Why do strawberries always make me think of Gyu?

Yes, it has come to my attention that strawberries are now automatically (and inexorably) associated with our dearest Kim Sunggyu.

Wonder why that is?

It's such a mystery...

I mean, I honestly don't know why!

Anyhow, one positive thing that has come from this odd, and totally inexplicable, association is that I am going to join the Strawberry Chocolate Writing Contest. It looks like a lot of fun! You guys should join - the more the merrier!

Now, if you will excuse me, this pedonoona needs a snack...preferrably of the fruity red variety. Hmmm, wonder where that craving came from...


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kpopoppa #1
gah:) Strawberries ar my dav fruit so now I think of hamstergyu when i eat them
MissBunnyGyu #2
XD strawberries reminds me of Namu...
'cuz there soooooooooooooo much of fics where Namu is being obsessed with strawberries :P
lkimgirl #3
woah, the red-haired leader...
Lol I thought of woohyun
Now I'm gonna remember of Gyu
Midnight_Rose #5
Ahaha great now whenever I eat them, sunggyu will always popping up in my mind. I dont think I could eat it. Its so cute!! Curse u sunggyu ;)
I know why !~
His hubby favorite fruit !
Woohyum love strawberries <3
Wah I love your posts about sunggyu, I always look forward to them ^^ they make my day ^^
gyurain #8
I think strawberries are his favorite fruit
Strawberry hamster! haha

It's ironic how strawberries are actually one of my favorite fruits. I just wonder if Sunggyu tastes as sweet as one ;) heh heh
Even his hair reminds me of a strawberry /facepalm