to participants of my fic challenge(orfutureparticipants?coughs*lol)

ok guyz....uhm...i came up with an idea randomly...that made me start this random blogpost...bcuz i personally think the idea is kind of reallyfreaking cool that i'm almost tempted to change my username to 'awesome' lol. ok ok that's so lame...but this idea will involve main challenge participants from my fanfic challenge if you'll agree...bcuz i noticed many of the challengers read each others' thought...why not? well, i'm not saying all participants should join(unless all of you are willing to...i don't force)....but maybe those who want to...? i'll tell more of it clearly in next update at the challenge page...but this is basically about choosing a certain number of your favourite oneshots/drabbles written by other challengers for a compilation of recommendations from the writers. bcuz you people are all obviously...awesome in your own ways...n i just thought it'd be fun to know what stories you'd have in your list of your favs...i mean...other than your own...unless you find other challengers' works are so bad that you just want to choose your own all it....xD....bcuz i'm toolenient awesome like that. haa. c'mon, nothing wrong with being vainhonest.

the thing is....if minus myself...there are just eight challengers so far (any new one? *wiggles eyebrows* oh no i'm not promoting...nothing like that pshhh :p)...n i'm not sure how many are gonna make it to the end...AND...we will need a due date if we're going to do this...but since i'm oh-so-awesome/snort/yes,you may puke but please get out of here first....the due date will only apply for fics that will be placed in your fav10/or fav 20/or fav30/whichever...which means...the main challenge will still go on forever anyway....

ok...does anyone understand what i'm saying anyway...haha...i think not....why is my explaining skill so

no worries of time constraint though...for this little...'writers' choice award' thingy...i'll probly give time until say...end of the year?....unless an interesting event related to ZE:A came up earlier which cause a change in plan...

anyway...writers(who are participating in the challenge)...are you interested to go for this? but this will mean you'll have to read stories of other writers participating to create your fav list. (just the thought of mixing n matching stories that i love from different writers to be put in one recommendation list make me kind of...excited...?....yeah ...sounds selfindulging n nerdy...go on rollseyes or cringe/snort/whatever...youhurtmenot lol...)

i think this kind of list can also be a guide for me to give out some bonus karmapoints(i know you're not participating for those damn karma (riterite?)...i just like to show all n i can't possibly send you money, can i? noway!)....

anyway, i've at least 7 fics to update n i'm doing this....hahahah....i blame your awesomely written stories. ok, corny much. n this was written while being high after reading too many fics allnight...><...alrite...gotta go before i keep on sayin stupid things here....bbye~ loveya~.n if you're stalking....don't act coy..just lemme know what you think of this...thanks~


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A compilation sounds fun, especially if it helps promote/create awareness about zea fic.
I dunno about making it a competition though, because each writer has a different style. Perhaps we could choose a set number of stories from each entry.