[RANT] This Guy is Truly Creeping Me Out

Okay, so I'm still in my internship program and I just really need to let this out.

This guy, he is trying to flirt (step by step) me since the first week of my internship.

At first, I still thought that it's okay to let him flirt with me, at least he still knew his limit.

Althou I only reply him with a "Yes" or "Okay".

LOL, I'm being a , I know.


But oh well, he's getting creepier right now.

He asked a senior of mine—which is in the same division in me (oh if you're curious enough, I have my internship program in a travel and I've got myself in the ticketing division)—information about me.

Thank God that my senior said "What do you want? Don't you dare to do something to her, she is in our team."

Hahaha oh well, I just had to laugh at that when my senior told me about it XD


And oh, about half an hour before, I posted a tweet saying that I really want to get a chance to do airport handling too and suddenly he replied to me like this:

"I'll ask the tour manager later for you."

But I replied to him that it's okay for me being in tix division.


He replied again, "Approved by the manager. He is going to tell your schedule tomorrow."

And I was like WTF? This guy is seriously way too annoying. I replied to him again, clearly mad at his decision.


Ugggh this guy sure has reached the limit.

I know that if I tell my senior about this, she's going to be pretty much mad with him and tell him to leave me alone, I believe.




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that's totally creepy...just take care of yourself dear..:)
OHMYGEE be safe, and u should tell ur senior about this creeper, she has to know and this creeper has to stop :(