〈 #06 ♡ ⋮ Kang Jumi 〉

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Keisuke ⋮ 9 ⋮ #6 THEn BEST FRIEND


name — Kang, Jumi
❝ nickname(s) — 
• Juya is the nickname she's given by her friends. It was made up by the bride and is used by all the girls. But they do call her Jumi more than they call her Juya. It depends.
• Kangju is the playful and teasing nickname that was used by the Exo boys (those she knows at least) back in the time.
Taemo - The nickname that comes out everytime she is being too kind. It means Godmother in Korean and is perfect to describe Jumi and her affable and caring personality. Generally used by everyone.
• Mia - Only Kyungsoo calls her that. It means "Mine" in italian and it is contitued of the last syllable of her name. She's never let anyone else use this nickname. It's been so long since she last heard it.
❝ dob & age — 02/21 & 25
❝ ethnicity — Korean
❝ languages — 
• Korean - Her mother tongue. 
• Japanese - Since she has been living in Japan for four years already because of her photography career there, she is fluent and can handle any discussion in Japanese.
❝ appearance — Ryn
❝ back up appearance — Girim / Chahun
❝ description — Jumi is quite tall, about 167cm and she weighs 53kg. Her eyes are quite big and brown, and her hair is a light shade of brown. Her face is pretty small and she always displays a perfect smile. Her skin is rather white and fair. She has those red-colored and cherry-shaped lips. Just on her higher lip is her most loved treasure, a little cute beauty spot which was Kyungsoo's favorite part of her as he said. 


❝ personality — Kang Jumi is a bundle of energy. She is always on the go and tends to get excited very easily. She cannot stay still for too long or she'll feel bad, not to mention the fact that she gets bored quite rapidly. She loves trying new activities and she never stops looking for action. She is gleeful and affable, which means that you'd never stay angry or sad for long when she is in the same room as you. Oftentimes, she happens to be a ray of sunshine who can light up everybody's day. She also is a good listener and good adviser who could help you whenever a problem gets in your way.

Jumi is helpful and outgoing, and it is hard to see her alone as she makes friends very easily. She has no problem to go to others and she is not the shy type of girl. If you ever need her to do something, do not hesitate to ask her this favor. Being the obliging lady she is, she'll do ti wholeheartedly and would help you until the end of the world if you needed it. She cannot say "no" to the ones she loves, especially her group of friends. Jumi is reliable and you can trust her with closed eyes, you know she'll always get your back. Smart and talkative, she likes debating with others and learning new things. Sharing her points of view with other people and getting to know what people around her think turns out to be something she really appreciates since she thinks it offers her new perspective of seeing life. She is open-minded and would always hear out what others have to say without prejudices. Enthousiast and spontaneous, with this cheerful personality of hers,  the girl is definitely the mood-maker of the group. With a lot of tricks up her sleeves, she also never fails to make everyone laugh with her bundle of lame jokes (she happens to really like this kind of things). She is cunny and sly, and that is something she cannot even try to change. If you want to poke fun at her forgetfulness, her wild spirit and her far-fetched ideas, go ahead, she might even laugh at herself with you or just laugh it off.

Jumi is an extremely tolerant woman. People can't be perfect, she knows it, so might as well accept them the way they are. She believes that faults are what make us more human. That is why she never once did show any kind of coldness even to those who aren't so cooperative - namely, people who do not return her kindness and can even be disagreeable to everyone. She knows better than to turn her back to others, no matter what the reason is. It does not take a genius to know that sometimes, people can do mistakes and she believes everyone should have the abilty to forgive and to give a helping hand to whoever needs it. This is why she has never showed any sign of hostility towards plot#5. She knows the girl has a good reason to be who she is, and even though she does not approve everything she does, she still is her friend and likes her the way she is. 

However, beautiful things can never be perfect and Jumi has her faults too. Being a sensitive woman, she tends to get hurt easily, though she tries not to show it. She cries easily but would hold back her tears in public in order not to make people feel bad. Even when she's hurt, she still cares for others more than herself. I guess this is her most important issue. Jumi is a real sweetie and she suffers from being too kind sometimes - she can never say no to anyone, even when she'd like to. She needs to just let go sometimes and take all she's got inside out. She has this habit of bottling up everything inside and it is hard to get her to admit when she is having a hard time because she would not let you know when she is sad. Though you can read it on her face. She is also reserved when it comes to love and appears to be a lot clumsier than what she really is. 

