❝YooHoo❞ {유후} | U.Na | Persona

Jung Yoon Ah


Ireumi Mwoyeyo?

username : KimMiYa

what can i call you? : you can call me Miya, darling :)

activeness : 10 - no life? lol xD


Here comes trouble!

name : Jung Yoon Ah

nickname(s) : Yoonie, Yuna

languages : Korean

birthdate : May 6th, 1995

age : 18

bloodtype : 0

ethnicity : South Korean

birthplace : Busan, South Korea

hometown : Busan, South Korea

personality : Yoonah is a fun person to be with and really entertaining, unlike her brother. She is known to be a happy virus. A real goofball. When you first meet her, she's like an awkward turtle, but once you become closer with her, you will see a very funny, kind and weird little girl. She is just ADORKABLE. She loves to joke around and is an energetic and cheerful person. You will see her smile a lot. Like she's smiling his worries away. She has also a very 4D-ish personality. Her humor is gold.

Also people tend to think she's cute, because of her aegyo-istic face. It's not the things she says that are cute, but how she acts. One of her best traits is that she likes to do silent acts of kindness - like she would put a jacket around you to keep you warm, put a blanket over you when you're asleep, buying you snacks, making you lunch, etc. You will enjoy her company, because of her pure, innocent mind.

She's also very open-minded and altruistic. Unlike her goofy side she is also a very caring and sharing person, a loyal friend and she has great social skills. Listening to your problems, helping you out and being there fore you when times get rough come in the package. She is generaous and does not know the meaning of the word "envy". Boys (and girls) love to hang with her because you can simply fool around with her, and chew the fat with her.

But she also can be BRUTALLY HONEST, letting others know exactly what she's thinking or feeling, even though it might hurt them. But due to her soft heart, she will make it up fast and apologize (you see, she doesn't have a diva-like ego). Also she is a morning person and can be exhausting to those who aren't. She gets a little whiney when she's hungry and won't start the day without a good breakfast. She is really impatient and a bit equivocal, what can be a good laugh, since she doesn't always think before she speaks.

background : Yoonah was born and raised in Busan, South Korea. Her parents met each other at university, where they both majored Veterinary Medicine. It was love at first sight. They put up their own vet practice in Busan. Yoonah and her older brother Taek Woon were both raised with a great thing for animals, too, and Yoonah wants to study Vet. Medicine as well. But due to her brother being so interested in music, she got "infected" too and chose to go this road now. Taek Woon, who is better known under his stage name Leo from the idol group VIXX,  suggested his sister to go to an audition herself. So when she was 15 she went to an audition for Big Hit Entertainment and got accepted.


Hey, so sweet so y~.

idol face claim : D-Unit's JNEY

links or galleries : gallery

backup idol face claim : f(x)'s Sulli

links or galleries : gallery

height : 173 cm

weight : 52 kg

appearance description : She is not really small with her 173 cm height (without insoles or heels!). She is not skinny, but slim. She wants to be toned, so she excercises a lot. That got her toned legs and nice arms so far. Not more, not less. She has long dyed brown hair and hazel eyes. She has "chubby" cheeks, which are luring to be poked. :)

style >>> Yoonah is not the most feminine type when it comes to fashion, and girly clothes make her wanna cringe. She usually wears clothes that are practical and comfortable. She likes to wear oversized shirts or sweats at home. When she's going out with friends she will put more effort into her looks. She enjoys combining tom-boy and rock chic elements. She likes chucks and sneakers more than heels, but skinny jeans are always a jackpot. ;) When she wears a dress, it's usually the classic short black dress or something with lace. But dresses plus Yoonah is for special occasions like a date or a formal dinner, party, etc. But she believes that the boy who asked her out would be okay with anything as long as she wears it, so she would have no problem with dressing a little less fashionable. As an idol she has to dress all mature and y, perfect makeup and hair. But usually she enjoys wearing comfortable clothes like oversized shirts or hoodies, sneakers, snap-backs, etc. when they are at the dorm. Her fashion idol is 2NE1's CL.

examples: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7


Where would I be, if you didn't believe?

family :

mother | Jung Min Young | 50 | Veterenarian (works at her husband's practice)

father | Jung Ji Woon | 51 | Veterenarian (owns a vet practice)

oppa | Jung Taek Woon "Leo" | 22 (going on 23 in November) | Idol, member of VIXX 

bestfriends :

Jung Ilhoon | 18 (older than Yoonah) | cool, outgoing, blunt, protective | Idol, member of BtoB | They know each other from middle school; they both graduated from the same high school this year | Ilhoon is the cool friend you can chill out with. Skateboarding, amusement parks, etc. would be his favorite things to do. But he is also an excellent company for a shopping trip. He loves shopping and since he is very fashionable, he always enjoys dressing Yoonah. Even though he can be harsh towards her own choices, since he is brutally honest, he's never rude.

friends :

Leo | 22 | reserved, introverted, soft-spoken, emotional, sweet, poker-faced | Idol, member of VIXX | They are close like friends. Leo is not ashamed to hang out with his little sister and enjoys spending time with her, because he really loves and misses her, when he cannot see her due to his busy schedules.

