Paradox :: skylar park → sky。





-aurora- | els or elsie | 3.5ish

                      - BASICS -
Birth Name — Skylar Park
Other Name(s) — 
- Park Haneul (Korean)
Nickname(s) — 
- Sky/e; this is basically what everyone calls her and doesn't really matter if they're close to her or not. the origin is pretty obvious.
- Blondie; she may not be blonde, but that doesn't stop her loving brother-in-laws from referring to her in such a way. and yes, they both call her that. it was back from Paradox's early days during a promotion cycle where her
hair was bleached and dyed blonde.
- My Valentine or just Valentine; having her birthday on Valentine's day was mainly the origin of this nickname and it's one that is usually only used among her family members.

Date of Birth — February 14, 1992
Age — 22
Birthplace — Manhattan, New York, USA
Hometown — Manhattan, New York, USA
Ethnicity — Korean
Nationality — Korean-American
Languages — 
- English; native
- Korean; fluent
- Japanese & Mandarin; basics, trainee and idol stuff

Bloodtype — O
ual Orientation — Pomoual
              - MIRROR, MIRROR -
Face Claim — Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Gallery — X

Back-up Face Claim — n/a
Gallery — n/a

Height — 168cm
Weight — 55kg

Style — Skylar's sense of style is pretty simple in terms of everything. She has a preferrence towards subtle, warm and soft colors but she does like to pair dark and duller colors with bright colors to make it pop. She isn't very fond of skirts and dresses and you'll always find her in jeans, capris, and shorts. You can get her to wear a dress or skirt, but she won't enjoy it. Skylar loves hoodies and has vast variety of different colors, logos, patterns and styles when it comes to them as well. Sneakers are her preferrence when it comes to shoes and she isn't very fond of heels but will wear them if she's forced into them. To keep it simple, her sense style isn't what could be considered very girly but just very simple and stylish. ( xxxxx ) She currently has her ears pierced as such and her left ear only has two simple lobe piercings.









                                              - TELL ME MORE -
Personality — When people first think of Skylar, they think common sense. She has a very strong sense of common sense and can easily tell the difference between right and wrong. Everything she says will always be thoroughly thought out and it does seem like she put alot of thought into it when she voices it. She doesn't speak without thinking and does consider the consequences that could happen if she voices something, so she does think before she speaks and is therefore not blunt in the slightest. Skylar doesn't like to hurt others feelings and that's obvious from her usual careful and cautious tone in her voice. She'll also pretty much scold you if she finds you speaking before actually thinking things through because that's what she does and believes others should too. To add onto her thinking habits, she's a very opinionated person but who isn't? However, she usually keeps them to herself unless asked. She's a thinker really and that's to be kept in mind. Skylar's a bit spontaneous as well which is contradiciting to her high level of common sense and her think-before-you-speak attitude but her spontaneous ways are held more in her actions rather than her words. For example, if she feels the need to hug someone then she'll just hug them without saying anything or even thinking about it. If she feels the need to help someone, then she'll do it. And so on and so on. It's really only her words that she's careful about because words can really hurt and can be held against you (but so can actions but words more so).

After moving to Korea, Skylar became very adaptable to her surroundings. She accepts everything given to her with an open mind set and is always willing to try new things. Because of it, she's always the first person to agree, and to try to get her members to agree, to new concepts for the group. Skylar has also been revealed to be flexible when it comes to handling things, often taking on more than she can chew but still managing to get through it despite the amount of stress that may be put on her because she's the type that works best under stress. She's a very focused and hard working person who won't rest until the task at hand is completed.

She's a very friendly and kind-hearted person who lives off the presence of others. Skylar hates being alone and often feels empty when she is. She tends to attach herself to her members and friends when they try to leave her alone simply because she hates the feeling and thought of it. When she is alone, you'll always find her texting or on the phone with someone so she doesn't feel entirely alone. But she does love people and can find herself getting along with just about anyone if given the opportunity too. Many don't find her capable of actually disliking someone due to her friendly and kind-hearted nature but that's where they can be proven to be very wrong. If you manage to push her buttons the wrong way or mess with her on a very bad day, then she is perfectly capable of deeply disliking you. But she is also capable of it if you don't give her any reason to actually like you or you're just not a very nice person in general. She's a bit revengeful because of it too, so it's best to stay clear of her bad side because once she decides to get back to you, she won't stop until there is bloodshed (hypothetically) to be seen. Skylar is the type to hold grudges for a very long time and will hold it against you for a very long time and will bring it up every chance she gets, so really... Don't get on her bad side.

