⇒ Junkie - American friends (being the assertive, bombastic rascal she can be at times, they've given her this nickname derived from her Korean name much to her horror - this nickname has not been spoken of ever since she debuted in fear of a scandal)
  Jung-Jung - little brother (when they were still kids, he couldn't pronounce Jungil and to this day, still calls her by that terribly embarrassing nickname that makes her want to strangle him every time he does so in front of her friends/peers)
⇒ Queen Jongil - staff and other idols (a play on her name considering her usually aggressive and bossy personality - she thinks it's insulting though)
⇒ Junk - love interest (a jabbing, irritating nickname to get her riled up and snorting steam out of her nostrils like a bull)
BIRTHDATE: September 18, 1991
AGE: 22
PLACE OF BIRTH: Irvine, California, US
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California, US
 English - fluent, native tongue
 Korean - fluent, mother tongue
 Japanese - conversational, high school
FACE CLAIM: Park Yonghee

 Joan - Jungil is sort of a... Unorthodox name for a girl, and sounds a bit too similar to the N. Korean's dictator's name. Thus, Joan was created for the ease of international fans along with Korean fans too.
STAGE PERSONA: Fiery Queen - Her motto is: "Burn, burn, keep it blazin'. Too hot to handle, can't touch this." - 2NE1, Can't Nobody
VOCAL | RAP | DANCE TWINS: Yull | Amber | CL
[ 4 ] shiftshaping (into animals/inanimate objects/invisibility)
[ 1 ] mindreading
[ 3 ] emotion manipulation
[ 5 ] foresight
[ 2 ] telekinesis

"Cause I was born this way." Kwak Jungil has many gifts which make it possible for her to have a great deal of personal power, maybe too much of it sometimes. She is an assertiveinnovativelong-range thinker who can make solid plans of action quickly and clearly, with a great ambition that overshadows whoever she interacts with. With such a tremendously forceful personality, she certainly does have the tools to accomplish whatever she sets her mind on.
"I'm on the edge of glory." Jungil can't be seen as anything but a leader, someone who thrives and lives at the top of the heap, always being the top dog. She takes charge, does things as needed and quickly fires off decisive judgments as soon as she's absorbed enough information about the situation; she can easily grasp complexities and write them off as challenges to be beat. Her world of possibilities is that she sees all sorts of obstacles to be surmounted, and she's going to be the one whose going to beat them all - her ambitions demand nothing less than shooting for the moon. Everything is a potential problem that she can turn into solutions and by seeing things from a long-range perspective, she can usually succeed at identifying and pumping out plans to turn said problems around by how she wants to do things. Along with that, it seems as if she can never stop on her efforts to do things, it's almost like a curse how she's always driven to visualize where and how she's headed somewhere.
"Don't be a drag, just be a queen." There is not much room for error in Jungil's world as she is so efficient, what she dislikes more than anything is to see mistakes repeated and slowness (inefficiency). With that, she becomes quite harsh when her short fuse of a patience blows because she really just can't visualize herself in others' shoes. Why should she follow other people when she's so supremely confident in her own skin and mind? Which is why she really doesn't believe that she should tailor her judgment in consideration for people's perspective - if they don't like what she's thinking or doing, for them. Because of so, she's quite a forceful, intimidating and overbearing individual who is actually more than deprived of collaboration from others - they're always squashed under her dominating personality like bugs under her boots like thus. Another way that her personality also works also as a con is that it alienates and self-aggrandizes her, sometimes she might fire off words and thoughts hastily without thinking it over carefully, and especially without consideration for the other people involved.
"I'm hanging on a moment with you." One thing that Jungil can handle with people is to have a lively, challenging conversation with someone who is willing and able to stand up to her, especially if they can argue persuasively for what they believes, even if it's completely opposite from her own perspective. There aren't too many people who will do so though, because she has such a forceful and dynamic presence who wields her self-confidence and sharp wit on her dagger tongue that is barbed with the best of verbal communication - the most confident individuals may experience moments of self-doubt when debating a point with her. But if one can actually manage to keep up with her relentless pace, she will respect them and there's not many people who have actually earned her genuine respect. For elders and superiors, she might act like how she's supposed to, but she really would be judging and critiquing them with a critical eye behind their backs. That goes for everyone else who she doesn't approve of too.
"Can't read my poker face." Even though Jungil might not be naturally tuned into other people's feelings, she actually does have very strong sentimental streaks at times - comparable like holding an active mine inside of her, just waiting for that perfect person or opportunity to walk across it before it bursts explosively. She absolutely hates to admit that she even does have those kinds of emotions inside of that, considering the feelings to be weaknesses. Because the realm of feelings and values is where she actually fears coming into and where she's not used to being in, sometimes she might make important judgments and hold onto submerged emotions which are ill-founded and inappropriate - doomed to cause her problems, sometimes really serious problems that she'll have no idea what to do with them when they actually burst without a second thought. Some of those emotions being... Love.

