Stardust Application Form - Lee Byung Hee

What can I call you other than your username: call me Miya, darling. ^^

Character Full name: Lee Byung Hee

Nicknames: {IDK}

Gender: male

ual Orientation: panual (he is attracted to people regardless of their gender.

Birthdate : {I want him to have his birthday on a special day, ... like White Day or something. ^^}

Age: 17 {going on 18}

Languages: Korean {only}

Personality :

{B} - Byunghee is a very random person. He changes the topic very quickly. From kimchi to mangas. From mangas to cardigans. From cardigans to popcorn. He's very unpredictable and one doesn't know what is in his mind. You cannot read his mind easily.

{Y} - You cannot speak sarcasm to him, because you'd had to be careful he took you serious. He has a very smooth and warm language and is very eloquent, but he is oblivious when it comes to sarcasm. But nevertheless he is

{U} - Underestimation is something he dislikes a lot. He always respects others. That is why he would speak up if someone is disrespectful toward him or others, but also if someone underestimates him. He lives by the credo 'never judge a book by it's cover'. He might be conceited, but he never disrespects others only because they were not as handsome as him. He also never takes anything for granted and is thankful for every compliment he achieves, even if he had heard the same sentence over and over again.

{N} - Normally he is really talkative, but when it comes to problems, he is really incommunicative and secretive. He would smile it away. But you could tell by his eyes, since they're as sincere as he is. They would look sad then, even when he smiles. If you tried to address his obvious problems, he would try to distract you by changing the subject, acting cute as usual {what you could never blame him for, since he is sweet}, etc. But you could crack him by using kindness and loooots of aegyo and endearment. He has a thing for  

{G} - Genius or idiot? Of course, he is not dumb at all, but thanks to his randomness he sometimes says thinks that make his surroundings wonder if he's actually an idiot or a genius. A free-spirited wacko on one side, a memorizing genius on the other. - Yep, he has an awesome memory, but he defintely can make you wonder about him sometimes. xD This plus his advance towards clumsines. If he cooked you a {at least very yummylicious} dish, the kitchen could be a little mess. But don't worry, he would not sneak away from cleaning afterwards. Cooking with him is the most fun cooking ever, promise. He can laugh at himself and takes jokes easily. As long as it's not intenting to hurt him or others.

{H} - His best trait is probably that he enjoys doing silent act of kindness: e.g he would make you lunch, buy you snacks, wrap his jacket around you to keep you warm, etc.; he is generous and caring. He would never make you return a favor. But he would really appreaciate you. That's how you feel in his company - appreciated, loved and never taken for granted.

{E} - Energetic. No matter if busy schedules, or exercising. His world is a world of motion. Always on a go. He is knowns as a realible motivator, but can be exhausting at times to those who can't handle this ball of energy.

{E} - Eventually he is good at socialising and someone to face a conflict dead on, as a mediator if necessary. He is social experienced, had already dated, attended funerals and weddings, etc. He is mature most of the time when it comes to serious situations, but has a talent of improvising if there's a lack of mood. He hates awkward silence even more than embarrassing conversations of others. He is pure, and has a thing for altruistic and honest persons.


Face Claim: Ahn Jae Hyun {tumblr}

Appearance: He is quite tall. Height: 188 cm. Weight: not quite 70 kg. He has dark brown dyed hair. That is the only colour, besides his natural hair color black, he would let someone dye his hair. He likes his "guy-next-door" look and would really dislike it if someone wanted to dye his hair in a 'crazy' color. So he would never, ever, dye it blond, red, or else. ~ He is really interested into fashion, plus he has a conceited side. That's why he would never leave the house looking like an un-made bed. ~ His face is usually blemish-free, not only thanks to good genes, but also to a (mostly) healthy diet and skin care. {e.g he would never go to sleep without removing makeup} ~ He has an average body. Obviously he doesn't look like an adonis-like male idol. He is only 17. But he is lean (cuz he eats clean LOOOL) and he has no more baby fat. He would probably never look bulky, since his body stature is slim not sporty. ~ He walks with a certain confidence and coolness, also because he is a male adolescent that pays attention to his appearance.

Style: He is trendy, cool and fancy. But he hates flower flower print clothes, anything orange {this color suits NObody}, or too short shorts. He doesn't like showing off much skin, even if he has nothing to hide, obviously. But he prefers playing with his visual allure. He enjoys wearing nice clothes and thinks the color black suits him best. His style let you have a hint of what kind of a person he is. Mature, comfortable yet fancy. He is usually well-dressed. Neat and classy. With a of youthfulness. ~ Sometimes wears glasses.

