See the Most AMAZING wreath E-V-E-R!!!!

lol. just kidding. i know it right? well, to me its the best of the best RECYCLED 3/4-hour made christmas wreath ever!!!!

what is it made of? 

  • a million, trillion, hundred, thousand coffee/hot choco cups from the vending machine (obviously i exaggerated the numbers)
  • crunch up and rolled photocopy of previous exam papers as the back bone
  • green cartolina forcely written with something to make it look used as the flower petal thingy and that thing at the side that looks like leaves or paper cranes but still paper lilies
  • whiteboard marker as the candles
  • and carton or egg crater thing for the candle stand
  • and some glue and scotch tape and double-sided tape
  • and the golden ribbon thing, carlo found in lying in the room, left by the group before us. so basically, we re-used it

why make it? coz there's a wreath making contest brought to you by the College of Medicine (or the joint colleges of the university). this is due on monday (i think) that's why we crammed. yes. CRAMMED on making it. for 3 or 4 hours we stayed in the PDR room (this is like what we use for hospital simulation thing) building it up from the things mentioned until our heads ache from starvation. and the others well... i think they were really hungry, they were already talking non-sense and dancing and well they were entertaining. if having an empty stomach wasn't enough, we have to laugh off the remaining energy we have aside from fast-making everything. 

i'm personally happy about the paper lilies and proud of my little helpers. together we are... THE FLOWER GIRLS lol lol. swear, today was probably the day i've made the most origami lilies... and fast too! made so much that my hands or fingers hurt from too much folding. my hands turned green even XD

and why else can't i be happy? i'm so sorry for bragging or messing up your day with another post but... seriously for two days i think i drank 4 cups already. scavenge the garbage bins and go up to people asking them if they drink coffee and if they do, give us the used cups. THIS was even probably the only day that Group 12 (my group) is treating people to coffee!!!! o.0 just for the cups. we asked the doctor (who became our faci, who sat along with us in our table in biochem lab) if he wants some. i even asked the personel in the library if he wants some! that's how generous, i mean, desperate we were about the cups. i probably talked to a lot of people that unsual for the past two days (that means i asked the people i only exchange greetings or smiles, coz that's how we greet) and we made this, sacrificing our hunger and even for a short time, set aside the 'diffrences'.

honestly, today wasn't that bad. but i'll blog about it in a different blog ^____^... just hope we would win or at least still get plus points. oh yeah, the winner actually get +16 points in the Block exam -------> THIS is REALLY a LOt of help already. BLock exams are like pre-midterm or midterm or final exams for us. and plus points, no matter how big or small they are, actually makes a difference. I mean you have to study FOUR BODY SYSTEMS at most within TWO MONTHS or less, since you have the Block exam at the end or before the two months end. (block includes: written - from the group discussion/books and lectures, lab experiments, and moving lab - histology and anatomy)

sidenote: *in a whispering voice* some groups actually paid someone to make theirs. others painted their wreath. that wouldn't look recycled already right? unless there's such a thing as recycled paint... LOL playing as the judge? haha.. but srsly, i hope we win (guess everyone wants to though)


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I cant believe its recycled! Its so cool! :3 Seems fun but tough ^^ UNNIE FIGHTING *imitates fish ? 0.0* unnie is so cute X3 *hugs you*
That's all recycled? It looks really good! ^-^ I hope you win~ ^-^