I have been writing poems recently...

I was super angry and upset today......and well this is the result. This is something very new for me, never tried it so i have no idea how it is. Have a read anyway :) 

So i wrote three poems to kill my emotions :D


And one day this loneliness will finally win me.

It will take over every fiber of my being like a cancerous tumor.

Growing too fast and too out of control.

Withering my body and stripping away my soul.

Leaving behind a lifeless body.


And one day this loneliness will finally shatter me.  





Maybe if you had looked a little deeper into her eyes, you would have seen her soul screaming out to be saved from herself.

Maybe if you had asked her why she never seems to care you would have realized she cares too much.

Maybe if you had listened to her you would have known that she is just a girl trying to find herself in a world where everyone wants her to be something different.

Maybe if you had stayed longer you would have seen that lone tear slide past her cheeks.

Maybe if you had cared…..    





How dare you!

How dare you tell her she doesn’t understand life when she knows better than anyone how it is to feel so very alone with a thousand people surrounding her!

How dare you tell her she is never alone when she is begging people to listen to her when they are merely hearing her speak!

How dare you tell her to trust people when they broke her tiny heart the times they touched her tiny body like it was a showcase doll!

How dare you tell her that she doesn’t care about people when she cares enough to know not to criticize their actions, for she knows how that can break a person!

How dare you tell her she isn’t trying when that’s all she has ever done, just so she can be that perfect role model people expect her to be!

How dare you tell her that she doesn’t know what sorrow is when everyday is a constant battle between living and leaving because maybe then she will finally be able to go on without feeling like the world around her is crumbling!

How dare you tell her she doesn’t understand life!






Can you tell i was angry? haha just...writing is such a great outlet is all. Hope i didnt trouble any of you :(



Here i give you some y minho to make it up to guys for not updating in forever. I will start once summer break starts (in exactly a week). have a lovely day guys <3



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kara224 #1
u write amazing poems :)
And was that really the first time you ever wrote poems??? I usually can't stand reading poetry unless it's really good and I can relate... And I have to tell you this was absolutely amazing!! I loved them and I was definitely able to relate to most of your feelings... I'm glad you took your anger and frustration and did something constructive with it :D I sincerely hope that things will get better for you though because being angry like that is not good for your health (I've experienced that myself actually)... So, good luck, dongsaeng and I hope you'll cheer up soon *crosses fingers*
Evil_Keshi #3
Oh honey, it breaks my heart to read those, because you seem so angry and disappointed at some people... I hope nothing bad happened to you =/
By the way, those poems are so well-written and contains so many emotions !

Just wondering... How do poems work in English ? I mean, in English we have to end the sentence with the same sounds, like this:
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.
The last word of the first sentence ends with the same sound as the last word of the third sentence, same for the two others... How does it work in English ? :)
Nariko7star #4
Those are great and really powerful! They could be lyrics for songs. I'm glad you could vent your frustrations this way. It's very cathartic. ^^ Please feel free to share again anytime. What ever is going on, I really hope it will get better fast. I sympathize with the emotions you expressed above because I've felt them all too at some point. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. You can vent to me all you want. ^^
Omgosh my Dongseung are you okaaaiii??? :(. BIG HUGS they are beautiful by the way. But still you okay now?!?. You can talk to me if you need :). I send you lots of Minho thing if you need it :P i have many :D