Kim Won Sik "Ravi" | 20 | charming, humorous, emotional, caring, sweet | Idol, member of VIXX | They got introduced to each other by Yoonah's brother Leo and got along well since the first moment.

Lee Minhyuk | 23 | extroverted, warm-hearted, nagging, motherly, energetic | Idol, member of BtoB | With Ilhoon as a best friend, his co-member Minhyuk came in the package. Minhyuk is really sociable and initiated a conversation fast, when he's met Yoonah for the first time. | With Minhyuk she can do things girl friends can do. He is not awkward with girl problems and makes Yoonah feel like a lady. He's a real gentleman. He looks to make her feel content and comfortable. Good advices and caring words are his charm.


Slowly on your cheeks, bubibu

http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8rubatVCT1rsskhm.giflove interest's name : Kim Seok Jin - JIN  <3

personality : Jin is the sweetest guy of BTS, besides the maknae. He is cute and boyish, always looking like a lost puppy. He is adorable and loves to interact with the fans, who he is really caring for. As well as for s. He has motherly traits and is the eomma type. He likes cooking, eating and acting and that makes him an ordinary boy. He is modest, down-to-earth and easy to get along with. He is sweet and tender. A gentle person that can be clumsy (gif!!!) at times. But in the most adorable way.

Jin is truly the sweet boy he seems to be. He is boyish and loves to play around and hang around with the boys. He is shy when it comes to talking to a girl alone, when no one else's around. He isn't the best cook, but likes cooking anyway and enjoys looking at recipes. He doesn't live extremely neatly and doesn't clean up all the time, but feels that everyone should put away their dishes themselves after eating or put their laundry in the laundry basket. But usually he starts cleaning up when the others leave a big mess.

how you met : [I am a little afraid to ask, but could you surprise me with how the meet/met? That would be great. :D]

how you interact : Jin's a skinshipper and enjoys the time he can spend with nice people. He is sociable and likes Yoonah's positive personality. He loves her cooking, because she can cook better than him and he wants to to cute things with her, just because he likes to do them. He is easy-going and open around her. All gentle and tender. And she cannot help laughing over his cute clumsiness.


backup love interest : Park Jimin - JIMIN <3

personality : Jimin is known to be in charge of charisma. Well, Jimin is really charming, with his killer smile and his confidence in his looks. He is someone who impresses with his fitness and his natural athleticism. Jimin can appear cocky and bold, but he's not. He is a stubborn kid and sometimes forgets the cameras around him as he's a new idol and not that experienced. But that also means he is not faking. He is natural and honest, even though idols shouldn't always be.

Jimin is a rookie and among his seniors he gets more reserved, of course. He is pure, down-to-earth and even a little excited to meet his sunbaenims. He is really shy when he is not performing. Dancing is his confidence, but when he's off camera he is adorable and boyish. He is a little bit boring compared to his charismatic on camera personality. He is full of aegyo and energetic. He loves to play around and participate in the competitions. He is passionate and a bit jealous.

how you met : [*same as above]

how you interact : He is a cool boy and tries to impress her. Yoonah and him get along like they have known each other for years, like friends. Telling bad jokes, but being still able to make them laugh, because he's so adorable. He doesn't really know how to get close to her and tell her how he feels, so he asks his friends for advices.


Secret love.

male love rival : Kim Won Sik "Ravi" | 20 | Idol, member of VIXX

personality : Ravi is known as the charming moodmaker of VIXX. He is funny and energetic. He is really kind and warm-hearted. He is also an adorkable and sweet guy who is caring and reliable. He is the one that is always up for some fun. He loves to make people laugh and enjoys fooling and playing around with his co-members/friends. But deep inside he is a thoughtful person with a golden heart who just seems to be a kid at heart. He's also very gentle and tender. That might be the reason he gets along so well with the quiet and soft-spoken Leo.

