws a cute name for her though she oppose her best friend's thought
birthdate; 12.10.93
age; 20
blood type; O
birth place; Chongqing, China
home town; Beijing, China
ethnicity; Chinese
languages; Chinese [fluent] Korean [fluent]
ulzzang; Ryn
links; here
back-up ulzzang; Park Hwan Hui
links; here
clothing style; fashionable and comfortable. She loves wearing skirts and dresses. However, she only wears it whenever she's at home or when she's visiting a special someone. She prefers dresses that are one inch above her knee and those that are below her knee. When it comes to skirts, she prefers plain black ones. She has a collection of those kinds of skirts; plain, black, but different in designs. She partners white t-shirts with her skirts most of the time. Simple t-shirts with printed words or small designs. When going to mall or other places, she wears jeans, mostly skinny, and blouse. She loves wearing belts whenever she's wearing jeans. During practice, she wears an oversized shirt, shorts or jogging pants, and a cardigan that is tied on her waist. The thing that adds to her fashionable style are her accessories. She can't leave the house without wearing one of them. And the thing that she adores the most are her high heels. She loves them since she was a child. She only wear snickers during practices and such. Her style makes her girly and classy but she isn't completely like that.
extra; Xin Yu's har color is naturally dark brown. She never changed her hair color except for those times when she wants it to have black highlights.
personality on-stage;
Xin Yu is very modest on-stage. She loves to talk a lot. Sometimes, she tends to mention sarcastic remarks but it is to help brighten the mood. She tends to smile a lot especially in front of cameras. She believes that whenever she smiles, it will bring happiness to other people. She always feel nervous before going on-stage though she's always the one who gives the encouragement to the members that everything will be fine. She feels that she can't perform and would forget the lyrics and routines. But when the music starts, she forgets everything around her; it's like she's the only one in the world. She is very friendly to her sunbaes and tends to talk to them a lot about random things. She's often refered to being the most clueless member of their group.
personality off-stage;
Xin Yu's personality off-stage is almost the same the one on-stage. She's the most straightforward person in their group. During practices, she's the one who always points out the mistakes of everyone. Despite that, she cares a lot for them. During break times, she's the one who distributes water bottles at them and helps in brightening the mood. She wants everyone to take their training and practices easy. Being one of the oldest, she has the authority to make sarcastic responses to the members, especially the younger ones. She just want to enjoy life to the fullest. She may be one of the most cheerful in the group but she also have those times wherein she's depress but she doesn't want her members to be bothered by it.
>>Ice Cream [she craves for it every now and then, despite of the weather]
>>Rain [it makes her calm]
>>Ghosts [she saw one when she was 7]
>>Horror/Suspense [she finds it enjoyable]
>>Beach [she heard it's fun to be there, she haven't went to one so she wanted to try]
>>Sunset [the shades of the sky is pretty]
>>Rainbow [it means new beginning for me]
>>Skinships [not that she totally dislikes it, she tends to be ticklish and can't take skinships too much]
>>Liars [she doesn't know when someone is lying to her or not; she dislikes it because she gets easily atatched to people and believes them easily]
>>Sun [it's too bright for her]
>>Elevator [she becomes claustrophobic]
>>Seafood except fish [she's allergic]
>>Cooking [she loves making new recipes]
>>Designing clothes [she has a collection of gown that she draw]
>>Surfing the net [downloads songs from different artists that took her interest]
>>Talks to herself while cooking [usually argues with what should be put first and such]
>>Hugging her teddy bear when going to sleep [she often brings her teddy bear around the dorm when she wakes up]
>>Checking the time on her phone [a habit of hers since young]
>>Heights [she's scared but likes to take the upper bunk]
>>Falling in love [she was hurt once and doesn't want to happen again]
>>Playing Konghou (harp) and guitar [her mom persuaded her to learn the instruments]
>>Sports Dance [she's fond of them since young and decided to learn]
>>Facts [she knows a lot about facts not only in their vicinity but also around the world]
>>She wear eyeglasses off-cam
>>She's very ticklish
>>She wants to have an older brother
>>Doesn't drink alcohol
>>Loves photography
>>She dated once and never wanted to repeat again
Xin Yu was born in Chongqing, China and moved in Beijing at the age of 3. She is a distant relative of Huang Zi Tao; they are cousins. At a young age, she is very close to her grandmother. She will often be her playmate and they the older will tell her stories before bedtime. At the age of 5, she insisted on learning sports dance after being able to watch one in a television. She joined a few competitions and won a trophy of no greater than second prize. Her life is pretty stable due to the restaurant that her father owns. She received average marks in her school and was well-known because of her prsonality. Sure there are some young students who are jealous of her popularity but she didn't care. She never wanted to gain such fame anyway. At the age of 9, her mother told that she has top at least learn one instrument to play. She thought that Konghou would be fun and studied it. It was hard at first but Xin Yu eventually learned how to love the instrument. She became a part of their orchestra group in her school. At a young age, she knows that she wanted to be a interioir designer. It grew confusion to her fmamily because she never show any interest about it. When she was 14, her grandmother died due to an incurable sickness. Before she lost her last breath, she told Xin Yu that she wanted her to be a singer. Because of that, she tired her best to be one. She practiced all day and night for her upcoming audition and the story goes on. She left her family in China to pursue her grandma's dream. Throughout her journey, she eventually loved it.
