♚ the troublemakers | application form | Hwang Hyesung

What was rule no. six?


                                                         Hwang Hyesung | The Playful One

username: Sakura19Haruno95

activeness: Mika~


student's profile.

name: Hwang Hyesung

nickname: Sunggie, BJ (It's short for her persona)

age: 17, but turns 18 this year 

birthdate: 24.12.95

height: 1,72cm

weight: 46kg

birthplace: Busan, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese



faceclaim: Park Young Hee

links: Gallery

back-up faceclaim: Ahn Su Kyung

links: Gallery

any tatoos, birthmarks or scars etc: 
- Star tattoo on her left and right arm
- She has natural blue eyes (like in the photos)


all about you.

personality: She's a joker through and through. She loves to play pranks and have fun, but she does it all with a serious face. She finds pleasure in seing people suffer under her pranks and jokes. She doesn't save anything. When she's planning a prank, she plans it thorougly, piece by piece. Every single detail in the right place. As you can guess she's a detailed person by nature. Her bloodtype is A so they are quite detailed. Here's the thing, she's a different type of A (you can read about the different bloodtypes here, I'm actually bloodtype A myself^^ Now I'll take it you read about the "normal" blood type A's). She showes her creativity through pranks and jokes. She's also witty. For example, when she gets in trouble she's answer with a witty comeback, sometimes even the teacher doesn't know how to answer to those.

She's afraid of changes, she has ever since her younger sister came to the world. She was used to being the only child in the family, then she was happy and she was free. As she got older, she got more distant from her family (will be explained under family background). She may seem tough and hard on the outside, but she's actually insecure and fragile on the inside, but she doesn't let it show. She doesn't cry easily. But she is empathic towards people she's close with. She doesn't take from others, on the other hand she's not afraid to tell people what she thinks of them. Sometimes she can be pretty blunt and to the point, if she doesn't like the make-up people are wearing she will say something like: "What is that? Looks like a clown had his way with you,". And that's saying something. Though she's a joker herself, she HATES clowns, like the plague.

But even the badass has a caring side. Though she showes it rarely, her friends don't need to be reminded of Hyesung's affection and care towards them. She will let them talk to her about their problems and she would try her best to help, and if they need a sholder to cry on, she's there to give them a sholder. She lives life to the fullest and she has fun, every day. Maybe you could even catch her smile and laugh.

persona: The Badass Joker


- Pranks and jokes
- Horror movies (she gets some ideas for pranks there)
- Color black
- Apples
- Pandas
- She's a fan of Park Jung Min (and SS501)
- Disney movies
- Piano play
- Violin play
- Punk style clothes

- Clowns
- Color pink
- Romance movies
- Spiders
- Potatoes

- Tilts her head to the side when confused
- Jumps on the balls of her feet when impatient
- Fiddles with her necklace when thinking, while zooning out.
- When she laughs she hides it with the back of her hand (like Leo from VIXX)

- Spiders
- Deep water (even if it's in a pool)
- Loosing her friends
- Never finding someone to love (who would love her in return)

- She's a er for horror and disney movies
- She's a fan of SS501, but mostly Park Jung Min
- She completely detest clowns
- She always wear this necklace
- She owns an Alaskan Malamute puppy (the biggest in size in the Husky race)
- She likes to sit by the window when it's raining, just to look at it
- She always sits at the far back, closest to the window in the classrooms
- She's very flexible
- She want to find a man who can make her laugh (even if she hides it)
- She has the same name as SHINHWA member Hyesung
- Wishes for her parent to say that they are proud of her


family background: She grew up as a only child in the family, but when she was 5 years old she had a younger sister, then everything changed. Her parents would see to her and all that jazz, but they cared more for her sister than Hyesung herself. She always said to herself it was because she was a baby and babies needed more attention than her so she it up and said nothing. Then as her sister got older, she started getting spoiled. She got everything she pointed at and Hyesung never got anything. If she worked for it, they would think about it. 

Hyesung thought that if she got the best grades, did after school activities and such so that they would tell her that they were proud of her. So she got all A's and B's on every test and projects, but it was to no vail. Then as the years went by, she still kept her grades, but she started rebelling against her parents. Talking back to them, doing things she wasn't allowed to and even going as far as to run away. But her parents always called the police if she did and they would force her to go back home. That was also when she started with pranks.

Through out the rest of her school days she got closer to a group of girl who were like her, a troublemaker. And together the girls created havoc where they went, but throught all that,s he still kept her perfect grades. Though she sometimes skiped classes, the teachers never did anything since she was a straight A student, and one of the troublemaker at school. Even if she was a troublemaker now, she wanted to get into Seoul National University to study music and composition. That has been her goal all her life and nothing's gonna stop her from reaching that dream. Not even her so-called "family".

family members;

Hwang Jungjae | Father | 40 | They were very close, but they have drifted apart | alive
Hwang Minjing | Mother | 39 | They too are not so close to each other, but Minjing wants to right it up, but Hyesung won't let her. She's let her down too many times | alive
Hwang Minjae | Sister | 13 | They have never been any kind of close, and they do nothing together. To Minjae, Hyesung is a nuisence(?) | alive



love is in the air.

                                 ❝but how long can it stay?

partner: Cha Hakyeon, N

how you met: Hyesung was late to her new school on her first day (she did it on purpose) and was roaming the hallways and bumped into someone. He introduced himself as Hakyeon and showed her to her classroom. Since then Hakyeon has been an annoying thorn in her side, always asking questions and poking her and throwing his arm around her shoulders. N has been doing that since day one and Hyesung has gotten used to it and doesn't comment on it anymore. Before she was like: "What the hell are you doing?", "Don't touch me", "Don't ask me any questions, at all", and sometimes she would glare. She still glares at him, but not as often as before.

back-up: Shin Soohyun

how you met: She was walking home from her new school one day when it was pouring rain and Soohyun drove past her with his motorbike. He just managed to drive in a huge puddle ans it all splashed on Hyesung, making her soked and dirty. As Soohyun drove on, he started feeling sorry for her so he drove back. He said he was sorry and that he could give her a ride home. She just glaread at him and sat behind him. Since then Soohyun always asked Hyesung for a to and from school. 



anything else?: Nope :) But I'm sorry if there's any typos and/or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language :)

password: My bias at the current time is this y man~




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