Born into a quite wealthy family, Kwak Jungil's life at first seemed just great, or at least more fortunate than most people could have ever asked for. Her family were practically millionaires, living in the best parts of the Korean community with all the goods and money they could have ever wanted - but none of it was enough to make them happy. What she didn't know then was that her parents were actually arranged for each other and thus, it was a dysfunctional family doomed from the start. From the start as a child, Jungil could notice that things just seemed a bit strange in her family compared to others; for one, her father seemed to never be present, she and her brother were always left with a Korean nanny and they never had what was called "dinner time" with their mother coming in and out occasionally. But hey, at least she still had her brother (to tease and prank along with keeping her company) and at that time, they were perfectly fine with how things were as they were growing up, until it came to the point that now they were expected to go for school.
Probably everyone has heard of those moments in school when the kid brings in their parents to talk to the class, right? And everyone in the class did just that - except for Jungil. Why? Her mom couldn't come, her dad wasn't even available to come around to. That was her school life, her parents just never did seem to be around for her at all. To her small mind then, it didn't hurt as much as it should have - she just simply thought that if she became her parents, then they would notice her. So she strove to be like them, ambitious beyond all the other kids and always having this air of competition around her - she saw the other students as obstacles to overcome. Needless to say, with that sort of zeal and attitude poured into her studies and school, she easily became one of the top students in the school and surprisingly, one of the most popular too. Maybe the other students wanted to be her, this driven student with a passion greater than herself that they befriended her.
To say that her school life made up for the lack of life that she had at home would be a good way of how Jungil saw it. At school, now she was everything - the president of the school council, chair(wo)man of the activities club, one of the smartest kids in school, the girl whom all the guys looked at and wanted to date (but she made a vow to herself that she wouldn't date in high school since it got in the way of her school life) and most importantly, the soloist and jewel of the school choir. Even she didn't realize what the talent she had in singing was, not until one of her school friends managed to persuade her to at least try the choir as she had tried almost every club in school. But this was one that stuck and slowly, she began to find her passion in music and singing instead of continuing down the business path that she had set for herself before.
Graduating from school as the top 3rd student in high school (even today, she still regrets not being the valedictorian), Jungil had plenty of schools to go to - and she did apply to most of them anyways. However, her heart was set on something else now that she understood how the situation at home was, she wanted to get away from it as fast as possible. How? Moving as far away as possible, almost half-way around the world first to Seattle and then in Korea. That's exactly what Jungil did, being considerate enough to at least tell her brother a few months ahead of time (who decided to come along with her) while simply dropping the notice on her mother a day before she left - not like she really had to as they were just that filthy rich. Getting into the Seoul National University was fairly easy for her as well as soon as she got settled in Seoul, given that she had a perfect record in school and had enough money for them to immediately accept her. But there was just one problem being in Korea like this, she didn't exactly have where to continue her passion of singing. Sure, she might have been in college and working towards a business degree (just in case things went wrong), but she wanted to sing.
Luckily, Jungil had plenty of opportunities and competition around her in Seoul - it was the hot-spot of K-Pop stars where dreams were made and broke. And as for her, she was determined to have her dream made, to now be the greatest and most famed singers up there. Auditions were went to and she made absolutely sure to try and wow the judges every time and much to her pleasure, she did. Getting accepted into one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry felt as if she had redeemed herself, managed to make up for all the hard work that got her to where she was then. But her hardship and troubles were far from over - now the real pain of being a trainee began to set in. Two and a half grueling years of training, exercising, working, studying, all of that at once to finally reach her debut in a group - but not without a heavy burden that she would have to carry now, the toll of being an idol.