Skylar is the type of person who enjoys the little things in life and easily amused by the smallest things. Some would consider her excitable about the useless things but she considers it appreciating the things in life that no one considers. But she does get excited over the tiniest things and some, if not most, do find it a bit annoying if not extremely. They always think it's something great only to find out it was really nothing and just her overreacting. It's weird and just simply annoying.

The overall? She's a very thoughtful, friendly and kind person who dislikes being alone, is revengeful/capable of deeply disliking someone/holds grudges/holds things over peoples heads and brings it up every chance she gets and is excitable over useless things.

Background — Skylar was born on Valentines day 1992 in Manhattan to Park Jungwoo (James) and Jiwon (Sarah), a divorce lawyer and a professional wedding planner. She's the youngest of three kids with her older brother being three years older and older sister being five years older respectively. Having grown up in a very loving and welcoming household, it's no surprise with the way she turned out. Despite being the youngest, she was never really spoiled or given any more attention from her parents compared to her siblings. They were all treated the same and equally as well. Most of Skylar's very early years were spent with her mom up until she was able to go to school (basically she went with her mom to work).

Skylar made friends easily in school and did pretty well, a straight B student really. She was never really exposed to Korean culture or even really the language. Her home was very "americanized" and English was the only language ever spoken (she doesn't even recall her parents speaking Korean). Skylar also never really had an interest in music until she was age 10 and attended a ballet with her family as part of the "Park's Friday Family Night." She fell in love with the beautiful dancing and the gracefulness of the ballerinas. Afterwards, she insisted that she wanted to become one too and so her parents signed her up for lessons.

It was hard, she admits, but she enjoyed it. Dancing became her passion in life and she knew that is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. However, that path was strayed when her brother brought home a new friend from one of his numerous art classes at school, Alex Miller, who would become her brother-in-law in later years. Alex and Issac (her brother) were 15 and met in their drawing class. Alex was far better than her older brother and when Skylar caught a glimpse of his drawings, she asked him to teach her. Alex was surprised but nonetheless complied for reasons unknown to her - she would find out why later on - and would often come home with Issac after school in order to teach her when she didn't have ballet. Skylar came to love drawing just as much as ballet. That year, Issac came out to his family and friends which is a different story.

A year later, Skylar went on summer vacation with her family to Seoul to visit some relatives. During the vacation, Skylar was scouted by an SM scout by incident when she was with her dad and older brother shopping. Her brother was scouted as well but he wasn't interested. Skylar was scouted solely for her looks alone but her dad was hesitant about the ordeal because he knew exactly was SM was. Skylar was interested though and agreed to attend a formal audition first the following week. The audition went fairly well and was accepted into the company for her dancing and appearance.

Being only 13 at the time, Skylar was allowed to stay behind in Seoul and train because it was something she really wanted to do. So, while the rest of her family returned back to Manhattan at the end of the summer, she was left in the care of her paternal grandparents. She began training as soon as she was accepted in June of 2005 and was enrolled at Korea Kent Foreign School.

Likes — 
- Performing
- Sour gummy worms; favorite candy
- Meat; any kind, she loves it
- Mystery novels; nancy drew, sherlock holmes, etc.
- Coffee; just in general, she loves trying different kinds of coffee and generally likes them all
- Soju; holds her alcohol pretty well surprisingly
- Nell; favorite Korean band, though Shinhwa is a close second
- Hoodies
- Aromatherapy candles; especially the citrus ones
- Composing/writing lyrics; she enjoys it
- Thriving Ivory; favorite band just in general
- Movies; she's just a movie fanatic in general, ask her about a movie and she's probably seen it

