Be the light

Kyung Seong Wook

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Welcome To Reality

 Username: anabear
Profile Link: 1
Nickname: Ana
Activity of AFF: 9

Name: Kyung Seong Wook
Nicknames:  KY
Birthday: [mm/dd/yyyy]

 Personality: She is used to being alone and not needing anyone. When people offer to help or ask if she alright she always says she is fine. She doesnt let people push her around and will put people in their place. She gets what she wants and if no one will help her than she does it her self. If she sets her mind on something, she will accomplish it no matter how hard she has to push herself. Emotions are not her strong point. Being cold is one of her stronger points. If some one gets her to laugh or cry its hard to get her to stop. 
Characters Secret: She longs to belong to someone, she doesnt want to be alone, she doesnt want to ask to be with someone

Strengths: She can fend for herself, she protects others

Weakness: She hates to cry, she gets angry quick, she will shoot first ask later

Parents: [James and Sarah | 39 and 38 | Married | unknown | none | Deceased]
Pets: [Gae | 3 | female | Border collie | with me | 1]
Best Childhood Memory: Two people, just laughing with her
Worst Childhood Memory: Living in the orphinage 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Plot Choice: Plot 3
Face Claim: Hyoyeon 

Password: Im very very good


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