But Ravi also has a dull trait. He is jealous and possesive when it comes to his belongings. That's why he can be easily hurt. But he is no one who yells at others, even though his manly and tough appearance could easily intimidate you. He easily feels offended by the slightest comments of his love rival. And he hates the thought of being friend-zoned forever.

how you met : They are friends, who got introduced by Leo, Yoonah's brother and Ravi's bandmate.

why he's your love rival : Actually, Ravi is her ideal type: manly, great body, cute eyes, funny, sweet, rapper, y voice and a good dancer. So even though they are friends, she would not deny he makes her feel comfortable and she'd even admit he had a chance, if he would ask her out.

But after she meets Jin/Jimin her heart starts to play games with her. She is confused. Usual girl problem. Two guys. One heart. But many problems. But it is so hard to not like Jin/Jimin, and Ravi keeps putting his effort into her comfort. So Ravi entually becomes a love rival.


female love rival : Ailee

how you met : They haven't "met". Yoonah's seen her performing a few times (on tv and lately live). But they've never talked to each other.

why she's your love rival : She is interested in Ravi* [*or Ilhoon/Minhhyuk], and she uses Jin/Jimin to make him jealous. She has no idea that Yoonah does like Jin/Jimin. If she did, she would not go that way honestly.


You are my special girl.

http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3aluvT2eQ1rs5lkoo1_r1_500.gifstage name : U.Na

persona : The Sunny Rapper

position :

-Main Vocalist 
-Lead Vocalist 
-Main Dancer
-Lead Dancer
-Main Rapper
-Lead Rapper
-Triple Threat

personal fanclub name : Fruit Loops

personal fanclub color(s) : Blue and Purple

likes :

  • she can twerk, but as a rapper she denies it and does not want to show anyone on camera (only the girls are allowed to see it ;) )
  • coke zero caffeine-free
  • letters and hand-written notes (she's a romantic)
  • cakes (favorite vanilla cheesecake)
  • vanilla scent and vanilla flavor in general
  • color purple
  • penguins & dogs & frogs (favorite animals)
  • transparent umbrella
  • pasta
  • tea (except for black tea), favorite tea is green tea

dislikes :

  • coffe (makes her hyper and restless)
  • boring ghost stories
  • sweating
  • fruit flies, moths, mosquitos
  • dark chocolate (bitter food in general)
  • raw meat/raw fish/sushi/raw veggies
  • Ailee's songs (even though Yoonah once was really into her voice and her music) since she's flirting with Jin/Jimin -> she behaves a little childish since then, but she admits it

hobbies :

  • looking for new recipes
  • skateboarding
  • watching movies

habits :

  • she always has Fruit Loops and Milk for breakfast + a cup of hot green tea
  • she starts singing while walking away from an argument (to make sure the other person notices that she does not listen anymore)
  • she always exercises in the morning, because she knows she is too lazy in the evening and would therefore try to find an excuse

trivia :

  • she likes Fruit Loops passionately
  • skinshipper
  • falls for bedroom eyes, abs, toned arms and if a boy's hair smell freshly showered
  • she's into the 'good guys'; sweet, innocent and pure >^.^<
  • has seen the movie "Home Alone" like a hundred times
  • right-handed; but left-footed player when playing soccer
  • she was in a soccer team in high school
  • she hates running
  • she has a thing for animals
  • she thinks guys with humor are more attractive than those who have a toned body. BONUS for the ones with both - like VIXX's Ravi
  • her favorite movie's "The Notebook"
  • doesn't like social networks, but likes instagram
  • enjoys looking at photographies
  • nice cooking skills
  • before she was into Jin/Jimin, MBLAQ's Joon and BtoB's Minhyuk were her bias
  • she is ticklish
  • she has a kiwi and pineapple allergy
  • she always likes the rappers/dancers of the idol groups the most
  • her brother is an idol who suggested her to audition

singing twin : (UJIN (D-Unit))

dancing twin :  (Minzy (2NE1))

rapping twin : Hyun A (4Minute) | back-up: Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls)

talking twin : JNEY (D-Unit)

trainee years : 3 years


Goodbye baby, goodbye

comments : omo, I did not want to choose between Jin and Jimin for the love interest and backup. So I would love any of them as my love interest. ^^ I am so excited for there first album. What about you? :DD (Would have chosen SUGA if he had been available. Since I've seen THIS video I love him. xD I was crying so hard laughing non-stop. He is hilaaarious. And so much more. You feel me I guess.)

song suggestions :

T-ARA N4 - Countryside Life feat. Taewoon

miss A - Lips

D-Unit - Talk To My Face

2NE1 - Go Away

scene requests :

  • pajama party with sweets, ghost stories, horror movies and talking about boys (of course)
  • truth or dare
  • Valentines Day
  • Christmas Party with a kiss under the mistletoe (and tons of mistletoes)
  • Leo and Yoonah time
  • Ilhoon ing Ravi

password : Jin || Jimin

© layout by tianajaofa



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