today was... surprisingly good

for the past four days i've been: depressed, tired, pissed off, tired, pissed off, worried(?), stressed, tired, pissed off. 

today... i thank God it's friday again. it's a nice friday, surprisingly. it was a productive friday. i was tired but it gave me a good feeling by the end of the day. or until early tonight. 

  1. Previous blog post about Wreath Making Contest
  2. the synthesis didn't took long. which was really good. even though 'mommy' made a stupid decision of changing the order of the reporting, she's probably in heaven when doc still praised her when she recapped after every report. 'daddy' was still annoying but not too much on me. it. was. just. normal.
  3. received something good from Kris Kringle and i have Enemy Forever's Ipod hahaha... so i could DL songs whose lyrics i could understand. and i'll put one kpop in his ipod *evil laugh* (i'll srsly make a blog BG about him soon). everything was normal even during lunch. i read some and had fun with the boys some. and listened to music some. and ate at the library some. LOL
  4. doc (mentioned in prev post as faci, and apparently is a really good doc too) sat with us in our biochem lab. teased one of my groupmates (we'll call her megaboom, for reasons that she doesn't need a mic or anything to enhance her voice) while we wait for our experiments. well, even in the checking of the experiments he checked it. so it wasn't so stre~ss. it's not so awkward to talk a little informal. i actually offered the bag of choco-ish marshmallows i got from one of my kris kringles. 
  5. treated some of our classmates coffee for our Wreath - FC, canadian guy who was the same name as enemy forever but kinder (he was actually the first i gave the free coffee) good doc declined. a lib personel and etc.
  6. we made the xmas wreath completely in crammed up time. BFF actually went and asked his gf's friends to drink coffee, idk if it was still to our expense or he 'begged'/persuaded them to get some but then when he returned we were like: "it's okay we don't need them any more." and he was like: "you motherf*ckers!" 
  7. well... we were tired and hungry but we worked as a team from scavenging the garbage bins in the morning and asking people to drink coffee throughout the day until putting our ideas together and making the wreath as it is. 
  8. i've been receiving a lot of comments lately, and for that i thank you guys for that. really. reading comments despite how ed up my day could be makes me smile always ^____^

so i was ing pissed off and tired and depressed the past four days like usual but probably after monday (though we continue until the end of next week), after the exam and the PDR simulation in History taking, it's christmas break already... lol... officially it begins at 16. ^_^


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hae_ki #1
i also hope everyday will be good too.. or at least the days we'll have quizzes and exams. that's still an okay option :3
Unnie~ Fighting :3 I hope everyday can be good like this for you :3 *heart*
I'm glad it was a good day! ^-^ I hope you can see another good day tomorrow! ^-^