Even though rap may have been one of the newer sorts of genres, it derives from the ancient art of poetry - and even the simple beat of the drum. The beat that drives the dance, the rhythm of the songs, the pounding that flows through the veins... Jungil is the epitome of all that is the start of music, the bass line, the repetition of just a simple pulse that anchors the other elements of a song.
Unlike most of the other girls, it would be obvious that Jungil has always strived to be in a position of power, and indeed she can be always seen taking power into her own hands. History may have not allowed women to have been as powerful or more powerful than men, but Jungil didn't need that. In a society where gender is so rigidly cast that it would seem impossible for a woman to be a man, she became one. The Joseon era to be precise, and with her honor as an "eunuch" (a castrated man), Jungil then became known as one of the best musicians in the court. 
As time went by and she eventually moved over to America, she was there to witness the birth of the new genres of music - hip hop, rap, jazz. Her mark and hands can be found on many of the famous ones, having worked with Michael Jackson for some time along with various famous groups and artists throughout the century. 
And with the emergence of K-Pop arriving, Jungil figured it was due time she got back to her origins - and back into power and stardom of course.

 Coffee - That is something that she cannot survive without. As soon as she wakes up, she HAS to have coffee or be prepared for a zombie Jungil that day. She has quite a tolerance for caffeine too, being able to down 2 cups of coffee with no problem. But make that with a good amount of sugar and cream in them, she hates straight black coffee.
 Chewy/Sweet - Some of her favorite foods and drinks are chewy and caffeine filled things, especially mochi and boba. Thai Tea boba (bubble tea) is one of her favorite drinks and if she ever got the chance to grab one... She will and fight anyone who stands in her path to it.
 Attention - Obviously, considering her personality and position in life, Jungil practically breathes and lives in attention. She's the happiest when attention is on her - which isn't too hard, considering her height and attitude.
 Nighttime - Maybe it's because it's cool and there's no harsh light, but if Jungil could choose between being awake during the day and the night, she would definitely go for night. Never mind that night is more dangerous anyways.
 Singing/Rapping - This is a given for her, it's her passionate and one of the best ways she can express herself with. Her voice is her precious treasure and being able to sing is how she flaunts and considers herself special from everyone else.
 Girly Clothes - You will never ever find a dress or a skirt in her wardrobe. Ever. Nor would there ever be anything remotely pink (unless it's imprinted on an awesomely cool shirt or jacket) or frilly found on her body or in her closet.
 Feminity - Jungil does have many masculine traits, like having a taste for action and being HIGHLY competitive. It's been pretty much ingrained in her to hate anything associated with girls and femininity, so give her a romance movie to watch and she'll be dozing off within minutes of it starting. Gossip also disgusts her quite a bit too.
 Crying - Jungil absolutely hates to cry. She will never ever let any tears to come from her willingly, not even when she's alone. But once they come (usually triggered when she can't accomplish something no matter what), it's extremely difficult for her to stop.
 Laziness - She's pretty much a devout follower of the saying "idle hands make trouble" or something along those lines - that's her mantra. If she can't be doing something, she's going off and doing something else. It seems like she never rests at all.
 Denial - Don't ever say something and then not finish what was about to be said. Once Jungil's curiosity is perked, she's not stopping until what was hinted to her is said completely - and she's willing to die trying if that's what it takes for her to know what she wants.
 Sketching - Hey, she doesn't have to be good to be able to draw. At least her drawings are decent looking, and aren't completely ridiculous the way Kriscasso's are - she is quite proud of that fact, even if they're not that much better. Just okay looking, but she already has an entire sketchbook full of random sketchings, usually animals and whatnots that she just scribbles down in her free time.
 Games - Ask her about all the popular RPG games and she'll be able to tell you exactly what it is about and what's the best way to play it (in her strategy of course). Her favorite device of all time is the XBox, and when they don't have a demanding schedule the next couple days, you can definitely find her glued in front of it and yelling adamantly at it when she plays - very aggressively.
 Origami - Just a relaxing activity for her, especially since it's mostly mindless and doesn't take much brainpower to actually fold paper. She has a tendency to just zone out whenever she's folding and will usually end up with a whole bunch of one figure. Don't ask for one of her works, because that will mean you won't get any - she'll just randomly give it when she feels you deserve it.
