〈ÆON〉↷ Lim Jong Woo ↷ Jersey

forever together……

……the teddy bear……

“ peter pan ; introduce yourself ”


“ black pearl ; tell me about you ”

FULL NAME ; Lim Jong Woo
OTHER NAME(s) ; Jay W. Lim
NICKNAME(s) ; Jongwoo, Jay, Jersey
DATE OF BIRTH ; 12/31/1993
AGE ; 19 (soon to be 20)
UALITY ; gay
HOMETOWN ; Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY ; South Korean
LANGUAGE(s) ; English (fluent), Korean (semi-fluent)

“ wolf & a beauty ; show me your looks ”

ULZZANG ; Jo Geun Hyeong
HEIGHT&WEIGHT ; 181 cm & 70 kg
EXTRA ; tattoo on his chest; [y abs hur hur]
STYLE ; COMFIEE! - Jongwoo prefers to feel comfortable. He would never dress classy just to look good on a photo at the airport, especially not if they have a long flight. He likes streetwear. Casual, quite sporty and comfortable. Brands like Boy London, Nike or Obey his favorites. He does not like it to wear to skinny jeans, etc. He prefers large shirts, hoodies and likes to wear caps and sneakers. (He owns tons of them.)

casual ; one two three four five
dorm ; one two three four five
formal ; one two three
practice ; one two three
airport ; one two three four five

“ heart attack ; it'll all be okay ”

PLOTLINE ; The Teddy Bear
PERSONALITY ; His deep voice and his buff physique (and probably his appetite) remind of a bear. But unlike his strong and concious appearance he's got more of a teddy bear. He has a big heart and cannot stay mad at someone for long. He might not be the smartest or most charming with his rather lost-puppy-like aura, but he is someone who can easily get along with others and is liked among other groups as well. His credo is feel before think. He is known for crying when watching a sad movie, like Marley and Me. He is animal-friendly, polite and patient. He is someone who would pick up the trash off the street or help an old lady over a street. He is sensitive and that's why he is also easily hurt emotionally. He is nice and caring and a hopeless romantic. He is someone you can lean on or cry on his shoulder (or however) just like a soft and soft-hearted teddy bear.

He seems to be slow in his ways, but he is hell of a training machine. He is known to be the strongest in the group. He likes to excercise and will not complain in any of the countless dance practice sessions. That is why he is respected for his will and stamina. But besides his kind personality, the teddy uses to hide his own thoughts. That makes him hard to read sometimes. He can also be pretty uptight. He does not like it when someone is saying something about his appearance, even jokingly. He has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to his body. He takes criticism really seriously and that can easily ruin his mood as he tends to be a perfectionist.
- posting on the fancafe
- peanut butter <3
- nachos + cheese
- skinship
- snacks (preferably American)
- waterslides
- aquariums (like Sea World)
- baby animals
- the smell of freshly showered hair
- dentists
- thunderstorms
- skinny jeans
- wearing makeup for a few hours (other than simple bb cream)
- bullies
- doing/shoting vlog posts of AEON
- taekwondo (thanks to it for his infamous kick(s) -> special talents ;) )
- skateboarding
- soccer & basketball
- sight-seeing
- no workout without music! he always carries his ipod
- he likes to touch the other's hair
- he likes to snuggle down in a blanket or in his pullover/hoodie when they watch a movie/TV at the dorm
FEARS ; identical twins scare him. he has no idea why but they scare him, like others would fear clowns, etc.
- his speaking voice twin is B.A.P's Himchan
- he is as adorable as Jongup (B.A.P) and as awkward as Sunggyu (Infinite)
- he is known to like skinship, due to him growing up in the USA where it's just "normal"
- he used to have a stammer as a kid and was also fairly chubby
- his family still lives in New Jersey
- had a slight crush on one of the choreo hyungs
- he usually removes his makeup as soon as they return to the dorm
- he always has some snacks with him
- his ideal type should have an innocent and pure heart like MBLAQ's Joon-sunbaenim
- he collects (of course to wear them) sneakers and caps: he owns over 70 pairs of sneakers and about 30 different caps and beanies
- he cannot sleep alone in a room since he came to Korea
- he is someone who would take a leading role in a relationship other than others might think
- he is a fan of actor Lee Byunghun
- favorite number is 9
- favorite food includes pasta, chicken and steak
- favorite movie is "The Notebook"
- favorite movie genre: drama, romcom
- favorite singer/band: Epik High (Tablo is his rap idol), TVXQ, Eminem

