Tips to better writing (aka things that annoy me)

Okay, so here are a few things that I feel that every writer should keep in mind. 


1. Use common sense. I feel like I shouldn't have to put this on the list, but sadly I do. There are a lot of stories out there that just don't exhibit common sense. 


2. If you're too inexperienced to know about , please for the love of god don't write it. I know that a lot of writers on here are really young and have never had , but that's not really what I'm talking about. You can be a 12-year-old and still write decent (though honestly I would question WHY a 12-year-old would be writing ). I'm talking about someone writing about who is completely misinformed on the matter. For instance, I read a story a while ago (I don't even remember what story) in which the male protagonist was trying to get over a boy so he went and had with a whole bunch of girls. In the story, the author wrote that this boy had with several girls, but that he couldn't get hard at all. HE COULDN'T GET HARD YET HE HAD WITH A BUNCH OF GIRLS. If you don't know that this is pretty much impossible, you really shouldn't be writing . End of story. 


3. Do your research. I know that not everyone can be an expert on every subject ever. But if you have an aff account I'm assuming you have access to the internet and by proxy you have an internet search like google or bing or similar engines. So if you don't know something, LOOK IT UP. It's not hard, and it doesn't take that long. Don't just make stuff up. It's amazing what you can find on the internet these days. 


4. Grammar and continuity is important. I know that sometimes you get to typing and your fingers are flying and typos happen. I know that sometimes you mean to type character A's name but you write character B's name instead. These things happen to the best of us. I'm talking about when there are consistent mistakes throughout the story. To be honest, those are the type of stories that I stop reading after a few paragraphs even if the plot is really good. Now I know that for a lot of people here on this site, English isn't their native language. And I think it is incredibly impressive that they can not only speak another language, but also write in it. I can't do that personally, so I have a lot of respect for those that can. That being said, betas are your friend. It may take a bit longer to get the chapter out, but there are plenty of people on aff willing to offer beta services. I've had people ask me to beta, which I don't mind doing at all. Sometimes it just helps to have someone else read over your work before you post it. As for continuity, if your character has green eyes at the beginning of the story, make sure they have green eyes at the end of the story and not blue or brown. For longer stories, character profile sheets are useful. 


5. Avoid "you" and "________" stories. Okay, this one is just a personal pet peeve. I can't read these types of stories at all. I know that authors try to get the reader more into the story by using "you" instead of a character name, but to me this feels impersonal and it actually keeps me from getting into the story. As for using "______" instead of a name at all, just no. It just seems lazy to me. But again, this is just a personal preference. I'm sure there are readers out there who enjoy these types of stories. 


6. Maintain characterization. This means don't change your character's personalities in every scene. Now in a lot of stories, you have character progression, where a character goes from being one way at the beginning of a story to being another way by the end of the story. This is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about having a basically new character every scene. For example, say you have a female character. Say you have a scene in which this female character is in a classroom and she's shy and she keeps her head down and she doesn't talk to anybody etc. etc. Say you have a scene directly after that where this character goes to the lunchroom and all of a sudden she's fiesty and big-mouthed and the center of attention. NO. Avoid this. Please. It can help to write out a character profile where you list personality traits, a list that you can refer back to. If one of your character traits is shy and you write a scene where the character is doing an impromptu stage performance, you may want to rethink your scene. Now this isn't to say that you can NEVER write a scene where the character displays the opposite of what they normally are. Outgoing, confident people have moments where they are shy and timid as well. That's just basic life. What I'm talking about is changing the personality often and at random. I hope that makes sense lol


7. Avoid flowery language for the sake of flowery language. Some writers like to use the fanciest words possible in their writing because they think it makes them sound smarter or like a better writer. This is definitely not the case. Often times when you do this, it makes you sound pretentious and it makes reading your work unpleasant. Most times, simpler is better. This isn't to say never use extravagant words or dumb your work down. But, when writing fiction, it's usually best to keep things simple. Rather than saying "it was a great pleasure to me to be of assistance to you," you can say, "I was happy to help." You also have to keep in mind your audience. This is key. 


Okay, so here are a few tips that will hopefully help you guys (mostly these are just things that annoy me OTL). I minored in writing in college and took several fiction writing classes, and these are all (minus number 5 lol) rules that were discussed in much detail in these classes. So I promise this isn't me just being an and trying to push my views on others. These are traditionally accepted rules for writing fiction and I hope that this helps at least some people ^^


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I laughed so hard at number 2.
thank you so much~ It helps me a little bit to improve writing~ (^.^)
That really help me,since this is also my first time writing a story and you have gave me a good(really good) advice...Thank you soooo much...
*slow claps*
there should a masterpost of all good writing tips so the word can be spread
gdi the comment is only 9 characters and that's all I want to say but it has to be 10 (hashtag first world problems).
thanks for this! its really hard to write and i think my writing started to (tho i think it already in the beginning OTL0 so i put all my stories on hold, but with this i think i can write more decent chapters..thanks a lot!