 Badminton - Jungil loves badminton, her favorite sport of all times. Just give her a racket and a bird and she will be able to smash that thing into anyone face if they even dare to play against her. Sadly, she doesn't really have much time to play though, but even mention it and she'll be all up in arms about it.
 Shopping - Jungil is proud of the fact that she has style, unlike some people. And of course, her style has to always keep up to date - thus, shopping! Her wardrobe is always expanding, but she is actually quite picky about her clothes, and if she doesn't have to wear what the coordinoonas make her wear, she's definitely wearing her own things.
 Sleep - Jungil tends to nod off anywhere when she's bored or tired, usually both and on car trips. But she also has the uncanny ability to instantly snap up awake again when something is about to happen - most of the time. The only way she can actually get a good night rest is in complete and absolute darkness and silence. Anything less than those requirements results in her jerking awake every half an hour or so, and ultimately, a very cranky and irritated Jungil.
 Cussing - She has a problem with keeping her language clean at times. When Jungil is irritated, she tends to spice up her words with some very colorful language usually, enough to make a sailor damn proud of her. Not only that, but she likes to mix Korean and English words together in sentences when she speaks sometimes.
 Burping - If Jungil wasn't an idol for rapping, she could probably be the idol for burping. No seriously, she can burp quite well (result of competition between her brother when they were still kids) and still can't handle the manners of not burping in public. She probably won't say "excuse me" when she does burp, not even if it's in the middle of the street.
 Snorting - Whenever she has a "huh" moment, Jungil will snort - sounding more or less like a pig when she does. Or even when she's laughing hard and loudly, a snort might just slip in there as well, it's just something unpredictable that comes out without her even thinking at times. It's not very flattering, but don't say anything about it or else she'll hit you.
 Smacking - She has some very itchy hands that likes to come in contact with other people's skin, not in a gentle way but by smacking them. Whether that be a light friendly smack on the arm or an actual beetch slap across the face, Jungil just likes to touch people that way - no skinskip but hitting people is okay in her book.
 Drunk - She turns into a whole new animal; a koala in a sense, always wanting to touch and cuddle with people, giggling like a ditzy teenage girl and flirting with almost anyone she can see. That is, until the hangover comes in and she's now a snarling and raging badger who wants nothing more than to hide away in her bed with the lights out. 
 Hunger - Her body does a pretty damn good job of burning away anything that she eats with a quick metabolism, which has been joked that Jungil has a "black hole" for a stomach. This can lead to some very large meals for her, but she has also mastered the art of suppressing her hunger for many hours on end if she's focused on a task hard enough.
 Idols/Role models  - Her role models include: CL, Lady Gaga and Joan Jett (she's actually collaborated with Joan Jett before in a previous life!)
 Instruments - She is classically trained with the piano since a little girl and has self taught herself the drums - she is trying to learn how to play the guitar.
 Social connections - Her main source of connection with her fans is through her twitter (DJungilo), which she usually updates once a day or so with sometimes selcas or embarrassing pictures of other members. Her fans are very obvious of the fact that she is a huge Jay Park fan.
 Tattoos/Piercing - Jungil is quite proud of the fact that she sports quite a few piercings and tattoos on her body. Three in her left ear (two on her earlobe and one at her cartilage), two in her right ear (two on her earlobe), a star tattoo on her left upper arm, a phoenix tattoo on her right shoulder blade and a dragon tattoo on her left ankle.
 Height/Weight - 170 cm / 50 kg
 Style - You will never ever find a dress or a skirt in her wardrobe. Ever. Nor would there ever be anything remotely pink (unless it's imprinted on an awesomely cool shirt or jacket) or frilly found on her body or in her closet. So formal events and meetings, she will wear a suit or male style formal wear instead. Jungil also isn't the type to like to show off her body much, preferring to wear either dark jeans or tights, and mostly tank tops layered over with a jacket, hoodie or sweater, or just straight up t-shirts. Male t-shirts of course, and if they have band logos, symbols or in general, the things that guys would like, she also likes as well. High tops or combat boots are the way to go with her (with insoles too, of course). Though she will never admit this, Jungil does like accessories. Cool and guyish accessories of course, don't expect any bows or ribbons on her at any times. What she would usually have are long necklaces or chains, her usual black studded bracelet(s), beanies and most importantly of all, sunglasses. To see Jungil without sunglasses outside would be like waking up to find the sun gone.