❝ trivia —

Likes -
• Photography
• Animals (all of them, they're just so precious and fascinating and cute and all)
• Anything related to chocolate (just set a chocolate fountain and you're sure she won't leave the buffet)
• Any form of art
• Strolling 
• Nature
• Debates (just about anything. She likes exposing her opinion and hearing out others')
• Sneakers
• Summer
• Sport
• Games

Dislikes -

• Meat. She does not eat meat.
• Alcohol. First, because she does not really like it. Secondly, because when she drinks alcohol, she gets drunk very quickly.
• Sad stories, movies, books or whatsoever (though she's read a lot, what a sadistic woman).
• The scent of coffee (it reminds her of Kyungsoo).
• Watching others suffer.
• Babies. Well, it's not really that she dislikes them... but they just freak her out. She likes babies but she's very awkward around them, as she does not know what to do, and she's afraid of making them cry (as a matter of fact, every baby she approaches starts crying for no reason).
• Comparisons. People are just the way they are. Everyone is unique. There is no room for comparisons.

Anything else -

• She left for Japan four years ago and has a professional career there.
• She gives a name to everything surrounding her (her camera is called Piki by the way).
• She's decided to write a letter to Ahreum that she'll read to her during the wedding ceremony in the name of their old friendship.
• She takes her camera wherever she goes, because you never know, a magical moment to capture can happen any time.
• Sometimes she comes up with Japanese words in her sentences; it's an habit.
• She thinks that #5 has found a good guy (she talked a little with him and he's kind and interesting) and she is actually happy for her.
• She brought one of her friend with her to the wedding since she didn't want to go alone (she knew Kyungsoo was going to be there and she was afraid he would have a girlfriend or something); his name is Hiro and he's a Japanese model Jumi is used to work with.
• Jumi has a journal in which she writes everyhting happening in her life since high school.




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back up partner — Oh Sehun
❝ personality — For as long as people can remember, Do Kyungsoo has always been a playful and cheery boy. Most of the time, you'd find him with a smile plastered on his face. He also is a childish man who happens to laugh at just anything. Just try and you'll see, making him literally burst out of laughter is not exactly a big deal. His weird, child-like behaviour can sometimes make him look like he's still 14. Kind of 4D, he is careless and never thinks about the consequences of his actions. He does what he wants to do, when he wants to do it, that's as simple as that. 

He is naturally kind and can never leave anyone behind. Well, at least to the extent possible. Because when this boy does not like someone, he really does not. Utterly, definitely, completely, and he cannot even try to be gentle. Kyungsoo is also extremely straightforward and he is not afraid to speak his mind. He just does not know that sometimes, things should be kept for oneself. Guess he's too immature for that. He just blunts out everything he thinks and he has hurt a lot of people doing that, but he does not even notice. 

His playful nature never failed to draw people to him, and he is very good at making everyone feel happy. Even if he does not think twice before doing something, he does not mind the consequences because, after all, you only live once. Kyungsoo is the kind of man who can never be too serious for too long. It can seriously kill him. He wants to live life to the fullest and plays around every time he has the occasion to do so. No, in fact, he just does it everytime, whether he has the occasion to or not. It does matter to him; he creates occasions on his own. Do Kyungsoo is a little ball of dorkiness, and his babo-ness would literally kill you sometimes. But that's why people like him. He is true and does not try to be someone he is not.

Though he displays this air of pureness and innocent cutie, he knows his ways and the boy can actually seduce any woman out there with just the wink of an eye. His seemingly innocent face and his cute clueless expression always seem to get them all over the place for him. His personality is definitely the key point of his success, and he definitely knows how to use it. Charming, cheesy when he needs to be and definitely a sweet talker, he is the man every girl would fight for. He actually really likes being surrounded like that, though he does not really need it. It's just a way of getting himself busy. He's a little, cute player who likes getting all the attention. A popular lady's man, that is what Do Kyungsoo used to be back in high school. And well, he still cannot help but check out whenever a hot girl passes by him. He's a man, after all.

