About Me

Ok so this needed an update! What's up I'm Gaby I just turned 22 which probably means I should be doing something with my life other than filling this up, but I've never really cared about what I am or aren't supposed to do soooo it! (sorry, I curse a lot) I'm from Texas I will not specify country because I'm pretty sure if you aren't American you can still work google and look it up (I call google mom, it has all the answers). I'm Mexican-American so I do happen to speak Spanish so any Spanish speakers come chat with me and if you don't speak Spanish, come talk to me anyway because I get easily bored! I'm a theatre major therefore I love reading good stories that I can see becoming good films or plays. I'm a little bipolar so there's days when I can be really upbeat and friendly and in a second I go into ogre mode <--- I recycled that part from my old about me cause I'm lazy! But let's add that I am a little (lot) dramatic! Just a charm of being a theatre major, be grateful I don't have the over inflated ego too! So that's about it! If I sound ok come befriend me if not....don't do anything, it's not like i'm gonna know you rejected me anyway. Bye es!