Dislikes — 
- Black licorice
- Dramas; most likely because she doesn't like her watching herself in dramas and doesn't watch them in general
- Romance in general; her birthday may be on Valentines, but she is in no way a romantic person
- Skirts, dresses, heels; will wear them if she's forced too
- Staplers; the spawn of satan
- Homophobia, homophobes
- High strung personalities
- Fast food
- Cooking; she can't cook to save her life despite not liking fast food, she burns water
- Overly cute concepts; came from their Shy Boy promotions even though she's essentially okay with any concept but this was just a bit too cute
- Dying/bleaching her hair; it doesn't suit her and since Shy Boy, she's pretty much convinced SM to let her stick to dark colors only
- Any green food; ew

Hobbies — 
- Watching movies
- Composing/writing lyrics

Habits — 
- Typically draws on her hands and wrists or in tiny notebook that she carries everywhere with her when she's bored... usually with a black ink pen or /hopefully/ a washable marker.
- Pulling at her fringe when nervous, anxious or embarrassed. She also does it when she's thinking.
- Clicks her tongue when she disapproves or disagrees.
- Listens to music, usually ballads, as she falls asleep at night.
- Fidgeting with her necklace or earrings; a general habit.

Trivia — 
- Skylar personally classifies herself as pomoual when she's most likely just heteroual with homoual tendicies.
- She was mentioned briefly in an interview that EXO did where a comment was made and Suho went into a story on how Chen is afraid of her because he may or may not have set up a prank that was not targeted towards her, but she walked into it. Skylar was already in a bad mood and pretty much dragged him to Suho by the collar. He had to apologize on his knees several times before she walked away without a single word of her forgiving him. Every time he sees her, he pretty much apologizes to her repeatedly but she still doesn't say anything about it. It's amusing honestly.
- Is considered the best female rapper under SM and arguably overall.
- If she wasn't an idol, she be an artist (drawing) most likely.
- Currently uses a Samsung Galaxy S4.
- Her favorite color is blue, sky blue to be exact.
- Despite being fluent in Korean when she debuted, she was still pretty uncomfortable speaking it and so she didn't really go on shows by herself for the first two years of being an idol. She would always go with another member. It wasn't until the hiatus that she was able to speak it comfortably that she recieved activities. It's also the reason why she didn't have any pre-debut activities.
- Was apart of both line-ups for Girls' Generation and f(x).
- She doesn't mention her family often in general for various reasons and she's known for it too. She pretty much changes the conversation or avoids it. One of the reasons is because of what her parents do for living and it's kind of embarrasing to say that your dad is a divorce lawyer while your mom is a wedding planner. Another one of them is because of her brother being married to Alex. Korea is still really close minded about homoual relationships and so in order to avoid unwanted situations, she just tries to not bring her family up at all.
- Is pretty flexible for a lead dancer. If she bothered to continue ballet, she could be extremely flexible but y'know.
- Skylar is pretty much friends with alot of English speaking idols because those are the idols she feels most comfortable with.
- Willingly admits she's a victim of Flappy Bird and still has it installed on her phone.
- During the hiatus, she stayed with her grandparents and her manager would come pick her up when she had schedules to attend to.
- Her ideal type is... well, she doesn't have one. She pretty much always just says that it has to be someone she can talk to and enjoy their company. If she can't do that, then she doesn't want a relationship. When asked to give an example, she used to always say TVXQ's Yunho and Super Junior's Donghae but now she says VIXX's N since VIXX debuted.
- Graduated from Korea Kent Foreign School in 2010 and is currently a student at the Seoul Insititue of the Arts with a major in Applied Music but she is currently on leave for Paradox's comeback.


                                         - I LOVE YOU (OR HATE) -
Family — 
Father | Park Jungwoo (James) | 54 | Divorce Lawyer | Secret. | You'll see.

Mother | Park Jiwon (Sarah) | 53 | Professional Wedding Planner |  Secret. | You'll see.

Brother | Issac Park-Miller | 25 | Professional Photographer (various) | Secret. | You'll see.

Sister | Macie Hall (Park) | 27 | Magazine Editor | Secret. | You'll see.

Brother-in-law | Alex Miller-Park | 25 | Professional Painter & Sculptor | Secret. | You'll see.

