What is My Brain Telling Me

So I recently discovered the existence of EXO(don't hurt me). I like them enough to buy their albums and watch some of their videos. I like the Mandarin albums better than the Korean because the sound is more pleasing to my tin ear. Whatever, that isn't the point. The point is I keep having dreams about meeting Suho. There isn't anything naughty or about the dreams, we are just sitting and talking. In Mandarin. My Mandarin is sketchy at best and I just can never get the tone right since I am a Westerner. The weird part is, the guy never popped up on my radar before. I actually had to look him up after my first dream because I didn't know who he was but he looked familiar. The really weird part is I keep having the same dream and the same conversation with him. I've had it five times this week and it is only Thursday.  I took a nap on Wednesday, sue me. It's driving me nuts. He seems nice though, to be honest. But the dream is so boring!!!


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Oh my Gosh that's so cool T^T