 Kwak Taehyun | 46 | chief financial officer | father | Aggressive and assertive in the corporation world that has gotten him his life-long dream of being in one of the top position in the family company, he's not going to let anyone, not even his own family, drag him down. It might even seem like he can be heartless at times, so single-mindedly concentrated on his job and outside life that he never seems to be at home or there for his kids - the only way they know that he's even "caring" for them is by the lavish life they're allowed to live. Thus, there isn't really a relationship to be said about the children and father besides the fact that they only wish that he was just "there" more for them and actually cared about the fact that he has kids to be a role model for.
 Kwak Yoonmi | 44 | sales manager | mother | Besides the fact that she has a full-time job and seems to never be at home either, it isn't much a surprise that she has probably one of the shortest temper and snappiest attitude of all people out there. It doesn't matter what they do, it seems like it's never enough for her perfectionist attitude - she always just wants more and more, for them to do better and better. Positive reinforcement is nothing to her, what she thinks works best to discipline kids is by comparing them to other children and their peers, or even to each other whenever she is home - much to their dismay and irritation. They can't really say that they adore their mother (or that she loves them back that much too), more like a grudging respect for her that she's managed through with her difficult life along with her usually absent husband and arranged marriage.
 Kwak Aaron | 18 | NU'EST | younger brother | To Aaron, Jungil is his role model and the person that he strives to be - part of the reason why he got into rapping so that one day, he could potentially catch up to his sister in the entertainment industry, much to the anger of his mother. He's much more of a wallflower than Jungil at times, preferring for her to speak for both of them and willing to follow her when needed, but when he wants something, he'll do anything he can to get it. The only person he can't fight with this tactic is his sister though, considering that she was the one who taught him how to use it along with plenty of other things. When they were smaller, she would always beat up anyone who even dared to look at her baby brother wrong, as fierce as a mother tiger is over her cub with Aaron. He's also one of the only people who knows that she has such a softness of emotions inside of her and even though he might joke around with it when they're alone (and usually get beaten up for it by Jungil), he knows well enough not to spread it out to other people.

 Park Jaebeom (Jay Park) | solo artist | For other people, opposites might attract, but for these two, it's because they have such similar personalities that they're best friends with each other. He's just as ambitious as she is, if more caring and actually empathetic, and knows eactly how to push her buttons to go even forther. The fact why they're best friends instead of just friends is because he can push her to even greater heights than she ever thought she could go, but he's also usually the one who can slap her down a couple of notches when she's too high up above everyone else - a feat that only he can pull off. Of course, they usually do have their spats more than not at least once a week, which confuses everyone around them as to whether or not they're actually enemies or best friends - they usually make up by the end of the week and act as if nothing happened though. Jay Park has been her lover (if not, then brother) many times in her past - will it repeat again this time?
 Gong Minji (Minzy) | 2NE1 | Minzy really is such a sweet girl, she's actually quite demure and gentle unlike Jungil - then one could ask, why does Jungil even put up with her if she just bowls over most people in her path? Because there's something special about Minji that makes Jungil both envious and awed of the girl, even if she's just a normal person. Besides, Minji is good natured enough to get along well with her, and especially after they exchanged some dance and rap tips and lessons with each other at first. Minji has been her sister or a close relative previously, always one to support Jungil at any cost.
Kim Jonghyun | SHINee | Meet the Dino Jjong, one of the only people who can actually mellow out Jungil - she's actually a bit starstruck with him. Maybe it's because his jokes and laughter always makes her smile, but whenever these two are together, they're like the most chilliest people on earth. Combine that with Amber in it (when they have the time to talk), and you've got the "Terrible Trio," the two llamas and the random preying mantis between them. He always seems to have the hidden middle ground between just being really cute and manly at the same time, also being one of those people who act like they know nothing... But the Dino knows everything~