Father :: Lin Run Dong :: 52 :: Owner of a restaurant :: strict, positive thinker, loving :: 8
Mother :: Huang Yi Xuan :: 49 :: Housewife :: caring, bubbly, modest :: 8
best friends; 
Zhang Ren Mei :: 20 :: Part-time waitress :: cheerful, understanding, violent :: Way back in China, they are known as the best of friends. They are always together and do the silliest things together. :: 10
Victoria Song :: 26 :: Idol [f(x)] :: caring, funny, simple :: She became her first friend upon entering the company. Victoria stands as her older sister. They are often together, whenever f(x) doesn't have schedules and have fun outside. :: 9
Park Chanyeol :: 21 :: Idol (EXO) :: positive thinker, loud, trustworthy :: they often play guitar together and sing random songs. ::  9
Jung Saeyoung :: 20 :: College student :: friendly, cute, intelligent :: she is the one who accompanies Xin Yu in their school :: 8
Luhan :: 23 :: Idol (EXO) :: shy, easy-going, adorable :: they talk a lot about random things :: 9
love interest name; Luhan
group; EXO
birthday; April 20, 1990
age; 23
Luhan is very friendly and easy to get along with. It's no surprise that alot of people likes him. His positive aura brings out more lightness atmosphere. He's cute but will never admit it. He will never let anyone win after saying that he's cute, adorable, and other things related to that. He insists that he's manly though no one believes him. He is shy at first introduction but will eventually loosen up and will be able to pull off a casual conversation. He likes to tease and be playful with s. He also casually does that to Xin Yu. He cares a lot to other people and even thinks their position first before his. Despite looking younger, he's one of the hyungs in his group. And he is able to show that side of him whenever s are feeling down. He is always there for them. He is a good-listener and very understanding.
how they met; Xin Yu was walking around the basement of the company during her break. While walking around, she saw Luhan and approached him. She greeted him with her native Chinese and was greeted back. They spoke a few words to each other and found out that they attended the same middle school. Since Xin Yu is younger than Luhan, they barely know each other. Also, Xin Yu moved earlier than Luhan did. Since break time is almost finished for Xin Yu, she bid goodbye to the boy. They decided to meet again next time. They exchange number for easier communication, as what Luhan called it.
how they interact; They often meet at a cafe nearby to catch up with random things. They talk about their training experiences and their lives way back in China. Luhan is very friendly towards Xin Yu that's why she find it not hard to talk casually to the older. Luhan likes to out his arm on Xin Yu's shoulders. Once in contact, Xin Yu will immediately pull away. At first, Luhan thought she's embarass of the skinship but later on founf out that she doesn;t like it. However, being the playful that he is, he continues doing it sometimes he even headlocks Xin Yu that will receive a hard bite from her. Everyime they are together, Xin Yu can feel butterflies in her stomach but decided to push it away because she's afraid.
back up love interest; Chanyeol
group; EXO
how many trainee years; 4 years
how were your trainee years;
Life's hard for Xin Yu while being a trainee. She's away from her family whom was with her most of her life. But she didn't give up her dream. She wanted to be an diol so be it. She tried her best to balance her studies and training. She practices beyond the required time. She doesn't care if she's already exhausted or not. There are a number of classes that she is forced to skip in order to attend the training. She calls her parents once a week to inform them about her status in Korea. Fortunately, she receives dupports from her parents. Due to her training, she can't visit her family during special occasions. Other than that, she's having fun with whatever she goes through because she believes that life's full of ups and downs.
how you became a trainee;
Xin Yu's grandmother persuaded her to audition and to pursue a singing career. Her grandma loves to sing so she decided to try out. She practiced very hard every night, after classes, to prepare for her audition piece. When she's ready, she registered with hundreds of people trying out. She sang a Chinese song and danced to Britney Spears Toxic. She passed the auditions which caused happiness to her family and eventually moved to Korea for further training.
fanclub name; AcheLites
fanclub color; #663399
back-up position; Lead Rapper, Vocalist
singing twin; Dara (2NE1)
dancing twin; BoA
rap twin; Park Chorong (A Pink)

questions; did i do good? >.<
comments; I hope that I was able to meet your satisfaction. I also hope that you won't mind her having no rival. Too much drama can kill a person >.< I tried my best and well..I hope you like her ^^
>>Give them a variety show where they can showcase their personalities off-stage. I think it's good for the fans to know more about them. Like a documentary or something, I guess
>>Do a showcase wherein they can show their talents
scene request;
>>There will be a time wen Xin Yu will start distancing herself from Luhan after finding out that she's starting to like him. Then Luhan will approach her but she will make excuses so that she can never be in the same place as him
>>Luhan will hear Xin Yu sing in one of the practice rooms and will be amused by her voice because it isn't showcased most of the time (orz cliche much)
>>If it would be fine, make a rumor about them (orz) then the girls will cleared up that they are juts close friend hahaha
song suggestions;
SNSD-TTS - Lovesick, Hello Venus - Winter Fantasy, A Pink - Boy


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