bag of inspiration... what i can say about this guy's songs. just ugh.

i'm sharing his first EP songs today, well, he was previously a rock band vocalist from what i read...but then debuted with a different music style as solo...this is pretty good n addictive though i'd say these songs were not as mindblowingly impactful n raw yet filled with profound emotions n uber romanticness like his Eclipse album that i totally adore to bits...n his other more recent singles like Floral Rain and Night Lovers which are just <3 <3 <3 <3 <3...i really don't want to use his songs for fanfic inspiration again cuz that'd limit my ideas n inspiration n confine in writing style evoked by his songs's feels (well, my floral rain fic writing style was heavily influenced by this guy's songs n the feels they gave...ajfshfjbfj n eversince then i keep gravitating to that same writing style, even now T^T i wish i haven't been so dependant on music when writing but i just am)...but how can i just resist when his songs stuck out like zillion dollar gems in the sea of generic pebbles of songs? ok, exaggeration n i don't really care if you duh...

his songs somehow always make me feel like i'm on an island in another world or somewhere else in another world...even now i'm stalking hoping he come out with new songs...but naw...T^T...i need something mindblowing like floral rain acid punk dynamite remix or eclipse or sunshine or blind or night lovers or summer daydream or midnight picnic or night lvoer or etc. etc.etc...well, now that i'm listening to this ep again...even these songs here become more n more captivating...just after a few listens...


Track 1 - Instant

Track 2 - Romantico - trivia: his most popular n mainstream song probly

Track 3 - 저녁 (Evening) - trivia...he released a remastered ver of this song in his Eclipse album.

Track 4 - Island

Track 5 - 야상곡 (Nocturne)

Track 6 - Last Scene - well, this is instrumental track..i don't think anyone would be interested...if anyone do...i'll upload it on yt...otherwise...i'll see if i suddenly feel like uploading i might still do it...but probly not in the near future.


credits: original uploader


i have at least 2-3 favs from this ep alone...sheesh...if you're fairly interested by these songs..then i highly recommend you try his Eclipse album n of course, Floral Rain(the remix ver especially) or Night Lovers(that keep making me feel like i'm in some old shakespeare-ish era lol) ....><.....if not, then it's alrite...too bad you don't have awesome tasteoopsie... :p

and just to let you know...if you're lovers of live performances...then there's a bunch of fancams of different songs's live perfs of this guy on yt. 



usually i post these stuffs in my own blog outside aff...bcuz many people care abt these awesome stuffs here anyway?....but since i'm temporarily closing access to that blog for some umm, personal reasons...n sometimes i want to share music i love with my aff friends/stalkers too... here's for today...hope this post entertained you somewhat...i doubt but




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