Serene ➸ Lin Xin Yu 〈 Dawn 〉

Lin Xin Yu

"Dreams don't become reality through magic; it takes perseverance, sweat and hard work."


Fierce Dove
Taeyeon (SNSD)
Jia (Miss A)
(Rapping Twin)
Bomi (A Pink)
how about a cup of tea?
username: oLweiZwidU     nickname: MeiLi    activity rate: 9

Birthdate + Age: 10/12/94 + 19
Birthplace: Chongqing, China
Hometown: Beijing, China
Ethnicity: Chinese
Language: Chinese & Korean (fluent)

Face-claim: Ryn
Back-up: Park Hwan Hui

bubbly, gentle, thrifty, positive thinker
- heavy sleeper, talkative, stubborn, lazy
Talents: playing Konghou (harp), painting, fashion designing, cooking, voice imitation

Love Interest: Luhan
Back Up: Baekhyun
Short Interaction:
She has a massive crush on Luhan but tried her best not to make it obvious to the latter. They became good friends after finding out that they attended the same school way back in China. They often go out to treat each other meals but it eventually stopped when Luhan's preparing for his debut. They kept in touch and often see each other around the company to play and joke around. 

Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Back Up: Main Rapper, Face of the Group

Feedbacks: I don't know if I did well with my application but iI hope you'll like the simplicity of it. Thank you for all the help :)
Password: roll like a buffalo
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done :)
i hope that i'll get accepted in this though xD
uhm .. i'm half chinese actually . my friends call me that and i'm not really the definition of the literal translation of my nickname xD
i'm glad that you somehow, i can say, like the things i wrote about it and the neatness xD
anyway , i guess this is all and i've done what i'm asked to do so yeah .
just tell me if there are other things you want me to do xD
and we can be friends as well xD