Username: KimMiYa
Activeness: 10
What can I call you?: you can call me Miya :)
Have you watched all the movies, read all the books, or both?: I've watched all the movies. Been always too busy or too lazy to read the books. { But I've read "The Philosoher's Stone" :) }
Are You Qualified?
Name: Lee Hyun Soo
Nickname(s): --
Birthday: 05/06
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Ethnicity: South Korean
Bloodtype: AB
Status: Muggle born
Sorting Hat
Plotline chosen: GxG
Plotline password: wefoundlove
House: Gryffindor
Hyunsoo does not really know why he's in Gryffindor. He thinks he might not be the typical Gryffindor student on the first glance. He tends to be temperamental and sometimes reckless when he is provoked or when people around him suffer. He thinks of himself as a selfr-righteous person. So if you'd ask him for his advice he would pretend to be indifferent, because he thinks it would be better to be a neutral judge than "forcing his own opinion on others". But he is not self-righteous actually. Just a little confident that it has a of conceit. But not more than any other average young man.
But there is no doubt why the Sorting Hat determined Gryffindor if you look at his positive traits. He is passionated, kind and has a great sense/code of honour. He has principles. His personality is somewhat a sentinel. He is honest. Sometimes brutally, telling you exactly what he feels or thinks. He is brave, but always cautious and never risking the well-being of others. So he is considered mature for his age. He does not like attention and never does things just for his own profit. He doesn't have much, but he is really generous, modest and a sharing person. He is fair and discreet. A very loyal person with a golden heart.
Hyunsoo's no social butterfly like some of his house-mates. He enjoys having his lone time sometimes. He is not really talkative, but rather listens to a conversation. Therefore he is a good listerner and will never show you when you'd bore him. He is soft and tender to his close friends, but a little more awkward when it comes to skinship. He has lost his parents and usually that makes him being somewhat numb when someone tries to do something for him, since he dislikes pity. But otherwise he is emotional and really understanding when it comes to the feelings of others. But he hates sob stories. He is still thinking about his parents and so he likes to be in postive company.
Girls like him, for his courage and his looks probably. But mostly for his charm: Hyunsoo likes to do silent acts of kindness, like helping an old lady crossing the street, picking up the trash off the street, wrapping his jacket around you to keep you warm, put a blanket over you when you're asleep, etc. He is known as a gentleman among the girls. Maybe this charm is also attracting his love interest?
To hide his insecurity due to his background he would be very happy if it was as easy as hiding the contents of the Maradeur's map by taping it and recite, "Mischief managed". But that doesn't work unfortunately. He had to move to his grandfather in Seoul when his parents died, and there the big city boys treated him like a boring country boy, some with disdain and some with disgust. And now it could happen again, just because of his parents being muggles. That is why he is an epitome for the rivalry between Gryffindor and the house which dislikes muggles, Slytherin.
Appearance: He's from Busan and so he's pretty tanned. He appears a little country boy-ish when you meet him for the first time but he is rather cool with the way he dresses. He's got a dialect as well. He does look like the pretty average Asian boy, and unlike big city boys. He's got black hair that he had never dyed before and eyes that look almost black. Sometimes you can see that it's a really dark brown color, though. face-claim: Jang Hyun Jae
Style: He does not wear make-up. He likes to wear earrings. He has got a simple ear piercing on each ear. He likes to wear rings as well. Just one at a time. He always wears a watch, too.
-Casual: In the beginning very comfortable and practical clothes. Tank tops, v-necks, oversized shirts or hoodies. He likes to wear tight (yet not skinny) pants just to make it look more fashionable. Later he wants to look more mature, as he becomes more mature, and manlier. So he would like to wear a black or white shirt with a tight jeans to make it look less formal. The first top buttons opened. Or he would wear a plain shirt and tight black jeans. In the cold seasons he enjoys wearing coats and scarfs. He does wear beanies and snapbacks in every season, if it suits the whole look.
Formal: He is not the type for a tuxedo. He dislikes this formal occasions where you have to dress like someone you're not. But there's nothing speaking against a nice suit. He would take off the jacket sometime, and open the top buttons of his shirt just to feel more like himself and be more comfortable. He prefers the classic version: black. Or he would wear a black tight jeans with the white or black shirt. Simple, just like him.
on muggles: Hyunsoo's parents and his grandfather are muggles, so he grew up among them. As one himself, so to speak. Their is no specific opinion. But he has no problems with them.
on muggle borns: As a "muggle born" himself Hyunsoo has never experienced what it means to be one. He does not no that there are people who detest muggles or muggle borns. He however has a affinity to take party for people like him.
Wand type: Hornbeam; inner core: Phoenix feather
- fellow chosen member
- JongUp (B.A.P)
Partner's House: Gryffindor
How you would prefer their interraction to be: If he is a pureblood, Hyunsoo would have problems with dealing his lover's background thinking of his own. He does not feel worthy enough, or more like he underestimates the love of his lover's parents that they might offer him. He only sees the facts and so he might be a little cautious. Also what the other students would think about a relationship between a pure-blood and a muggle born. However how could you betray your feelings, right? :)
If he's a half-blood or muggle born it would be a little less complicated.
However, Hyunsoo is not that brave when it comes to showing his feelings. He has a pride that tells him to stay away from embarrassing situations or anything that could make him feel or be seen as even more of a "freak". He's become aware of his status as muggle born and so he does not want to be an outsider. So a relationship with a guy is actually something difficult for him. He does, of course, have no experience with gay love or whatsoever. That's why he is oblivious of feelings from a guy towards him. And he would not consider such a relationship as well, because of the reasons I mentioned right now.
Partner's personality: { Jongup: kind, funny, reserved, playful, goofy, quiet, smiling his problems away, brave }
Bloody Hell, mate
Do you stay in school for the holidays?: Yes, but he really misses his grandpa. He writes him regularly.
If no, where do you stay?: --
Guardian name(s):
Grandfather | Lee Hyun Sik | He is taller than his grandchild. A strong build. He has an intimidating aura, but a very friendly smile. His hair is grey and his skin is tanned. His son (Hyunsoo's father) looked very much like him. While Hyunsoo resembles his mother. Hyun Sik's eyes are small and due to his age and his build he has a slow walk. | He was a very strict father and did not spend much time with his only child, Hyunsoo's dad. He can be cold and is no one you can fool easily.  | muggle | Unlike his cold appearance he is a wonderful grandfather. He treats Hyunsoo really well and is really kind. When it comes to Hogwarts related information, Hyunsik is open-minded and shows interest. He is a supportive grandfather and does not judge his grandson. He had to raise Hyunsoo for a majority of his life, after Hyunsoo's parents died in a car accident, so Hyunsik is also a strict father-person and especially very protective since the accident. He would scold Hyunsoo if neccessary, but usually their realtionship is a strong bond that does not need much words, as they trust each other with their lives.
Sibling(s): --
Defence Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Study of Ancient Runes
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures
Teachers: --
Others: you did not ask about our patronus. ^^ Maybe I'll just add it here. I'd like to have a (grizzly) bear.
Password: Remus Lupin. A really great man, till the very end. :) Even though Sirius is such a great character, Lupin must not be underestimated as a character. Funny, brave, kind and intelligent. ^^
Suggestions: --


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Thank you for applying! I like the unique way you added in 'mischief managed' :)
As for the patronus, I didn't ask yet because I was planning on asking other details like that only to those who were chosen, to prevent complications ^^But thank you anyway~
Also, hooray for Dobby ♥