satu lagi siappp :)

which means, 'another one done' lol.

just wanna use this space to spazz that i completed yet another fic. woot!

this one:

yayayayay miss lazy make a big hoopla bcuz she manage to (finally) complete a short fic that others could've completed like a year earlier than herself....n she's spazzing like whew...considering my personal track record...this...14th fic completed for ZE:A alone...this is something i never had even come close to achieve in previous groups i write for. so...i'm gonna keep annoying you with my lame braggings ahsdvhjfbdjkfndkjgndfklgnfmhklfhmlh yeah!!! n it's already 2nd completed fic in the same week or something. and since both newly completed fics were not directly love stories...i guess it's about time to refill some dose of lurvee.

for some reason...i have desire to start new one now *no,resist many uncompleted ones,lol*

luckily i haven't had any new ideas for some weeks already.

ahh, i just fics lately have been deprived of female main character though.....serious problem there...need to try find back some inspiration from the ladies.

anyway...besides bragging about completing fic (haha, as if it's worth bragging)

well, i've shared these songs previously just recently...but since i've just subbed them today...(using translation prepared by other people of if i can translate on my own...durr)

i'm resharing these two songs. boring..?...i can't hear 'ya~ la la la...

how can this guy have such amazingly breathtaking songs? i can't even...

you know what? screw lack-of-variety. i'm gonna use his songs for the fic i'm writing now...cuz his songs are just sooo emotionally inspiring...just what i need.

now i wish the weather could help my inspiration too...hasn't rain for like days-weeks T^T...

yay done torturing my stalkers with another pointless rambling blogpost. see'ya~


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