Do Kyungsoo has changed a lot. He's still the playful boy they used to know, but it is just incredible to see how much wisdom and sense of responsibility he gained. Well, he does not use it all the time though.

❝ relationship — Then : Kyungsoo and Jumi used to be best friends. They met when they were still in elementary school and went through everything together. All throughout their school years (well, before he left), they were always in the same class. They've only been seperated once (7th grade) because they were unmanageable when they were together. This year of not being in each other's class was hard for them but it helped Kyungsoo to realize that they maybe relied a little too much on each other for their own good, though this did not stop after this experience. As for her, she just opened her eyes about her true feelings for him. What comes to people's mind when you ask them Kyungsoo might be Jumi's name. And vice-versa. They were never too far from one another. Kyungsoo would always let out childish and greasy remarks and innuendos only to embarrass her in front of everyone. He found a lot of fun in doing that, and she always came up with remarkable comebacks just to back. They were a tight pair, caring and protective over each other. There was not a single person in their school not knowing about the sibling-like relationship between these two. Even though it was obvious that she felt more. Maybe Kyungsoo had always known, maybe he didn't. Maybe he just did not try to know more. But there was obviously a point where he found out. A few months before he left, she was ready to confess when he told her that something happened at home and that he had to go. Jumi had the feeling that it was all an act. Maybe it was, she'll never know. He just couldn't return the love she had for him. Spending half of their lives together, he grew up to consider her as a sister. She was one of the most precious people in his life and he needed her, but she was also a girl who he couldn't cross the limit with. And it pained him that she couldn't see this limit, because all she did was getting hurt by feelings that should have never been. It's hard to love someone who does not love you back.

Now : He's inwardly jealous of the guy she brought with her. Is he her new inseperable mate? They seem pretty close. It's true that he left like an uncivilized idiot but he does not completely regret. He needed to do that. At least for himself. To be a better person and come back as a strong, responsible and experienced man. He did not get it when he was still a rebellious and careless teenager but he eventually understood that his father was right. He did the right thing by sending him away though Kyungsoo feels like there is now a gap between him and her. Well, that's obvious after what he's done. He cannot explain this pain in his heart when he sees that somehow she just happens to be different. It makes him realize a lot of things. Obviously, she changed too, and he was not there to witness her becoming a woman. That's what he regrets the most.

At first, he feels insecure as to what to say about his brutal departure and the way he left without even saying goodbye. He does not know how to apologize although he knows that he's already forgiven. Years have passed, he had his reasons and his friends has forgiven him, he's sure about it. But what about her? He decides to act like he's always done and to be the Kyungsoo he used to be back then. The first time he sees her again, they are all toghether with their old friends when he steps in the room. He notices her and he sees the look in her eyes and the change in her facial expression when she acknowledges his presence. He feels awkward but he nevertheless smiles brightly and starts to pull every one of them in a warm embrace before pouring out his life, what he's been doing for the past few years, how he's been doing and so on. Everyone listens to him very carefully and with a strong interest but he wants her to listen to him too. He wants to ask what she does now, if she's ok, if she lives well. He left and he's sure she's been low because of that.

But the fact that he left was not the problem. The problem was the way he did it, and his silence during all those years. Jumi would like to ask for an explanation but she just cannot. She would like to smile at him and just say that she's forgiven him a long time ago, but she cannot. Because it is not true. She prefers feigning and acts as if she was the happiest girl in the world - that she has always been since his departure. When she first sees him again, her heart pounds so fiercely that she needs to take a sit, and while he spills out every detail of his life, she just sits there and does not really listen to what he's saying, only catching some words that make her heart ache again. She does not want to ruin the atmosphere of her friend's wedding - it's supposed to be a happy day! - so when there is people around, she still smiles and does not show her confusion and pain. But when it's only the two of them, the atmosphere tends to tense up a little.

