It's sad

I simply browse across the internet on a daily basis and read comments and blogs here and there 

And it's surprising how many people you come across that cut and consider suicide.

It just makes me sad.

So many people resort to cutting and I didn't even realise how much.

I thought it was a rare thing.

But I come across at least one person on the internet who does. 


I really wish I knew what to say or do to help. It's difficult because I'm just behind a screen.

Please talk to someone if you are cutting. It doesn't have to be like that.

Bad things happen to make way of the good things that will come later. That's what I believe!

Take care of yourself.

If you're thinking of cutting, just know that you are beautiful and amazing and you don't need to resort to it. 

*throws nam hearts at you*



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there has been many times I wanted to pick up the knife and just slash my wrist, but I'm still strong so no, I didn't and never well.
what's the meaning of being human if you can't fight back?
I wish people wouldn't resort to these methods of punishment upon themselves. Not like anything would persuade them otherwise, since this is a pretty messed up world. It is the reason why people even do this to themselves.
aegyoplushies #3
I know someone at school that does this to herself and it makes me really sad that none of her friends that shouldn't really be considered her friend try to even help her when she started showing signs of depression. So she's become someone who needs constant counselling and it's even more tragic because her parents gave up on her :(.
I have two friends who used to try and cut themselves because people called them.. sl*ts and b*tches.
They were very popular.. and with popularity comes hate.
A few of my friends and I made them feel guilty so they stopped.
:D Hope it never happens again/
MandeeGee #5
I used to cut because it was a way to deal with stress during a really bad time for my family when I was high school. I'm not the type to yell at people or let out my emotions visibly so I inflicted all that frustration and anger upon myself as it was the only outlet I had at the time. The cutting led to other self-harm (I developed an eating disorder) but I was lucky and got help and I am a much happier and more stable person now although I do have days where I have to talk myself out of falling back into old habits.
twinklelittleme #6
I'm jst speechless abt dis. . .
I know know alot of people who wanted to suicide. I guess everybody has sometimes that you think "I don't want to live in this wrold anymore" "I hate everyone"...
I know that feeling how you want to just do something about it, but if you don't find a choice how you should act you think about suicide.
I'm watching one vloger that is really open with these toppics, because her sister suicited. She created a song and few vids and even a movie about it.
I would love for people to check her out (She's Anna Akana).
Even doh she's not my friend abd i don't know her in person i really have alot of respect for her :3
I used to cut myself because I considered myself ugly and I felt better every time my body suffered because it was its foult for making my life miserable... Then, a boy came along and showed me differently /ex boyfriend/. Now I learned to not do it because it really resolves nothing; I learned it was not exactly useful. /I know, I'm lame./
people play with their lives like it's nothing,cutting to only get attention but that aint cool, you're considered as mentally ill if you do they really need help with it ._.
....usually when people cut it's because they dont have anyone there and no one understands. Or the pressure is too big for them to handle. Then when they start cutting, it all makes sense...
I 100% agree to this!!! ♥