“ baby, don't cry ; your past ”

HISTORY ; Jongwoo was born as Jay W. Lim. He was born and raised in New Jersey, USA. His parents are South Korean, but raised him and his two younger siblings modern and pretty "western". His Korean was not that good in the beginning, as they usually spoke English at home, most of the time. He was a fairly chubby kid, wore glasses and also had a stammer when he was younger. That plus his reserved and polite manner made him somewhat a pushover. He was bullied in school. First of all because he was a stuttering chubby Asian kid with a bowl cut. But puberty did him a favor. He was more interested in working out, his looks and his style - just like all the male adolescents - and lost all his baby fat. He started to wear contacts only and got a cooler hair cut.

Also, his interest in hip hop grew and he started to listen to it more than before. He also started to rap, because he thought that it would attract girls and boys, because rappers are cool. He never thought about him being actually pretty talented. He became part of a hip hop crew and they did a few stages in small clubs. Unlike the cliche for Asian people, he wasn't a nerd. And while his interest in music and hip hop grew, his grades fell. His parents were not really happy about it, but his mother, who knew that her son had a passion for it, told him about the international auditions for KPOP idol groups. So, when he was 15 he went to an audition for JYP Entertainment. He got accepted and so he had to move to South Korea to live together with the other trainees. It was the hardest time of his life. He was a teenager far away from home, with lacking Korean skills. He could not converse with the others a lot, so he got mocked by of few of them. That only brought him back to his childhood, when he got bullied. It took some open-minded and kind fellow trainees to make him finally feel comfortable and enjoying the time. He eventually graduated from High School and can communicate well in Korean today. <3
EDUCATION ; He attended an American primare and middle school, before he came to Korea to become an idol. Not really good at school due to him being more into other things back then when he was a student. And just as I already said, he's been bullied as well. After he moved to Korea to be a trainee, his appearance changed, and so did his image. He was way more popular than back in America. Also thanks to his grown interest in working out.

“ don't go ; your inner circle 

FAMILY ; his family lives abroad (in the states), so they only see each other when they have the possibility/time/etc.. but they usually have contact through video chatting, what makes him sometimes missing them even more ~

{ father ♦ Jong Guk ♦ 49 ♦ manager of a barbecue restaurant ♦ open-minded, humorous, bold ♦ they are very close, Jongwoo loves his father more than anything }

{ mother ♦ So Yi ♦ 47 ♦ pastry chef ♦ modern, youthful, caring, ambitious ♦ she suggested her son to go to the auditions; they are very close }

{ dongsaeng ♦ Jessica "Jae Eun" ♦ 17 student ♦ girly girly girly, intelligent, ambitious, funny, stubborn ♦ teasing sibblings, but they miss each other a lot }

{ dongsaeng ♦ Ryan "Jae Joon" ♦ 14 ♦ student ♦ cheerful, pure, shy, kind ♦ he misses his hyung, but they do video chatting as often as possible }



{ [I would like him to be bf with another member. if not possible, than he treats everyone equally and does not have that one "best friend"]}


{ friend ♦ Peniel ♦ 20 ♦ member of idol group BtoB ♦ friendly, shy, smart, quiet ♦ they get along well and Jongwoo is happy to have a friend he can share his experiences with, as Peniel comes from Chicago and has his family also in the states. So they have a lot in common. Also they can talk in English if they wanted to. }