He is the love of her life, she knows it, yet she cannot seem to overcome the pain he inflicted her by leaving without a word and she cannot forgive. Or can she? The power of love can be so surprising sometimes. But this will definitely not be easy. And who's this guy she brought with her? Is it possible that there's something more between them? Kyungsoo wants to find out.

❝ trivia —

• Knows exactly how to make a conversation more lively
• Has an innocent image but he definitely isn't
• Cannot be near dogs for too long - he's allergic
• He falls sick very easily and he just catches almost every virus out there
• Kyungsoo is known to be a good cook and if you ever let him use your kitchen for just an hour, he'll make you fall for him with his cooking skills
• He's been to a school of culinary arts to specialize in pastries making
• He really likes kids and would like to have at least 11 boys later so that he can make a family football team 


the wedding bells.

❝ how you reacted to the wedding invitation — I was beyond dumbfounded at the news. This was amazing, fantastical, it was too much for me to handle and I just sat there on the sofa, taking a break during the on-going photoshot because tears came out of my eyes and I was not able to control them. I did not even want to, in fact. That was my very first reaction when I opened the envelop - bad idea to read the invitation at work, I tell you. Then, afterwards, when I really realized, I was like, "wow, get ready, let's take out the camera, it's gonna be a wild party with lots of wonderful things to photograph". I also thought about bringing someone with me, I did not really want to go alone and there was this Japanese boy (a really good friend of mine) whom I admit I was going to miss a little. I imagined Jongin to be a perfect man, because Ahreum deserved nothing less. I was curious as to what kind of boy he was, because knowing Ahreum's independent and indecisive personality, he must definitely be one of a kind. Then a thought just popped in my mind and I was horrified. I did not even know what to take them as a wedding present! What would they like? What would they need? What will the others get them? Should I just call them and ask? Trivialities like that actually hit me at that moment. I wondered how it will to be reunited again after all this time and I somehow grew impatient. It would definitely be amazing! Everyone would be there and I hoped to see smiling and bright, blooming women. Speaking of that... I immediatly though that he might be there too. And it made me a little nervous and angry, to be very honest. 

❝ home for christmas — I somehow felt this tangle of feelings rise up in my chest. I mean, this wedding meant that I had to return home, to go back to my beloved country and that I would see my precious friends. All of them. I was both happy and stressed. It would be my first Christmas in my own country since four years already. It seemed like ages since I had been to Korea again and I did not even speak Korean there in Japan unless I spoke with my mom on the phone or some other special occasions. So I grew anticipating and insecure. What if I looked like a weirdo with a strange Japanese accent? I do not know if it was because of the bliss or the shock, but those kinds of far-fetched thoughts flooded my mind and I suddenly felt like I was going back to my teen years again. I missed Korea's air, I missed my mom's voice (other than through the line of my cellphone I mean), I missed my favorite coffee shop in Namdong-gu so yeah. I missed drinking soju with my boss in Incheon's streets so yeah. That was it. I was going back. I was coming back. To wonderful Korea.

❝ scene requests — 

• Their first meeting after all those years, obviously. I don't know, I imagine it to be really happy for him while she is torn between joy of seeing the the man she loves again and the fact that he is fine and the pain of bad memories going back again. The atmosphere could be a little awkward too, but I think that their friends are the ones who make it awkward because they are a little embarrassed and confused with this situation. Nevertheless, the nonchalant attitude of Jumi and Kyungsoo leaves them speechless.
• Kyungsoo making a fuss about how close this Hiro boy seems to be with his best friend and him confinding in one of his friend because he feels guilty for what he's done and he'd like his relationship with Jumi to go back to what it used to be - she's too distant for his liking even though she tries to appear as if nothing had changed.
• At the end, Kyungsoo's insecure because he found out Hiro has something for Jumi and he thinks he cannot compete with him because he is a hot Japanese model who sincerely loves Jumi and he's never done to her what Kyungsoo did. But when he admits it to Jumi, she's there to remember him that it does not matter what Hiro is or not, because "he is not Do Kyungsoo" and that's all she has ever wanted.

❝ anything else? — English isn't my mother tongue so please be understanding when it comes to grammar and all :> Also, I might edit this when I get any more ideas for the scene requests.

 it's the most wonderful time of the year



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