 NAME: Wu Yifan, Kris Wu, Kevin(?!) Wu... BenBen.
PERSONALITY: See that guy over there? That y, sleek, hot and tall guy who looks that he could impregnate any girl with his gaze? Yeah, that's not really him. Because Kris might look like the definition of cool with those bushy caterpillar eyebrows and long fingers, but he's the most awkward and weirdest guy on the inside. His dancing might give a clue to who he is, the scaly little lizard than his image of the fire-terrorizing dragon, but he certainly is the weak all bark and no bite kind of guy. So the next time you see him acting like a manly man on stage, just remember this picture. You're welcome.
BACKGROUND + INTERACTIONS: Love and hate, same side of the magnet - these two are as passionately hating against one another as much as they're attracted. It's a total battle of love and hate between them and while they won't ever admit that, everyone else knows it and won't hesitate to pick fun on them. Being that they're both leaders of their groups and even worse, with almost the same dominating personality, their relationship is much of arguing, yelling and cussing at each other  in very ghetto English on who's more right at the time - whenever they meet each other, that is.
This all happened on one fated day when Jungil was stopping by the SM building to say hello to her friends, and who did she see instead? This y dragon (who looked more like a greasy drugge then before his debut), and it was like "wtf" at first sight. First, they stared at each for a bit at the door, each one unblinking and after that... It's even too embarrassing for Jungil to want to remember, but she did remember one of his trainee friends asking if she was Kris' girlfriend with how they were practically making out with each other with their eyes. From then on, they can't admit to each other that they think the other is really attractive and they wouldn't mind making out with - except for the fact that they always seem to disagree on almost everything and end up in another argument, trying to deny those feelings. Even worse is that they both seem to be as clueless as rhinos in a dark room, not even realizing that the other has feelings for them, if they would only be able to agree and sit down on a topic for once. It is very possible that Kris has been a rival of some sort in her previous lives - though in actuality, he is her true soul mate.

 NAME: Jay Park
PERSONALITY: As much as Kris is the awkward lizard derping around, Jay Park is a poised and calm lion who is both self-confident and humble at the same time. How is that possible? With his experience first hand in the cruel world of idols and entertainment, he has risen as a new and much more mature person, not that he wasn't already one in the first place. Everyone around can say the same thing about Jay Park; that he is one of the most genuine and nicest guys around who won't hesitate to speak his mind if he believes it to be right - which he usually is most of the time.
BACKGROUND + INTERACTIONS: Everybody knows about the apparent scandal that got Jay Park pretty much kicked out of the Korean entertainment world for a while, but does most people know what happened to him when he went back to the US? Jay Park went to work in a tire shop, and surprisingly, the tire shop that Jungil's father got his tires changed at. From there, when she accompanied him one day, Jungil (actually, it was Jonghyun) managed to recognize him and thus sprouted a fruitful and close friendship with each other. Even now as she's back in Korea, they never forget to at least say hi every day or so, just to remember that they're really that close. (most of the info is in the friend's section already)

PASSWORD: Can't Nobody & We Are A Bit Different
COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/CONCERNS: I just want some perhaps badass concepts for her? Just something like Baddest Female would make me and Jungil very happy! <3
As for Jungil's nickname of Queen Jongil, I'm not sure if Koreans are all like "-LE GASP-" And think that's scandalous or something for her to have such a nickname derived from the late N. Korean dictator, so if that sounds too insulting or something, you don't have to add that in!

SCENE REQUESTS: (excuse the whole mess of Kris/Jungil scenes, you don't have to fit all of them in! XD)
 Beetch Smacking/Fighting - Both Jungil and Kris get into a heated argument and then she slaps him, which he slaps her back and then it turns into a whole HUGE cat fight. Oh, and there's a lot of screaming and cussing in English with some of the other members listening on. So later, Tao just innocently asks, "Gege, what does ' you' mean?"
 Druuuunkkkk~ - So perhaps there might be an after-party for some award ceremony or whatnot and both Kris and Jungil get drunk. Both of them could be the cuddly and giggly type and they end up sprawled all over each other and flirting shamelessly, which Jongdae/Sehun/Chanyeol could record the entire thing and blackmail them both with the embarrassing video.
Gossip - Maybe the only time they don't try to tear each other's faces off is when both of them are exhausted after a performance and start talking tiredly in English, while there's Layicorn hovering the back and disappointed because he wants to be in the scoop too, LOL.

 Bro-Bonding - Aron comes around to visit Jungil and then he immediately becomes like best bud bros with all the other girls, thus sparking some jealousy with Jungil because damn it, the members certainly didn't like her this fast!
 Welcome Back - If they meet the banished girl again, the first thing Jungil does is come up and with the most coldest smile, proceeds to slap the girl across the face and say bitterly, "Welcome back, sister."
 I GOT THE POWAH! - No matter what kind of power she has, Jungil shows it off to Kris. Who then promptly faints like the wuss he is while she's just left standing there thinking, "... I wonder how his fans would think if I dragged him outside and stripped off all his clothes. Hm..."


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