I am just so angry

Why is our society so ed up in way that cant be comprehended? I am so angry right now i could tear through a wall. 


Hitler killed the Jews because he thought they were an ‘affliction’ to the world. He believed that the Aryan race was better than any other races. He deemed the Aryan race to be perfect; with their blue eyes and blonde hair and white skin. He influenced an entire nation to believe that his morals and beliefs were right, which lead to the ruthless killing of six million innocent lives.

In a way Hitler still exists. Not in his physical form but in his mentality, as our society. It shatters my heart to think that even to this day there is a certain standard set by society. If a person isn’t five foot eight, they are short. If a person is six foot five they are gigantic. If a girl isn’t thin enough that you can see the gaps between her ribs and a gap between her thighs she is fat. If a girl is stick thin that you can see the joints where her shoulder and arm meets she is anorexic.

The world despises someone like Hitler because he physically killed six million people, yet when society is killing millions everyday slowly and torturously we don’t deem it wrong. You accuse teenagers that they bully others but have you ever stopped to think even once that you never thought your kid that it is okay to be four foot nine with no thigh gap or that it is okay to be six foot nine with a thigh gap.

You blame this generation for growing up wrong, yet no one blames you for not teaching your child that beauty isn’t skin deep. No one blames you for the times when you called a person walking by you fat with your child next to you. No one blames you for the times you called two boys who were in love as ‘fags’ with your child next to you. No one blames you for the times you so shamelessly flirted with another person other than your wife with your child next to you. So how dare you blame your child for doing exactly what you thought him to do?

Hitler might have died a long time ago, but society still hasn’t.

So I guess what I am trying to say is if you hate Hitler for his wrong morals don’t go around being a hypocrite when I hate you for your wrong morals.





Can you guess why i am so angry? And yeah this is an attempt at different sorta poetry :/


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That is so true! I've thought of it like that. Its sad how judgmental and superficial this world is!
AMEN to that sister. Truth spoken that. I agree 100 o/o
kara224 #3
Its like a speech of true words.
Nariko7star #4
I agree. Wholeheartedly.