{ friend ♦ Minhyuk ♦ 22 ♦ member of idol group BtoB ♦ energetic, nagging, motherly, playful ♦ when he met Peniel, Minhyuk came in the package. He is interested and really likes Jongwoo's teddy personality. He likes to mother him, though, as his dongsaeng. }

RIVAL(s) ;

{ complicated ♦ Song Jieun ♦ 23 ♦ member of idol group SECRET ♦ personality ♦They get along well and Jongwoo likes her as a girl friend. But she actually has a crush on Jongwoo and would like to be more of a girlfriend, but because he is only rejecting her politely and does not seem to fall for her charm, she tries to make him jealous (the cliched secret weapon of a woman) by flirting with another guy, when he's around. Ironically it's Tao she's flirting with or using to make him jealous. And it kinda works. He is jealous of him, that he seems to like her more than him. (complicated? i hope not so much ^^) }

“ my lady ; cupid striked again ”

AGE ; 20

TRAITS ; Unlike his cold appearance, he is actually a pretty kind boy. Helpful, altruistic and mild-mannered. He looks delicate and acts just in the same way. He is shy and rather soft-spoken. But if you get to know hif you'll find a young and lively person. He is easily flustered and really emotional, even if he wants to be mature like his elder friends. But Tao is just as responsible as his peers and you'll find a loyal and reliable friend in him. Even if it's hard to get close to him straight away as he is hard to contol, he is a happy and hardworking guy, that tends to be clingy. In a (more or less) good way, I mean.
RELATIONSHIP ; high school friends - same year; they went to the same high school and graduated together
HOW YOU MET? ; at school(?) LOL - idk if I can be that creative here. maybe you can
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP ; Jongwoo is really interested in him and wants to know more about him, so he would even ask Tao's bandmates about his likes and dislikes only to make him happy. Like if he liked chocolate, so he would make or buy him some, or if he'd like basketball, but no soccer, so he would play basketball with him and not ask him to play soccer together, etc. Tao likes how delicate and gentle Jongwoo is, but does not always know how to approach him. He finds it easy though to get along with him and has no problem with skinship, etc. But when Jieun starts to flirt with Tao (to get Jongwoo's attention), the teddy becomes a grizzly and backs down.

BACKUP ; Jung Ilhoon
AGE ; 19

“ baby ; dem talents ”

PAST COMPANIES? ; JYP Entertainment
TRAINEE YEARS ; 4 years (2 years of them for JYP)
TRAINEE HISTORY ; Seeing how her son spent more time with his music than studying, she suggested he should audition for JYP Entertainmend (international audition). That brought him to Korea where he received training in dancing, rapping, singing, and the Korean language. He could not converse with all the new people he met, due to not being able to speak the language very well. And he did not know what to eat as well. He cried everyday for the first two weeks he was in Korea and often thought about giving up. But he decided to work hard even though he wanted to go back home, to not disappoint his parents.
He was actually about to debut as the leader in another group, but due to a private problem, he left JYP Ent. and eventually became a trainee for Aeon. He was having minor problems with the trainees in the beginning but ended up making friends with most of them as his Korean became better.
SPECIAL TALENT(s) ; English language, surprisingly aegyo, ttakbam king of the group, 4 kicks with one jump
WEAKNESSES ; singing, he is pretty sensitive and rather ticklish


“ 3.6.5 ; your profile ”

PERSONA ; Chocolate Abs Rapper/Skinship King
POSITION ; Lead Rapper
FANCLUB COLOR ; Gold (#ffd700)

“ let out the beast ; lol u derp ”

COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, CONCERNS? ; I am fine with being paired up with another applicant. I will let you know my preferences as soon as I have read the other apps a bit. ;)
- Jieun trying to make Jongwoo jealous by flirting with Sehun
- a visit of his family/parents



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