
Not that anyone gives two s but I really need to write all of my feelings out without making it into a oneshot where pain turns into beauty because pain is not beautiful and what I'm going through will never become beautiful. And sometimes I just hold everything in for too long and times like this I need to vent and release all of my built up frustration. 

okay. People I thought I trusted- my own ing family turns on me and points out every single insecurity I have about myself in front of EVERYONE. that's not cool. I know where my face has gone wrong. But you KNOW I don't have money to fix my teeth or get my hair done or get all those expensive skin products that you use because I'm ing poor and I live with an unemployed single mother who has to support herself, two kids, and a dog. My dad's girlfriend is THREATENING her through text. And my dad is okay with it. There is nothing worse than seeing your parents turn on eachother after you thought your whole life that they were in love. 

I can't make friends like I used to. Especially online. I have plenty of friends irl but sometimes I want a break from reality, but NO. not even online people will let me have that break. 

All I really need is closure and I do not see anything that will give me the comfort I need to get through these kinds of things. I honestly thought I was being a nice person. I care about people I hate. I have a heart. But I get treated so badly that I'm starting to wonder what the whole point is of being kind when you're going to get treated like trash in return. It took me so long to get through my previous stage of depression and I was SO happy for not even a year until all of this comes crashing down at me at once. All in one month. Everything goes down and I'm at the bottom of the hill, trying to find my way out of the that fell on top of me. 


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aw, honey~ it'll be okay. :)
i know things must seem very dim, and y at the moment, but these are things we must overcome in order to become the person we were meant to be. you probably feel lonely, and discouraged but you must never lose hope! you must always keep working hard so that one day you can be successful and strong; so that you may make your mother proud, and give her everything she deserves. although sadness is difficult to overcome, i believe you will find the strength to do so! and when you do, use all the things that hurt you once as motivation, so that some day you may be a better person, with a better life. best of luck to you!! ^ u ^/

— Josh 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Sometimes those closest to you are the ones that hurt you the most, but this is why you have to fight to be better don't let things drag you down even more. Things never last forever not even pain try to remember the things that bring you joy and find in you the things that make you proud of yourself.