Brother-in-law | Christian Hall (Chris) | 28 | Newspaper Editor | Secret. | You'll see.

Niece | Emily Hall | 3 | n/a | Secret. | You'll see.

Friends — 

Friend | Amelia Miller | 21 | University Student (Biology Major) | Secret. | She's Alex's younger sister. Enough said. | You'll see.

Best friend | Kang Jihyun (Soyou) | 22 | Idol - SISTAR | Secret. | Secret~ | You'll see but I will say that Skylar refers to her as "King Soyou" while she calls Skylar "Blue Sky."

+ probably more... alot more actually considering the way she is but Amelia and Soyou is all you really need to know for now.

Rival — 


             - NUMBER ONE LOVE -
Love Interest — Jung Jinyoung
Age — 22
Occupation— Idol - B1A4; Leader, Lead Vocalist
Personality — You'll see.
Their Story — Secret.

Status — Just a really good friend she hasn't spoken to for awhile.
Back-up — n/a









             - NUMBER TWO LOVE -
Love Interest — Jessica Jung
Age — 24 → 25
Occupation— Idol - SNSD; Main Vocalist
Personality — I think everyone knows how Jessica is like but you'll see I guess.
Their Story — Secret.

Status — Old friends who no longer speak to each other, labelmates.
Back-up — n/a










                                                - STAR POWER -
Trainee Years — about 5 years (June 2005 to debut)
Former — n/a
Trainee History — Training was difficult for Skylar. She never knew what she was getting into when she first began but she knew it's what she wanted. SM enrolled her into Korea Kent Foreign School, with the permission of her parents, due to the fact she wasn't a fluent Korean speaker. She was taught Korean at the school as well as all of the standard subjects and would go to the SM building after school to train in vocals and dancing. Skylar more than once returned back to her grandparent's home late and would stay up even later to finish homework. She often got very little sleep and was stressed by it all. However, it seemed to be paying off when she was placed into the numerous line-ups for Girls' Generation. She was placed into the group as one of the dancers and visuals but wound up getting cut, not due to young age but because SM didn't feel the group needed another dancer. Skylar was heartbroken but continued on. Not long after the cut, Skylar was placed into rap lessons. Surprisingly enough, she was a natural rapper and did really well. Now primarily training in rapping and dancing, she continued to train in hope to debut in SM's next girl group. When the time came around, she was placed into the line-up for f(x). As debut approached for the group, she was later on cut because SM didn't feel that she fit the style that they were going for with the group. Heartbroken once again, Skylar began to close herself off from others in the company. She didn't really want anything to do with the others after being denied debut twice. It only became worse when she was placed into Paradox as the leader, she pretty much didn't talk to her labelmates at all anymore except for her members. When Paradox finally debuted, Skylar wanted nothing to do with SM except for the title.

Stagename — Sky
Position — Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Back-up Position — n/a
Persona — The Bittersweet Valentine
Fanclub Name — Cupids
Fanclub Color(s) — Candy Red | #ff0000 & Valentines Pink | #ff6699 

Social Networking — 
- @skypark92 - twitter, instagram, vine
- Skylar Park (Park Haneul) - personal facebook, open to only friends and family
- Sky Park (Paradox's leader) - public facebook, open to everyone

Activities — 
- Secret Angel as Yubin (2012)
- To The Beautiful You as Lee Eunyoung (2012)
- Reckless Family 3 as herself; Park Sky (2013-2014)
- Couple Clinic: Love and War 2 as Yoo Jung (2013)

- Arirang's Simply K-Pop (2012-2014; 2 years)
- Arirang's Pops in Seoul with BTOB's Peniel (2013)
- Music Bank (October 2013 to present)
- Is rumoured to begin MCing Show Champion with labelmate Kangin (April 2014)

- Featured in Ivy's I Dance (2013)
- Featured in Jevice's I Want To Love Now (2013)

Singing Twin — SNSD's Yuri
Rapping Twin — Wonder Girls's Yubin
Dancing Twin — SNSD's Yuri


                                                     - BYE BYE -
Comments — Nope.

Scene Suggestions — Nope.

Song Suggestions — Nope.

Password — Nope.


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