Casual: one | two | three | four |
On Campus: one | two | three | four |
Dorm: one | two | three | four |
Formal: one | two | three | four |
Party: one | two | three | four |
Date: one | two | three | four |
Sleepwear: he sleeps with a plain shirt and his boxers or sweat/pajama pants; when it's hot, he sleeps shirtless


Likes: clothes, being called 'handsome' or 'pretty', hanging out with friends, vanilla {scent or taste}, popcorn {only sweet}, sketching, karaoke

Dislikes: cats, texting {untypical for an Asian boy; call him old-fashioned but he prefers handwritten notes or letters}, color orange

Hobbies: sketching, watching movies, exercising

Habits: doodling on almost everything when he's got a pen in his hand


  • enjoys shopping and is really interested in fashion
  • thinks he is an ideal type for girls/boys who are into the nice-guy-next-door
  • kiwi allergy
  • absolutely dislikes raw veggies
  • master of random facts {he knows all kind of seemingly useless facts, BUT he can also remember numbers/names/faces very well}
  • also he is a pro at learning by heart, but can also improvise


Background: Born and raised in Seoul. Parents own a veterinary practice. ~ His grandpa was his best friend in his childhood, but unfortunately died when Byunghee was 13. He is one important reason why Byunghee's so well-educated.



Father - Hyuk Jae | 48 | Veterinarian | hilarious, odd, patient | His dad is first and foremost. One sick (comical) man. His ability to create an awkward situation out of nothing is impeccable. Only humorous to the outside viewer.


Mother - Ji Hae | 48 | Veterinatian | soft-spoken, sociable, nice | If there is one thing he would attribute to his success above anything else, it would be his mother. She supports and loves him to the fullest extent. No matter what and that is the greatest gift a child can be given. With it the possibilities are endless. {She suggested her son to audition.}


Hyung - Min Hyun | {in his twenties} | School Physician | kind, ideal husband, has a thing for children and animals | Typical hyung-dongsaeng relationship. Min Hyun is an observing and protecting brother, who can be a bit overprotective. He isn't into clubbing and already has a fiancee that he's going to marry soon. {Byung Hee would be his best man then.}


Bestfriend: {i would like him having a best friend; idc if it's another applicant that he could become close with, or his love interest aka crush, or one of his peers in school. male or female, i don't care}

Friends: {since he is down to earth, he likes hanging out with his friends from school. He has male and female friends; girls really like his company and enjoy if he dresses them; his male friends also ask for styling advices or how they look or what he thinks about a new piece, etc.; he'd rather enjoys doing simple things like skateboarding or playing video/computer games than talking about music all the time, since he thinks his friends could feel uncomfortable}

Rivals: {if none of the other OCs has a rival, I would not mind him to have one.}

Scandals: {yes please, but idk if Byunghee is a scandalous person LOL}


Primary Bias Name: Fellow Trainee



How you treat eachother? : 

Request? : 



Secondary Bias Name: Himchan (B.A.P) - the motherly + aegyoistic Diva

Personality: {best trait: kindness + cuteness ; worst trait: swift to take offence} 



Tertiary Bias Name: Seo In Guk - the shy + empathetic teddy bear

Personality: {best trait: empathy ; worst trait: insecure}



Trainee Life :  {he started at the age of 15}

Stage Name: Byunghee


Position: any vocal position - preferably main vocal {I would like if his singing voice would sound as clear and soft as VIXX's Leo's or as smooth as EXO's Luhan's}

Back-Up Position: {maybe he isn't really a rapper/dancer/singer but was casted due to his looks/visuals? so he could be a vocal with a voice that is good enough for a singer career (group vocal) or as an actor or model?? IDK}


Fill in the Blank:

In the beginning your character is a loveable wacko, but by the end of the story they will be surprised by all means.


Comments : Hey there, you can call me Miya ^^ So, I really hope you like my character. I tried to give him enough flaws, because I don't like perfect characters either. :) Really looking forward to your story. Please let me know what you think about my app. And my character, of course. :DD Have a nice day! ~

Request/Suggestions :


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Hey Miya, feel free to call me Izzy. Your character is amazing and your application is seriously jaw-dropping. I might make him a bit more flawed and there are certain characteristics I'll be focusing on more than others but… wow! This is… *forgets how to breathe*