So I Read This Story...

So I read this story called Anterograde Tomorrow. My heart just broke. That horrible piercing pain you feel in your chest when something so bittersweet just shoots you in the heart broke in my body and went dripping down around my feelings.  It was not so much the story itself that tore the heart out of me, but the way it was written. The prose was so sensual and captivating that I could almost taste the descriptions on the back of my tongue.  I think whoever wrote that story needs to ditch the fanfics and write something to get published.  If they ever do, I will find them. And I will read it.


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I've heard of that story but not read it yet. (I'm going through some personal things and just can't do any sad stuff right now.) I think the woman who wrote it had been active here but isn't anymore. I love stumbling on really great writing. There's hope for her too. 50 Shades started as fan fiction. (Ugh. I know. Just an example though.) The chick who wrote the Mortal Instruments books started as a fan fic author.