Why the is "yehet" so popular?

According to the urban dictionary, "yehet" is:

Yehet is the sound that Oh Sehun, a member of EXO, makes when he is happy with himself. 

It is also the cheer of a 4-dimensional 19 year old who is allowed to make weird mating noises such as the word itself, "Yehet"

Let me make this clear. "yehet" is a word people use when they're texting or instant messaging. it's the same thing as "lol"

Sehun just happened to say, what is usually used when texting, outloud on a broadcast. If any other idol said it, such as CNBlue's Minhyuk, would it be so overused on the internet? I highly doubt it.

It's bothering me that just because Sehun said something outloud, everyone is thinking that it's something that he made up. 

"Yehet" is like saying "lol" outloud. A lot of people say "lol" outloud. If, let's say, a member from One Direction said "lol" out loud, do you think everyone would automatically assume he made it up, and it's something only he says when he finds something funny? No.

So please, stop linking "yehet" to Sehun. It's not something that he made up. 

End of rant.


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YEHET is used because it's fun, we like sehun and exo fans use it a lot. So why judge fandoms when each other person has their own preference. Such as how people like to do their makeup or wear certain clothes or have ombré hair. It's the kind of "trend" And it's also the live in the moment thing that exo fans like. Sure other idols don't say these things but it's because sehun is just so "valley like teenager boy" that it's so interesting like his "ahorat" he likes it and it appeals to others as well. Sometimes I even like to say lol outloud.

End of rant